Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
>starts last in a 16 player stunt race (we were doing Plummet)
>waits a second to let the chaos unfold
>before the first turn i passed 5 people
>passes 5 more people on the long decent down (all of them were caught in a tangle up)
>5th gets t-boned as we exit the P-turn...hes out
>4th and 3rd took the same corner too fast and wound up crashing before the final straightaway
>now here where it gets good...on the last checkpoint before the finish line, the person in first tries to takeout second who was passing him at the time. both of them spin out just roughly 200 feet before finish line.
>i casually pass both of them to take the win
This was a good day in Los Santos.

First I finally completed the Prison Break heist (thanks to @rallymorten and @Christian_C ) making me that much closer to be able to help a certain group of people from Scotland, Denmark and England make some cash with the PacStan glitch (and other GTP'ers of course):)

After that, I accepted an invite to the PacStan heist from a random. We actually made it on the third attempt :eek:👍 But lost $100k :indiff:

And just now:

How to have a fun Stunt race:

Track: Plummet

Choose the Banshee 900R:sly:

Get poleposition 👍

Prepare to get shoved into the wall on the loooong straight at the start:nervous:

Outrun everyone, and get to the first bend at #1:sly:

Go three cars at the same time through the narrow part of the track before the tunnel under Fort Zancudo :nervous:

Do it successfully, and keep the #1 spot :sly:

Have #2 spin you around on the leaning circular part of the track, making you #3:mad:

Catch up with #1 & #2 on the last straight to the finishline and watch #2 trying to spin #1, making them both spin out:lol:

Pass the 2 players in front of you:D


That was a good day:cheers:
Got a random invite today to a user created stunt race that was titled "NASCAR Sprint Cup 2.0". Figured, why not see what this is, so I joined in with my newly created 2nd character, whom I've been trying to rank up for the past 24 hours (rank 12 hype!). It was a super car race on an oval styled track, with a jump on the backstretch, of course. So, I chose a stock RE-7B and got ready for the crashfest to begin. After being sent to the rear early on, and after 10 laps, I clawed my way back up to the front. Had a pretty clean battle with an X80 and a Zentorno, until they wrecked, and a red FMJ comes out of nowhere. Was running in first coming to the finish when the FMJ had a huge run with slipstream on me. I suddenly had a thought come through my head that: "I'm a rank 10, in a wreckfest of a race with a stock car and I'm somehow leading; I ain't finishing second." So, once they got beside me, I made a sharp right into the FMJ, forcing him into the outside wall, cementing my victory. Was it clean? No. Was a huge win for a new character that ranked me up and payed $35,000? Heck yeah!

To whoever the GTPer was in that race, if you were the FMJ, I sincerely apologize, but if it wasn't, I believe they still finished 2nd or 3rd, so not much harm done.

Totally kicked everyone's but with a low level character, though!
Stole an Oracle XS because I didn't have any vehicles to sell in my garages and it was the most valuable thing on the streets, and that prompted a series of messages that, while not unique, appeared in an entertaining order.

Text message from "Unknown": You jacked my ride, I'm going to have you smoked.

Game message: You've received $2000 for continued good behavior! Keep it up.

Text message from "Unknown": Watch out, someone has put a Bounty of $9000 on you.
Best that I've dealt with: Having to completely and repeatedly torture and bully my friend's Online Character many times with fist, knife, car and gun fights and making him lose in every single street race I do with him.

Worst: Every other player online in races, they like to ram you off the road and are very similar to Forza's Drivatars, they drive like aggressively wild zoo animals.
The double Xp/cash events are great, but why can't I have smarter team-mates.

Had two players fight over the same seat in a Valkyrie when the other side had a gun free :lol:
Random prison break finale. Many things went wrong:
  • The ranks were: 46, 32, 22 and my 102.
  • Higher than all of them combined, yet they still made me the Prisoner, to be babysat by the level 46.
  • I arrived at the prison bus first in my Turismo, only to have to wait five minutes for the Prison Officer to finish his wonderful, breathtaking cruise through Blaine County in his fabulous Issi.
  • Despite Agent 14's explicit warning, the apparently braindead Prison Officer opened fire at the very first guard he saw and even stopped to kill more guards, while I ran through the prison with a pistol and 90 bullets.
  • Demolitions showed no signs of life.
  • The Prison Officer killed less NOOSE than Rashkovsky.
I bailed on them after the sixth restart.

I proceeded to join a Humane Labs - Valkyrie setup, where things went relatively well, except that the host was just plain bad at it. We would still be at it if the difficulty was set to Hard.

Yeah... heists with randoms murder brain cells.
Continuing on my solo adventures of playing double RP/$ events another story:

>Play entourage with randoms
>Play on map near the beach
>Few rounds of winning and losing
>Become target
>Aw yes
>Moving towards extraction zone swiftly
>Teammates too stupid to take the lead
>Walk ahead of them
>Only 2 bodyguards left
>Le sigh
>Get to the clothes store
>Everyone dead
>Time to troll
>Hop up on top of clothes store
>Proceed to fish kills since top keks
>Everyone trying to climb up to the rooftop, shotgunned ASAP
>Finally end up dying from a knife even though I pistol whip the guy (R* logic)
>Finish the round with a loss, go 35 and 1
>Play a few more rounds, match winners
>End up with going 63K/9D :lol:

Bruh when will people learn
An AP pistol, if I'm not mistaken.
Eh not too bad I suppose, could be worse.
An AP pistol, if I'm not mistaken.

Like @m8h3r said, it could be worse. Teammates should be dropping heavier weapons during the mission. Anything (besides the Uzi) is better. If you're being really cheap, just buy an AK and hand it over.
When I'm prisoner, I go to the gun shop and either buy a better gun or have the guard drop me a gun and ammo. Bear in mind that a restart requires another trip to the gun store so it's only an effective method if done with competent randoms and is useless if stuck with a team of idiot randoms.
When I'm prisoner, I go to the gun shop and either buy a better gun or have the guard drop me a gun and ammo. Bear in mind that a restart requires another trip to the gun store so it's only an effective method if done with competent randoms and is useless if stuck with a team of idiot randoms.
competent randoms

I do not fully comprehend this term. :P After all, it is only approximately 5% of the time that I end up with semi-competent randoms; competent ones are a very rare, if not extinct species nowadays.
Resurrecting the thread with a story.

So I was casually cruising around the city centre in my new 811, when a wild Hostile Takeover appeared. The CEO of a Polish organisation was speeding down the Great Ocean Highway from Paleto Bay, carrying the briefcase. I immediately called for my Buzzard and flew in his direction, stopping to hover near Fort Zancudo. As he drove by followed by a squad of cops, I fired a couple of missiles which locked on to the cops and he was caught in the blast, dropping the briefcase. I landed amidst the chaos to pick up the briefcase and end the mission as soon as possible, but the game thought it would be fun to have my Buzzard spontaneously explode and kill me.

I respawned under Zancudo Bridge along with the opposing CEO, whom I got into a fight with. The score was 4-2 in my favour when he somehow managed to make it to the bridge and take the briefcase. Meanwhile, another VIP decided to join the fun. I killed him once, quickly spawned my Buzzard and gave chase to the Polish CEO who was heading towards the briefcase drop-off. I bombed him, along with some nearby cops, but I was shot out of the sky by the other VIP, who was then killed by the cops. My "original" rival made his way to the briefcase, which was lying next to a cop car, only to be riddled with bullets from my rifle before he could take off. I grabbed the briefcase and sped off in the cop car with my snack menu open, spamming P's and Q's, Meteorites and EgoChasers on the way to the drop-off. Eventually I got there with a huge cluster of cops after me and delivered the briefcase for a nice payoff, escaping in my Buzzard afterwards. :)
this weekend has been good for racing...and like last time I got clips:

First one: so the guy in this ugly blue RE-7B was trying (and failing) to take me out the entire first lap...

Second one: Just watch...

and this one...What the guy in first was thinking:
This stunt race? I won that.
Your Massacro? Topped that.
This race meta? F@&k that.

Those landings in the second video were awesome. :P Gotta love these miserable fails to take someone out as well.

It's always interesting to see someone winning the race in cars that are not part of the "meta" (consisting of the RE-7B, Tyrus, ETR1, X80, Zentorno, T20 in supers for example); like when I won a race in the 811 or the guy above who won a sports race in the Coquette. Then again, if you race dirty enough, you can win a sports race in a Panto...
this weekend has been good for racing...and like last time I got clips:

First one: so the guy in this ugly blue RE-7B was trying (and failing) to take me out the entire first lap...

Second one: Just watch...

and this one...What the guy in first was thinking:
This stunt race? I won that.
Your Massacro? Topped that.
This race meta? F@&k that.


That fastest lap though!!

I remember doing the double loop one at Zancundo and coming either 2/3Rd with I think Joker and Flash out of like 15 people whilst using the Banshee. Scary track that one :lol:
That fastest lap though!!

I remember doing the double loop one at Zancundo and coming either 2/3Rd with I think Joker and Flash out of like 15 people whilst using the Banshee. Scary track that one :lol:

hm I might have been in that race as well...I dont see too many people with banshees in races.
To the rank 71 who was fighting me for 3rd place: I took the outside of the turn just so you could easily pass me, because you were going much faster. Why did you still feel this inexplicable urge to PIT me? Jesus Christ. :indiff:

In the next race, everyone started at the same time (unlike in the previous one, where half the grid started five seconds earlier... :rolleyes:) Until we were 25 seconds in, there was no indication of position, no leaderboard, nada. I was apparently running 2nd or 3rd though. At that point however, the leaderboard finally came alive and showed me as 13th, with an accompanying "Wrong Way" sign. Because I had seemingly missed the first two checkpoints. By the time I respawned, I was at the start line, with the person above me on the leaderboard 25 seconds up and no ketchup catchup.

Yeah, I'm having none of that, R*.

quits race
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Some guy in a lobby I was in had a bounty and roamed free, so I took his bounty. He replied by whining, putting a bounty and mercs on me, and then went passive mode. I killed him a few times after he came back out and then decided to empty the lobby several times with friends for good measure. That guy probably regretted giving me that bounty in revenge before he ragequit the lobby.
Today has been a great day and it's only 11 AM :D

Story #1: A fellow CEO felt like interrupting my crate buy mission seconds before I arrived at my El Burro Heights warehouse. The Stockade I was driving took his bullets like they were nothing and I made it to the warehouse safely. A few minutes later, I saw a special cargo blip on the map and his name next to it, so I headed there in my beloved Buzzard. As soon as he saw the chopper blip, he stopped the delivery vehicle and got out. I did the same, rifled him down and shot 3 RPGs at the truck to destroy it.

As I flew back to my office in my Buzzard, a wild jet griefer showed up, followed by the dreaded triple beep. The Buzzard's cannons are worthless, so I had to resort to the missiles to take him down. We fought for a good two minutes, with me constantly rotating to face in the same direction as him so that his speed would carry him past me and give me the opportunity to shoot. Eventually one of my missiles blew him up, giving me my second win in a jet vs. helicopter matchup :D

Story #2: In the next session, I saw a "convoy" of sorts on the map. It was yet another Special Cargo blip followed by a Buzzard blip. I flew by in my own Buzzard, only to be shot down by the CEO in his own helicopter and grab a posthumous kill with a missile in retaliation. By then it was too late for me to reach the two associates in the delivery vehicle, so they managed to get to their small warehouse safely.

It turned out that the crates they were carrying were the last ones they needed to fill up their warehouse. Indeed, seconds later a helicopter blip appeared again behind a special cargo blip at the airport. I approached them from behind in my chopper and fired two missiles at the opposing Buzzard to eliminate it, then launched two more at the Cuban 800 which was carrying $240k worth of cargo. The two associates bailed from the plane and tried to shoot me down, but I parachuted to safety and drove back to my office. :)

Moral of the story: 1) Don't do crate work in 30 player sessions and 2) Buzzard = MVP. :D
A few weeks ago when playing on my second character, somebody sent me a text along the lines of "U dead girl" when I killed someone whilst I was flying a Lazer since he was harassing people.