Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
According to a Boston local station, an interviewee stated that the police used the loud speakers at the event to broadcast that they were in the process of a bomb drill and that they had bomb sniffing dogs on the scene. This was occurring before the bombs ever went off. I hate to say it, but this is sounding a lot like a false flag to me.

* Puts on tin foil hat *

To add to the False flag conspiracy saw this linked at another website "Joined Facebook Saturday"

Logical reason, the group was orginally for something else and re-named? Or it's a photoshop? Either way it's abit odd, but didn't something similar happen with the Sandy Hook shooting where a Facebook group about it was made before the event happened?

* Takes off tin foil hat *

Tragic day for all involved.
Not surprised, I just don't see how the life of someone in Boston is more important than the life of someone in Iraq.

As far as I know nobody actually said that... again, the closer a situation is to our own, the more we will be impacted by it. We know how rare it is for a big, first world city to be bombed, therefore it is a big deal to us.

...the first world country logic is "wasn't anywhere close to what I know, therefore I don't give a damn".

Again, as far as I know nobody actually said that. I'm pretty sure that when most people hear about bombings in Iraq or Pakistan, etc. that they do care, and they do think about how tragic it is. I know I do.

This isn't the place to discuss this, so I'll finish off by saying that I'm sure most, if not all, members reading this thread are affected by bombings no matter where they are in the world. It would take a cold, cold human being not to be.
I am sorry but it is just my opinion. After you take someone's rights to live. Far as I am concerned you have absolutely no remorse or rights. You deserve the same fate.

Didn't mean to offend. Just thought of Mahatma Gandhi, and his beliefs. Hence finishing his quote.
Just watched Obama's address. I quite like the fact that he delivered the speech (no doubt written for him) in a matter of fact way. I'd imagine if this were to have happened at the London Marathon (in a weeks time BTW), Cameron would have been up there with all the BAFTA style theatricals going to turn it in to a vote winning speech... that would have been even more sickening. At times like this, I would rather have a leader, than an actor or even worse, a politician!
You do realise that if people find what you post offending, that is their problem? As long as you are within the AUP you can post what you like.

I know, but I'm not getting into a debate about religion and who's name I can use in vain or not. There's a time and a place for that, and this isn't it. I'd rather just rephrase what I said and concentrate on what's happening in Boston right now.
Akira AC
Not surprised, I just don't see how the life of someone in Boston is more important than the life of someone in Iraq.

I'm more shocked by 31 people dying in Iraq, that is sad, many parents, children and mothers could have been killed there, many families disrupted and affected, but the first world country logic is "wasn't anywhere close to what I know, therefore I don't give a damn".

Then go make a thread about it, we're not stopping anyone, and I'm not taking joy in it, either.
[Update, 7:38 p.m. ET] At least 132 people – including eight children – have been injured in the bombings, according to Boston-area hospitals. Boston police earlier said that two people were killed.

At least 17 of the injured are in critical condition, and at least 25 are in serious condition, area hospitals said.
Eye for an eye, how fitting ..

Makes the whole world blind.

In a world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

Logical reason, the group was orginally for something else and re-named?

That's the logical reason, but some people will believe anything.

Kids were killed because of this...completely shameful. Thank goodness there was a few medical tents nearby to aid those who were aiding the participants in the event. That fortuitously may have saved lives.
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[Update, 7:57 p.m. ET] Doctors are "pulling ball bearings out of people in the emergency room," a terrorism expert briefed on the investigation told CNN's Deborah Feyerick.

The same source said the blasts resulted in at least 10 lost limbs.

[Update, 7:43 p.m. ET] An 8-year-old boy was among those killed, a state law enforcement source said, according to CNN's John King.

Simply numbing.
That's the logical reason, but some people will believe anything.

Including the official story? :odd:

I'm not one to believe full out in any conspiracy theory, I just tend to question everything. And until there are real answers, I still consider every piece of evidence, regardless of its label, to be worth examining.

Logical reason, the group was orginally for something else and re-named? Or it's a photoshop?

Judging by the fact that whoever runs the page "likes" Fox News, BBC, and Sky News, it would seem unlikely in that regard. However, a photoshop is more likely if at all.
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It's difficult to place yourself in the shoes of these people. To imagine being the parents of that 8 year-old boy... it's just heartbreaking.
Hundreds of amputations?
That's what I've learned. Could be wrong. Most of them were performed before they got to the hospital.
Makes the whole world blind.
Then let it. Otherwise people won't learn.
I agree with this.
As do I.
[Update, 7:57 p.m. ET] Doctors are "pulling ball bearings out of people in the emergency room," a terrorism expert briefed on the investigation told CNN's Deborah Feyerick.

The same source said the blasts resulted in at least 10 lost limbs.

[Update, 7:43 p.m. ET] An 8-year-old boy was among those killed, a state law enforcement source said, according to CNN's John King.

Simply numbing.
Oh my god.

In regards to the Facebook page, how come no one notices it before the act happens...
10 dismembered limbs? That sickens me just thinking about it. Not that any number of dismembered limbs are bad enough, though. :ill:

Thank goodness that my uncle didn't attend that event. He lives in Boston and considered going to the marathon. He changed his mind at the last minute and had he not done that, he might not be around anymore.

It's a horrible tragedy, and I hope that the wounded have a fast and healthy recovery. My thoughts with the deceased and their families. :(

EDIT: And around 100 amputations at the site of the bombings? :ill:
I'm not one to believe full out in any conspiracy theory, I just tend to question everything. And until there are real answers, I still consider every piece of evidence, regardless of its label, to be worth examining.

...except the boy who cries wolf every time, when there's no wolf, no footprints, no credibility, uses distorted logic to arrive at the conclusion of "wolf", and has one agenda: to sell his products.

Yes, major news media serves to inform but mainly to sell time slots to multiple sponsors, but at least there's a shred of accountability that way.
I'm aware that their involvement has been disproven, but NK have done this before:
You need to re-look at the link you posted; that was an assassination attempt on the South Korean president, not a terrorist attack focused on innocent civilians, esp. that of Burma, a Chinese aid receiver.

If the North had the ability to attack this far east into the US, we would have seen similar events on the west coast as well. This is far too small of an attack for the North to put together against the US.
Unless it was a warning from NK.

I don't think so honestly but that chance, however small it may be, is still there.
...except the boy who cries wolf every time, when there's no wolf, no footprints, no credibility, uses distorted logic to arrive at the conclusion of "wolf", and has one agenda: to sell his products.

What's established as evidence is evidence regardless of what outlet it pertains to. Like I said, you can't rule out everything just because you instinctively label it as "conspiracy" talk.
Considering around 100 people were reportedly injured, I highly doubt that almost all of them needed amputations.

Well, up to 4 limbs per injured...., just saying.

Anyways, what a mess. I can't imagine what they must be going through. :(
* Puts on tin foil hat *

To add to the False flag conspiracy saw this linked at another website "Joined Facebook Saturday"

Logical reason, the group was orginally for something else and re-named? Or it's a photoshop? Either way it's abit odd, but didn't something similar happen with the Sandy Hook shooting where a Facebook group about it was made before the event happened?

* Takes off tin foil hat *

Tragic day for all involved.

It's probably a clever screenshot as the "joined date" is the join date of the member who made the page, there is another date shown on fan pages below that that says the date the page itself was started, this is not shown in that screen grab. For instance, this one says July, 2012 and below that is says April 2013.
Do you know how to read?

Sure dummy, I can read. You say something stupid and then take it back in the next paragraph. What the frack good is a warning if the sender remains anonymous and unknown?? Didnt that dawn on you? So why post such nonsense? Are the YouTube comments sections too busy right now?
Use some common sense, jesus. The North had no involvement in this.

I'm just theorizing. I don't believe they had anything to do with it personally. I'm just throwing that out there.
Sure dummy, I can read. You say something stupid and then take it back in the next paragraph. What the frack good is a warning if the sender remains anonymous and unknown?? Didnt that dawn on you? So why post such nonsense? Are the YouTube comments sections too busy right now?

You completely misunderstood my post.

Sorry for double post