Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Nothing better than completing all the Pacific Standard setups and the finale just on the hour mark especially with one random player last night.

But with the help of @pokemonfan58, I manage to do 2 Pacific Standard heists in one day.
I don't understand why Trash Talk fails so frequently (it seems to be about 1 in 5) if more than one player participates, when, aside from deaths, there's no reason for it to fail at all.
I don't understand why Trash Talk fails so frequently (it seems to be about 1 in 5) if more than one player participates, when, aside from deaths, there's no reason for it to fail at all.

You have to actually be trying in order to fail that mission. :banghead:
Honest question: How hard can it be to lose the cops as the Pilot in the Prison Break finale? Got through the prison, got Raskovsky out without anyone dying, the Demolitions man was a fantastic chopper pilot... and the second highest-leveled guy (out of 56, 113, 68, 42 - me) was the world's worst Velum pilot.

He landed the plane on the freaking freeway to pick us up, for crying out loud. Then, he flew along that same highway instead of heading to the drop-off point... keeping the cops on us, despite the chopper pilot's efforts. Eventually he flew nosefirst into a cell tower and we died. Freaking 30 minutes of my life wasted.
I get "Mission failed- Mission over" on Lost MC RIP all the time when I use a helicopter. Doesn't bother me though because it's funny doing that mission in 30 seconds despite failing it. :lol:
There is a trick for cleaning the cat house where you just get a Heli and land it on top of the motel and the lady will run up top and get in. I've had her in the chopper flying to madrazo' house and had "you left xxxx behind" and she sat next to me still.
Good to find all the GTP regulars in sessions now :D

Little text from other server I was in:

>wearing cop outfit (aw yes) in freemode
>message from 12 year old COD master aka xxMODZxx or whatever
>asks if I have halloween faceprint
>lol idk
>tells me he 'mods' + asks if I want to trade my account
>apparently wants to give me two accounts for mine
>seems legit
>tell him to wired 150USD to my Paypal then I'll give him my 'second account'
>no reply, blocks me

Kid modders these days :lol:
I spent 2 hours doing the prison break either because someone died, or the prisoner rushed in and died, or the vellum was destroyed...
When we finally reached the end, we couldn't lose the wanted level and complete the heist.
How buggy this game is nearly 3 years after release is amazing...
My character's face also changed after wearing a mask... wait what?

I also had a hacker spawn a turbine in front of my house. He even put some props inside it so I couldn't move, and they stayed no matter how many times I changed sessions.
I'm annoyed but I heard hackers can remove your money in the PC version so I guess I should look at it the positive way...
You have to quit the game to get rid of the infection mods. Last public lobby I was in had a modder who spawned everyone in the lobby next to him and then blew up everyone in someone else's name. Modder took me out of passive mode too. It's a joke that it's impossible to be in public lobbies anymore in last gen because every single lobby has at least one person with a modded account and usually a modder as well.
You have to quit the game to get rid of the infection mods. Last public lobby I was in had a modder who spawned everyone in the lobby next to him and then blew up everyone in someone else's name. Modder took me out of passive mode too. It's a joke that it's impossible to be in public lobbies anymore in last gen because every single lobby has at least one person with a modded account and usually a modder as well.
Same just happened to me, but I hit "Find New Session" before he could do anything.
I play on PS3 and while there are quite a few lobbies with hackers I often join lobbies without obvious rank 8000 hackers and the such. Is the "hacker situation" any better on the PS4?
Good to find all the GTP regulars in sessions now :D

Little text from other server I was in:

>wearing cop outfit (aw yes) in freemode
>message from 12 year old COD master aka xxMODZxx or whatever
>asks if I have halloween faceprint
>lol idk
>tells me he 'mods' + asks if I want to trade my account
>apparently wants to give me two accounts for mine
>seems legit
>tell him to wired 150USD to my Paypal then I'll give him my 'second account'
>no reply, blocks me

Kid modders these days :lol:
I literally had a guy tell me "give me 10$ psn 5$ paypal"
Do they really think that's going to work?
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Some rants of mine about pac standard:

- Why does someone always kill themselves with an rpg as soon as the doors open?
- Why does the person carrying the cash always charge ahead?
- Why can't people ride/drive at all and always find a way to get killed on the way to the escape point?
- Why do people still follow the dumb route up the mountain?
- Why do you kill yourself by jumping off the wrong spot?
- Why do I even bother with these?
I've got a question:

I've completed the heists up to the Humane labs EMP-setup through invites from randoms.
Would I 🤬 up my "all in order-award" if I would host the first heist myself now? I didn't feel like hosting at first, but I'm getting really tired of Lesters phonecall every time I get online. Well, it's that, and I want to earn more cash in preparation for the next update
I think if you host Fleeca then do the rest in order (starting with Fleeca) again then you should still get the award.
Some rants of mine about pac standard:

- Why does someone always kill themselves with an rpg as soon as the doors open?
- Why does the person carrying the cash always charge ahead?
- Why can't people ride/drive at all and always find a way to get killed on the way to the escape point?
- Why do people still follow the dumb route up the mountain?
- Why do you kill yourself by jumping off the wrong spot?
- Why do I even bother with these?

Apparently, if you don't go the mountain route in Pac Stan, the game is programmed to crash on someone's system. I can't verify that, but I've played with serious heist groups who play them all the time, so they have my trust.
I don't understand why people who do Pac Standard all the time don't own the 0604 Las Lagunas Blvd. property. All people need to do is just take a Karuma in that apartment, get everyone in the damn thing, and drive straight to the dinghy. It's the easiest way to do it by a mile and lowest risk overall with that heist.
Getting the Trashman outfit and Duffle bag through the help of some fellow GTP'ers 👍

Also owning all the Sumo and Racing playlists, people still don't realise that wheelies help when off-roading smh :lol:
Good: reached level 2114 legit
Bad: random modder joined the room and kept exploding me for no reason, then he spawned lots of people near me and made my game crash
Good: reached level 2114 legit

Good: reached level 2114 legit
Bad: random modder joined the room and kept exploding me for no reason, then he spawned lots of people near me and made my game crash

If your 2114 rank is proportional in terms of hours to my 85 rank, you've spent more than 300 days playing GTA-O. :scared:
I could be a 500 by now if I played on only one character legitly, but I stopped caring about GTA for the most part anyway a while ago. I honestly have more fun playing Black Ops 2 most days than I do on GTAO......
If your 2114 rank is proportional in terms of hours to my 85 rank, you've spent more than 300 days playing GTA-O. :scared:
i play it since they released it lol (its been 3 years) that was enough time to reach a 1000+ level

EDIT: lets not get the thread off-topic xD

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