Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
Obama just went off air. He showed no sympathy other than it happened and "we will get to the bottom of this".

As if we didn't realize you were going to anyways.
What the f:censored:? There are people dead and dozens injured yet you're concerned about the validity of a photo :rolleyes:

Making sure the stuff posted here is correct is important. That includes photos of victims, too.

Obama just went off air. He showed no sympathy other than it happened and "we will get to the bottom of this".

As if we didn't realize you were going to anyways.

I wonder what you'd look like if a city in the country you were president of had just been bombed? :rolleyes:

Boston Globe:

MARATHON EXPLOSIONS: Boston hospitals report 107 people brought to seven institutions for blast injuries -- in addition to 2 killed.
Obama just went off air. He showed no sympathy other than it happened and "we will get to the bottom of this".

As if we didn't realize you were going to anyways.

Propaganda. I'm sure he's feeling it but showing strength to other nations. Obama in tears would be a huge hit on TV in certain parts of the world.
I remember the Iron Lady (not fondly) with IRA attacks. She was a stone wall.
So we have already had talk of conspiracies, people worried about the validity of a photo and trash talk about the president. Poor show, really really poor show, I've lost all respect for those discussing the above.

R.I.P to those dead, and my wishes go out to the families and victims of this tragedy.
Propaganda. I'm sure he's feeling it but showing strength to other nations. Obama in tears would be a huge hit on TV in certain parts of the world.
I remember the Iron Lady (not fondly) with IRA attacks. She was a stone wall.

Hadn't thought of that. Good call.
I saw the original photo. I can't find it now, but, that photo is not the real one.
For the sake of sourcing, here it is.
Content warning

I did also thought that it was fake, due to the nature of the de-attachment, which is odd from what I've seen, however it is real.
You can't expect Obama to be tearful or emotional. He has to be in complete control. He ofcourse, sympathises with those involved but letting his anger and feelings show when he's live for the world to see would be totally wrong.
Obvious act of terrorism, no doubt about it. Looks like the bombs were encased in ball bearings too as reported on CNN and Fox.
Hadn't thought of that. Good call.

Here's Maggies recount of the IRA attempt to kill her in Brighton in 1984. 5 were killed that night.


Lady Thatcher was – characteristically – still at work in her suite on the first floor of the hotel when the bomb exploded at 2.54am.

She had just completed her conference speech for the next day when Robin Butler, her private secretary, came in to hand her a last official paper outlining plans for the Liverpool Garden Festival.

Moments later, as she handed it back complete with her comments, an explosion rang out, followed by a deathly calm and the sound of falling masonry.

Walking across the landing, she called in to the room where a team of secretaries had been finishing typing up the speech to check they had not been harmed.

One of them, who had been using a photocopier at the time, had received an electric shock but was not badly hurt.

Their main concern, Lady Thatcher later recounted, was to reassure her that the speech, which had not yet been fully typed up, was still in one piece.

“It’s all right, we’ve got the speech,” they insisted, handing her a copy for her briefcase.

Tough as nails. That one.

Sorry for OT.
So we have already had talk of conspiracies, people worried about the validity of a photo and trash talk about the president. Poor show, really really poor show, I've lost all respect for those discussing the above.

R.I.P to those dead, and my wishes go out to the families and victims of this tragedy.

My apologies if I am included in this group. I have no intentions of seeming un-emotional in this tragedy. Nor do I have any desire to start any conspiracy talks, president bashing, or anything else. I'm posting to share my thoughts on this sad day.

I just don't know what to feel or think. My ire is raised. My sadness for the victims and their family is deep. I am even happy. Happy that is wasn't worse, as it could have been.


Here's Maggies recount of the IRA attempt to kill her in Brighton in 1984. 5 were killed that night.


RIP Iron Lady. A great woman indeed.
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For the sake of sourcing, here it is.
Content warning

I did also thought that it was fake, due to the nature of the de-attachment, which is odd from what I've seen, however it is real.

Oh man.

Maybe I saw a cropped version, then. Sorry.

Saw it on The New York Times. It is real. Sorry again.
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White House Official saying its an "act of terror" according to Sky News, did I here that right?
Obvious act of terrorism, no doubt about it. Looks like the bombs were encased in ball bearings too as reported on CNN and Fox.

Highly doubt it. The bombs were set off nearly two hours after the first runner crossed the line. It seems more like a targeted attack by an individual.
White House Official saying its an "act of terror" according to Sky News, did I here that right?

You don't need the White House to call it an act of terror. It is an act of terror, no matter what they call it. Might be domestic, might be foreign, might be a lone wolf who knows, but it's terrorism regardless.
Obama just went off air. He showed no sympathy other than it happened and "we will get to the bottom of this".

As if we didn't realize you were going to anyways.

Yeah just had seen that.

This is apsolutely terrible. I feel bad for the people there. Terrible images.

It watching CNN at the moment and they (also other news stations) have stated that there is a person being monitored by poilce as a person of interest. There is two confirmed deaths and 90 plus people injured.
They are also saying that there were two un-exploded bombs were found and defused. It could have been worse than it was. Just sickening

They are also saying it was a planned/cooridnated.

Also it is so sad but one of the two confirmed deaths was a 8 year old child.

Just sick.

You don't need the White House to call it an act of terror. It is an act of terror, no matter what they call it. Might be domestic, might be foreign, might be a lone wolf who knows, but it's terrorism regardless.
Agree. Doesn't matter if it is one person or a group of people.
You don't need the White House to call it an act of terror. It is an act of terror, no matter what they call it. Might be domestic, might be foreign, might be a lone wolf who knows, but it's terrorism regardless.

I'm with you on that one. However due to the tensions at the moment "Terrorism" targets certain party's. they don't want to start any rumours by insinuating certain terror groups.
If it is the main line terror group they will admit it as a victory.

I'm glad the mod changed the title of the thread as my gut reaction was terrorism but until a party owns up who knows.
You don't need the White House to call it an act of terror. It is an act of terror, no matter what they call it. Might be domestic, might be foreign, might be a lone wolf who knows, but it's terrorism regardless.

I have to say, I don't agree yet.

However due to the tensions at the moment "Terrorism" targets certain party's. they don't want to start any rumours by insinuating certain terror groups.
If it is the main line terror group they will admit it as a victory.

I'm glad the mod changed the title of the thread as my gut reaction was terrorism but until a party owns up who knows.

I'm on this train.

I believe that labeling this as terrorism will get most of the Americans wanting war and more blood instead of justice. Terrorism is such a sensitive word, as it stands on the 21st century. As it stands, terrorism is nothing but a term for anything we don't understand. Which shouldn't be the case.
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My sister works in the athletic department for Boston College, and she was at the race with a few friends and colleagues. They were standing about 50-yards from one of the explosions, and needless to say she was horrified.

The worst thing she said was the sound. Just how intense the sound was, of not just the blast, but the commotion of the people immediately after.
I'm with you on that one. However due to the tensions at the moment "Terrorism" targets certain party's. they don't want to start any rumours by insinuating certain terror groups.
If it is the main line terror group they will admit it as a victory.

I'm glad the mod changed the title of the thread as my gut reaction was terrorism but until a party owns up who knows.

Doesn't matter who did it, domestic or foreign, it is what it is, an act of terror. Mr. Obama can't say anything unless he's 100% certain of the facts, I wouldn't hold it against him in these politically correct days for not saying so.
This is just terrible. I sincerely hope that those affected are alright, and my thoughts are with them and their families.

I find it disgusting that people are using this as an excuse to accuse Obama of not caring. What do you expect him to do, turn into a weeping mess on the floor? He's running a country which may have been attacked ffs. Keep your right-wing views for another time.

'Muslims' is trending on Twitter, too, which also disgusts me. Let's wait until the facts are out before we start judging, shall we?
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