- 13,918
- Adelaide
- Neomone
Sounds legit on paper but not necessarily true in practice, or at least not true for everyone. I was flat broke 20 years ago and on the verge of bankruptcy. Started a new business, drew no salary for 6 months and $500/month for 6 months after that. Worked back to back 18 hour shifts with 4 hours sleep in between to man the shop and a total of 63 hours a week just in the shop. I fought through it and came out smelling like a rose but I still enjoyed my life immensely when I was broke and living with a friend. I look back on those days very fondly and even at the time I never thought of myself as totally broke, just struggling. I knew I'd make it out for one reason - I was willing to work hard.
Most dudes I know have been in the same boat and every single one of them is successful today.
You had food, clothes and a roof over your head. I qualified those as largely necessary to be happy. You had a friend who was at least willing to look out for you to the extent of giving you somewhere warm to sleep. You were in no immediate danger, just discomfort.
Like I said, money doesn't necessarily make you happy (and destroying the rest of your life to get it certainly won't as many "successful" people have found out) but if you're struggling to stay alive for lack of it then it's near impossible to be peaceful, tranquil, or happy more or less by definition. Money fixes that problem, and is by far the best way to fix it in a modern society.
Tell me how happy you are when you're living under a bridge, wrapping yourself in newspaper and digging through garbage bins for food. There's a difference between facing tough times but still having your needs met and being legitimately on the edge of survival. You said it yourself, you weren't broke, just struggling. You'd have to go further down until a lack of resources would actually affect your ability to find happiness.
Sage advice from a man who knows:tup:👍
Slightly depressing that the first two are a thing, but the world is what it is. I'd also add to that list "be lucky". It's entirely possible to be smart, hard-working and personable and simply be in the wrong places at the wrong times.