Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
Do I want to ask this? Are both of his legs (mostly) gone?
We shouldn't be discussing a link which is very much against the AUP.

I'm sure we'd all seen that photograph already.
I hadn't. There is a video where you can see his blood dripping from his legs....
I'm just wondering, why is it called Terrorist attack???

Ignoring the religious/political meaning;

An attack that has caused terror. Pretty fitting.


Guy arrested on Boston Common. Might be unrelated, but maybe not.
I'm just wondering, why is it called Terrorist attack???

Not confirmed. Not official. No-one has clamied responsibility. However it's pretty obvious its deliberate and designed to cause injury and death.

I agree, it's probably not NK, but the work of an amatuer. But, my mind at least, can't 100% rule out a NK involvement. Their past attacks and current intentions keep a 10% possibility rolling around for me. All I'm saying.

You think they'd bother with a couple of small bombs on a marathon race? Theres nothing prestigious about that. If they're going to do something it'll be big, nuclear, and probably involve missiles.
Last edited:'s pretty obvious its deliberate and designed to cause injury and death.

Which makes it an attack with bombs. Not a terrorist attack, yet. Just saying.

EDIT: Not saying it was NK, but even this small of an attack wouldn't be below them. They have yet to prove that they are capable of anything major. Besides bragging. Hopefully, they never will
Boston Police Commissioner just said there are no suspects in custody.
That picture of that wheelchair victim is gruesome. That man in the gray shirt is actually holding his femoral artery I think. Hope that man to best the recovery.
Yeah, Obama is speaking live right now.

I'm just rewatching the explosions on Sky News, from a camera that was on ground level at the finish line. The first goes off right next to the man filming, then just a few seconds later you hear a huge bang further down the street. This really is horrific.
Quite sad that already, there's numerous conspiracy theories going about... Just completely infuriating that people don't have respect for those that not only get killed, but those that got injured and traumatized as well.
Quite sad that already, there's numerous conspiracy theories going about... Just completely infuriating that people don't have respect for those that not only get killed, but those that got injured and traumatized as well.

David Icke forums are straight on the case. NWO and false flag.