Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
This happened online, but was not really related to other real people.

I drove out of my stilt apartment garage.

For some reason a NPC man on a moped was stopped in the middle of the road.

An NPC woman in an SUV obliterated his moped.

The man got off the ground, pulled her out of the SUV and beat her to death.

He then made a casual phone call while strolling away from the scene.

I watched a friend of mine clown a guy last night. Guy was a typical last gen douchebag with a modded account and combat rolled 24-7. What he didn't know is that my friend was also a last gen douchebag with a modded account and also could combat roll if he wanted to. My friend got pissed at his antics and played the douchebag's game by combat rolling and snack glitching. Guy that was being a douchebag proceeded to call my friend a hacker so my friend responded by blasting him on public chat and sending a pm threatening to hack his account (guy isn't a modder) and the douchebag left the lobby instantly. :lol:
Best: Nabbed a quad kill thanks to a homing launcher right as a completely filled up Maverick was taking off. All I heard on the mic was a bunch of simultaneous "HOLY 🤬"'s and a "What!?" :lol::lol::lol:
I trolled a friend of mine who is also a modder. He was spawning blimps and other stuff in lobbies and gifted me some homing rockets on my new account. I put them to use by blowing up everything he spawned. He even teleported away from me (not far enough) and I still blew up his blimps. My other friend who was in the lobby spent the whole time laughing his ass off. :lol:
Was that Maverick really a threat?
In a way, maybe. Two of the players in it were coming after me for a while so it was basically back and forth between them and me. One of those two players was the pilot so I figured they were all friends and we're gonna help one another against me. Besides I pretty much just saw an opportunity to do something and I took it. :lol:
I trolled a friend of mine who is also a modder. He was spawning blimps and other stuff in lobbies and gifted me some homing rockets on my new account. I put them to use by blowing up everything he spawned. He even teleported away from me (not far enough) and I still blew up his blimps. My other friend who was in the lobby spent the whole time laughing his ass off. :lol:

Three shots from a Heavy Sniper work, too. They have even further range than Homing Missiles. ;)
>finish job and spawn at sandy shores
>attain dodo to fly back to apartment
>level 50 in jet
>this will end well
>he circles around military base
>fly towards city
>starts tailing me
>locks on with missile
>time to troll
>shoots missile
>enter passive mode
>missiles hit and explode on plane but don't die
>starts flying around me while in passive
>parachute out of plane
>plane becomes solid
>flys jet into plane
>le boom
>confirmed kill on jet dude
>:lol: into the sunset as I enter my apartment
Been doing the new stunt races with a few mates and not just every few races, EVERY RACE someone spins you out and might even go off the edge of the track, and another thing is when doing the stunt races, 2 or more people block the track with they're cars, this has happened to me multiple times, sick and tired of it...
Yep, almost every stunt race I do now seems to have a few people who can't win so they park across the track and try and crash into people as they go past, some park at the top of a jump and spin you off the jump or send you flying all over the place.

It's a joke.
Yep, almost every stunt race I do now seems to have a few people who can't win so they park across the track and try and crash into people as they go past, some park at the top of a jump and spin you off the jump or send you flying all over the place.

It's a joke.
it really is!
I just use that cause my friends all use theirs. Though GTA races are priceless with all Insurgents because there is always one guy that gets killed and goes beserk because of managing to die in one during a race.
>Chilling with the squad doing VIP Work
>Finish executive search and make 25k
>Go back to @superstreet556's Yacht
>Salty dude we killed goes towards Merryweather Base to get Savage
>Le yacht party
>Salty dude approaches us in Savage, but hops into passive mode
>Le yacht turns on AA mode
>Salty dude gets killed in passive mode from AA shots
>Leaves session 10 minutes later
>Squad all :lol: as salty dude holds that L
"It's lit." In reference to salty dude's Savage as the AA guns began firing.

Pretty much mayne, play-by-play was:

>Turn AA on
>Savage flies over Yacht
>Shots fired "It's lit"
>salty dude is killed

End result:
The @rallymorten picture couldn't express this worst any better (or worse, I dunno).

Okay, but seriously: there's another few more bests that's part of my new series: "CEOh no he didn't", which has probably 2 so far. The gist: tap a CEO's cargo run (not actually ruin it), and see how far will they go to try eliminating me when I'm getting comfortable sending phone call weaponry from Paleto. And Benny Hill Theme song when they come close enough.
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Accepted a random Fleeca finale invite and the job went without a hitch--okay so we didn't elite it but the 6:30 completion time was certainly respectable. Finished the final cutscene to be greeted by a very loud kid (maybe 10) swearing up a storm in the lobby. Five seconds after I walk out of the bar (not sure where the other player went), the kid yells out "Oooh I'mma get this bounty." Sure enough, that bounty was me for having stolen a car. I've got my new fully-upgraded Lectro and figure I'm totally screwed with absolutely no protection (but thankfully bulletproof tires) when a bright green Zentorno comes flying up behind me.

I'm off, down the nearest alley and immediately on the boost, but it's not all that fast and the Zentorno is back on me after presumably hitting a few things along the way. Minding my braking to stretch out the recharge, I take as many corners as possible and boost as soon as I can after I make it around. Yeah, he's not catching up to me and keeps cussing as he hits things. The lobby's nowhere near full and he seems to be the only one going after me, so instead of slipping into my garage, I keep playing with him until he gives up and calls me a hacker because he's "supposed to be faster" than me.


I'm downright surgical on a bike.
Well, that was fun.

I went online last night and had a very vocal guy in the room, talking about others constantly going after him. I didn't do much about it: he drove into the airport while I was racking up distance in a Low Fly challenge, so I shot at him with the chopper's machine gun to keep him at bay (until a jet came and blew me into next week).

He obviously had friends in high places, since he was a level 30 with all sorts of toys available to him. At some point, he started tailing me as I was delivering a Sandking for sale. Mowed me down when I came back out. Okay, fair enough...

Found him paused parked a few blocks away shortly after. I figured I'd made enough money from all the stunt races that it'd be worth the laugh, so prox-mined his car. Figured he'd leave it at that.

I went into Passive Mode a little bit later, since I was just exploring on my own. See a blip speeding towards me: oh, it's him of course. He follows me everywhere, for quite a long time. Instead of going back to my apartment, I wander around. I walk slowly everywhere, stopping every so often to turn around and drink a beer in front of him. I decide to have some fun, and climb up a construction crane, turning off Passive Mode as I'm doing it. Wait at the top of the ladder, and shoot him. I imagine this should be annoying enough for him to back off.

Nope. Continues to follow me around (and I'm back in Passive Mode). I stand on the edge of the subway doors at the stop across from my apartment (Alta). As it starts to move, I dive in, and he doesn't make it. I watch as he runs after it for a while, before falling behind. Two stops later, he's back in a vehicle, shooting at everything he can (again, I'm still in Passive Mode). His car blows up.

He's still not done. He makes it into a car with me, so I drive it into a wall, bailing before it hits. Still follows. I head to my favourite annoy-others spot — the construction site across from the Alta building. I set off a gang war that has him killed, though it disables my Passive Mode. He tries to take advantage of that and prox-mines me, right as I reactivate. It drops off, I drink another beer... and get clocked by a NPC vehicle. Whoops.

Now, I head over to grab a helicopter to shortcut it to the top. He happens to get in... so I fly it into a building, ejecting just before impact. I land safely and get up to the top of the construction site. He spawns a jet, and I snipe it down before it gets far from the hospital H-pad. He tries to follow my method and bring a helicopter up, landing it on the lower, southern section of the roof. I've set a mine on the only ramp up to my section, and he blows himself up trying to lob grenades at me. Cue a few more attempts at taking me on in the jet — it was a real MGS2 feeling — and failing. I don't even have an RPG!

For some reason, he starts climbing the much shorter crane at one corner of the lot. I snipe him four times before he gives up. He's then driving around the block, and I'm not entirely sure what the plan is, but I kill him a few more times. All told, it must've been at least a dozen or so kills before he finally gave up. Sadly, a third person that got involved put a bounty on his head, and while I was the last person to kill him, he disappeared from the room shortly after, and I didn't get to collect!
My friends and I found a bus so we took and drove around the city and we started to have randoms get in the bus. It was loads of fun until a guy blew us up. Then two of the randoms in the bus were hackers so they went full on rage mode on the guy who blew us up.
My friends and I found a bus so we took and drove around the city and we started to have randoms get in the bus. It was loads of fun until a guy blew us up. Then two of the randoms in the bus were hackers so they went full on rage mode on the guy who blew us up.

The best hackers are the ones who serve justice in the most chaotic ways.
Best: Did the mission "Going down the GOH with some randoms but we damaged th truck so much it caught fire. I then came up with a plan; I moved the burning cabin away before it broke down and we all slplit up to find another truck. Truckers were apparently on strike that day but in the end each one of us found one. We raced to the container, still sitting in the middle of the road, hooked up, delivered the truck and got a nice 24k. Best thing is, after all this time, nobody even quit.

I had pulled that off on PS3 with a friend but never with strangers. The text chat on PC is a big help.
Just wrapped a hard/solo Mixed Up With Coke run using only a Special Carbine, AP Pistol and Heavy Sniper (so explosives), with no body armor and my Lectro for transportation--that was fun. Very satisfying getting it done without dying.
Just wrapped a hard/solo Mixed Up With Coke run using only a Special Carbine, AP Pistol and Heavy Sniper (so explosives), with no body armor and my Lectro for transportation--that was fun. Very satisfying getting it done without dying.

But how did you not get sniped by the AI Grangers with Micro SMGs? :lol:
But how did you not get sniped by the AI Grangers with Micro SMGs? :lol:
Either boosted away from or past them (the Lectro is awesome) and ducked around a building to use my Special Carbine. ;)

I was a little disappointed that the Buzzard didn't come after me once I started shooting at it with the sniper, though.