I got a doozie of a story today! One of the funnier moments on GTA that I've had in awhile.
I decided to try some stunt races again today. (After my rant a few days ago.) After one race finishes, I become the host. Okay! First things first, catchup (Not ketchup,
@250 GTO.

) and slipstream are off! The less I have to deal with that, the more money I'll make, and the easier I can win these things!
First up, Double Loop, in the all powerful RE-7B! For some odd reason, I start dead last, but once the timer hits go, I jump up against the wall and make it up to third...and then promptly slam into the barier sending myself spinning...

I fall back to somewhere around fifth, but I'm back up to second by the time we get to the orange wall ride thing. Just after coming down off the wall, the leader crashes into one of the walls and I end up checking out on everyone for the rest of the race.
Whilst in the leaderboard screen getting ready for the next race, I hear someone on the mic: "Hey Leadfoot, you got a mic?" I wasn't really in the mood for chatting, (I never really am unless I'm playing with friends.) so I just let him be in silence. Shortly there after, he chimes in again. "How did Leadfoot win when he never passed me?" I'm sitting there thinking: Erm, bro, I either passed you at the start, or you're the bumbling idiot who hit the wall out of the wallride. He goes on about making claims that I was cheating, and such. I hear him exclaim that I must be cheating since I'm a level 496.

Granted, I gained roughly 120ish levels from a folly on Rockstar's part, but that isn't cheating range In my opinion.
So the next race starts: Trench II in my Dominator Racecar. Two laps later, winner, winner, chicken dinner. Right before I cross the finish line though, I hear my secret admirer, "I wonder if Leadfoot will win again." Well...uh...

. Again, another rant, about me being OP, and then the next race.
Maze Bank Ascent was up next. This is where, the two guys ripping on me, (The one guy made a friend!

) decide to bet on me and earn a bit of extra cash. Long story short, I win, with a bit of a small battle from a Jester, and they get a few extra bucks. At this point my Dad stepped in my room, where I handed him my headset to have him listen to these two comedians. After raking my headset off and laughing, he says one of the guys just said, "I ain't gonna finish, so lets make this memorable." No idea what happened, but it was funny.
The last race I did with these guys was Chilliad, which I loathe, but I decided to try and have a bit of fun with these guys. Time to bring out the Bullit! I then checked to make sure the guys had placed bets on me, which they did. I start the race, end up botching the start, and spend most of the race at the back. As we near the finish, I spot an RE-7B just ahead of me, whom I discovered to be my original #1 fan. We hit the last jump, and he ends up sliding to a stop, and not being able to get to the finish quickly. I manage to get the straightest landing I've ever gotten on the track, and pass him for fourth at the last second...IN A BULLIT!
After that, I decided enough was enough, and left the session. I couldn't stop laughing at these guys. How could you not assume someone to be good at racing with a name like mine?
