Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
I find it disgusting that people are using this as an excuse to accuse Obama of not caring. What do you expect him to do, turn into a weeping mess on the floor? He's running a country which may have been attacked for Christ sake. Keep your right-wing views for another time.

'Muslims' is trending on Twitter, too, which also disgusts me. Let's wait until the facts are out before we start judging, shall we?

100% agree with you
Update, 6:47 p.m. ET] Initial tests indicate that the two bombs were small and possibly crude, with the tests not indicating any high-grade explosive material was used, a federal law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation told CNN national security contributor and former homeland security adviser Fran Townsend.

The source said the FBI considers the incident a terrorist attack, "but they've made clear to me they do not know at this time whether those responsible for the attack were a foreign or domestic group," Townsend said.

[Update, 6:35 p.m. ET] U.S. Rep. Bill Keating, D-Massachusetts, said an unexploded device was found at a hotel on Boylston Street, and another unexploded device was found at an undisclosed location.

Keating, who is a member of the House Homeland Security committee and has spoken to law enforcement sources, tells CNN's Dierdre Walsh that the incidents were a "sophisticated, coordinated, planned attack."

From CNN.
From George Takei's facebook:

When tragedies strike, heroes rise to meet the challenge: the first responders seen sprinting toward the blast site, the runners who changed course to run to local hospitals to donate blood, and the fine citizens of Boston who at once opened their homes to marathoners in need of a place to stay. When we come together, we cannot be brought down.

Now that's uplifting.
This is just terrible. I sincerely hope that those affected are alright, and my thoughts are with them and their families.

I find it disgusting that people are using this as an excuse to accuse Obama of not caring. What do you expect him to do, turn into a weeping mess on the floor? He's running a country which may have been attacked for Christ sake. Keep your right-wing views for another time.

'Muslims' is trending on Twitter, too, which also disgusts me. Let's wait until the facts are out before we start judging, shall we?

As right as you are in being sensitive over the Muslim trend issue, you should be equally as sensitive in taking the Lord's name in vain due to others feel about it.
According to a Boston local station, an interviewee stated that the police used the loud speakers at the event to broadcast that they were in the process of a bomb drill and that they had bomb sniffing dogs on the scene. This was occurring before the bombs ever went off. I hate to say it, but this is sounding a lot like a false flag to me.
So we have already had talk of conspiracies, people worried about the validity of a photo and trash talk about the president. Poor show, really really poor show, I've lost all respect for those discussing the above.

Sorry to break it to you, but these kinds of topics tend to bring out the wild speculations and misinformation. The populace is never going to be 100% with any result, especially when authority so much as gestures towards any current event, and then the games begin. As soon as that happens, the bats are quick to fly out of the belfry.

Not everyone engages the brain before typing, and emotions tend to override rational thoughts in times like this.
My thoughts are with those affected by today's events, but I would also like to make note of this for a bit of perspective - also occurring today.

31 and 200+

Great link and a reminder that this is a "normal day" for some. World is a ****ed up place.
According to a Boston local station, an interviewee stated that the police used the loud speakers at the event to broadcast that they were in the process of a bomb drill and that they had bomb sniffing dogs on the scene. This was occurring before the bombs ever went off. I hate to say it, but this is sounding a lot like a false flag to me.

Must be legit, it was some random dude on a local radio station.
According to a Boston local station, an interviewee stated that the police used the loud speakers at the event to broadcast that they were in the process of a bomb drill and that they had bomb sniffing dogs on the scene. This was occurring before the bombs ever went off. I hate to say it, but this is sounding a lot like a false flag to me.

OK, Alex Jones.
My thoughts are with those affected by today's events, but I would also like to make note of this for a bit of perspective - also occurring today.

31 and 200+
Great link and a reminder that this is a "normal day" for some. World is a ****ed up place.
Nah, is a reminder how people is ****ing insensitive.

It sickens me sometimes how people sees this every day on the news an act like nothing, but then it happens somewhere else and everyone loose their heads and get all sensitive, the value of life is greatly underrated.
'Muslims' is trending on Twitter, too, which also disgusts me. Let's wait until the facts are out before we start judging, shall we?

Atheism facebook sites are posting about people saying "Godless people did it".

People need to grow up.
It sickens me sometimes how people sees this every day on the news an act like nothing, but then it happens somewhere else and everyone loose their heads and get all sensitive, the value of life is greatly underrated.

Sadly, I'm guilty of this. :guilty:
Don't even bring religion into this. That's not important...

(edit. Directed generally, not at any poster in particular)

And what's almost as sickening is the fact that some of you guys are more concerned about debating religion and jumping to conclusions of who is responsible as opposed to the conditions of the victims. :yuck:
Nah, is a reminder how people is ****ing insensitive.

It sickens me sometimes how people sees this every day on the news an act like nothing, but then it happens somewhere else and everyone loose their heads and get all sensitive, the value of life is greatly underrated.

You are surprised that first world countries care about the news from other first world countries more than the news from third world countries? Shocker.

It's awful, I agree, but the closer the situation is to our situation, the more it impacts us.
Must be legit, it was some random dude on a local radio station.

I'm just stating his words, not mine. I don't see what makes him more credible than the next guy. The only reason I brought it up was because he's the first to report such.
You are surprised that first world countries care about the news from other first world countries more than the news from third world countries? Shocker.

It's awful, I agree, but the closer the situation is to our situation, the more it impacts us.


Rare occurrence vs Almost daily occurrence.
As right as you are in being sensitive over the Muslim trend issue, you should be equally as sensitive in taking the Lord's name in vain due to others feel about it.

Edited. Apologies.

And what's almost as sickening is the fact that some of you guys are more concerned about debating religion and jumping to conclusions of who is responsible as opposed to the conditions of the victims. :yuck:

Not debating anything, just responding to that particular post and showing what I've seen on facebook. I could care less about the debate and would actually discourage it.
Edited. Apologies.

You do realise that if people find what you post offending, that is their problem? As long as you are within the AUP you can post what you like.

Sickening, Stormtrooper217 is more concerned with complaining than the conditions of the victims. For shame!

Don't want to see speculation? Turn your router off.
You are surprised that first world countries care about the news from other first world countries more than the news from third world countries? Shocker.
Not surprised, I just don't see how the life of someone in Boston is more important than the life of someone in Iraq.

I'm more shocked by 31 people dying in Iraq, that is sad, many parents, children and mothers could have been killed there, many families disrupted and affected, but the first world country logic is "wasn't anywhere close to what I know, therefore I don't give a damn".

And what's almost as sickening is the fact that some of you guys are more concerned about debating religion and jumping to conclusions of who is responsible as opposed to the conditions of the victims. :yuck:

The conditions of the victims is the first priority. Finding the culprit is a very close second. As it should be. Preventing further attacks and potential victims is nearly as vital.
I have nothing but anger towards the person who did it and sympathy for all those affected by this tragic day. I really don't know what they should do to this person. Putting him/her in jail is a waste and killing him/her is a coward way out. He needs to go through hell for a terrible thing that he did. Whatever that may be, I don't know but it needs to punish him/her.

I'm tired of the "crazies" killing or hurting innocent people.
I have nothing but anger towards the person who did it and sympathy for all those affected by this tragic day. I really don't know what they should do to this person. Putting him/her in jail is a waste and killing him/her is a coward way out. He needs to go through hell for a terrible thing that he did. Whatever that may be, I don't know but it needs to punish him/her.

I'm tired of the "crazies" killing or hurting innocent people.

Ummm I agree in the terms of punishment. But it may sound creul what i believe is proper punishment for these type of people. I honestly believe that the person responsible if caught should have the same thing done to them as they did to the people that they harmed.

So in this case. The person responsible should have their limbs blown off one by one and then killed. Just my honest opinion.
Eye for an eye, how fitting ..

I am sorry but it is just my opinion. After you take someone's rights to live. Far as I am concerned you have absolutely no remorse or rights. You deserve the same fate.