I went online last night and had a very vocal guy in the room, talking about others constantly going after him. I didn't do much about it: he drove into the airport while I was racking up distance in a Low Fly challenge, so I shot at him with the chopper's machine gun to keep him at bay (until a jet came and blew me into next week).
He obviously had friends in high places, since he was a level 30 with all sorts of toys available to him. At some point, he started tailing me as I was delivering a Sandking for sale. Mowed me down when I came back out. Okay, fair enough...
Found him paused parked a few blocks away shortly after. I figured I'd made enough money from all the stunt races that it'd be worth the laugh, so prox-mined his car. Figured he'd leave it at that.
I went into Passive Mode a little bit later, since I was just exploring on my own. See a blip speeding towards me: oh, it's him of course. He follows me everywhere, for quite a long time. Instead of going back to my apartment, I wander around. I walk slowly everywhere, stopping every so often to turn around and drink a beer in front of him. I decide to have some fun, and climb up a construction crane, turning off Passive Mode as I'm doing it. Wait at the top of the ladder, and shoot him. I imagine this should be annoying enough for him to back off.
Nope. Continues to follow me around (and I'm back in Passive Mode). I stand on the edge of the subway doors at the stop across from my apartment (Alta). As it starts to move, I dive in, and he doesn't make it. I watch as he runs after it for a while, before falling behind. Two stops later, he's back in a vehicle, shooting at everything he can (again, I'm still in Passive Mode). His car blows up.
He's still not done. He makes it into a car with me, so I drive it into a wall, bailing before it hits. Still follows. I head to my favourite annoy-others spot — the construction site across from the Alta building. I set off a gang war that has him killed, though it disables my Passive Mode. He tries to take advantage of that and prox-mines me, right as I reactivate. It drops off, I drink another beer... and get clocked by a NPC vehicle. Whoops.
Now, I head over to grab a helicopter to shortcut it to the top. He happens to get in... so I fly it into a building, ejecting just before impact. I land safely and get up to the top of the construction site. He spawns a jet, and I snipe it down before it gets far from the hospital H-pad. He tries to follow my method and bring a helicopter up, landing it on the lower, southern section of the roof. I've set a mine on the only ramp up to my section, and he blows himself up trying to lob grenades at me. Cue a few more attempts at taking me on in the jet — it was a real MGS2 feeling — and failing. I don't even have an RPG!
For some reason, he starts climbing the much shorter crane at one corner of the lot. I snipe him four times before he gives up. He's then driving around the block, and I'm not entirely sure what the plan is, but I kill him a few more times. All told, it must've been at least a dozen or so kills before he finally gave up. Sadly, a third person that got involved put a bounty on his head, and while I was the last person to kill him, he disappeared from the room shortly after, and I didn't get to collect!