<- BTCC -> Honda Integra RM Cup - Red_Leader Champion, Perfect Apex Teams, rolo Independents

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Wow skeng this is dedication!

Btw all this connection issues might be due to sony making tests for gt6 servers?
my best in slipstream is 52.5 best out of slipstream is 53.3, best time on lowest PP is 53.8 none slipstream. But my connection is looking horrible :c
Will it be a horrific halloween race for our connections?

Anyone will have a chance at winning if anyone has a chance to drop and disconnect.... MIND THE FEAR
I wouldn't be so sure about that Brendon. I disconnect from the PSN every two minutes.
Gotta love the commitment there Skeng.

Everyone's gonna habe to come up with some serious excuses now not to attend a race in the future
Absolute respect to you skeng m8 lool ;) race pace probably in 54's but pit stops will be crucial. tough on tyres here so could lose alot of time with late stop.
I've managed to get online at last. I haven't been signed out for quite a while which is a miracle. I don't trust it to work tomorrow though.
I have kinda of a bad feeling about this race :/

Let's hope a bit of the luck we missed so far will be back to us...

As usual please send me race highlights after each race!
That sounds awful Ian. Is it definitely the firmware? Is your router UPnP? If not have you done port forwarding/setup a DMZ? Checked ethernet cable connected securely?

Does Internet work ok on other devices. PC/lap top/tablet etc.
Rolo, if disconnections kill many drivers today too, would you consider awarding points to all the. Drivers who completed, i.e. 50 or 75% of the race? Else unlucky drivers and teams will find them overly hurt with no fault on their side and nothing to race for after just a couple of rounds...

Not to talk about my case in particular but we've been deeply hurt so far and even if in the disconnect races we finished last our team and bren's pilot standing wouldn't be already hopeless after just two races.

I know that there's drop scores but those cope for just 1 race so after the third disconnection in a whole season you are already done for lol this is just speaking my mind out to get to know other driver's opinion, nothing more

Hmm, there's no telling how many points to give though because you're never going to know where they would have finished. So we could end up in a situation where drivers are getting unfairly rewarded for cutting out.

The teams battle has drop scores too, and you're only 40 or so points behind 2nd. Buckfast made up that much ground on the Monster team in one round.
What about giving everyone who disconnects pts for last place based on how many were in the race?

E.g. A 12 car race. 2 disconnect. They both get 4pts. That way it doesn't favour either of them and it's still better than scoring nothing?
Hmm, it's something to consider (and I definitely agree with the sentiment) but I'm not feeling that comfy with bringing that in half way through a season to be honest. Perhaps it's something else to integrate into the new GT6 series rules.

I know this season isn't that old but I don't really want to be backtracking and changing old results to add all the extra points.

This is just my personal view though, I mean I don't know if people would want me to go back and give everyone who's DC'ed so far this season the extra points? If there's a big enough majority in favour then it can be done, despite my misgivings...
That sounds awful Ian. Is it definitely the firmware? Is your router UPnP? If not have you done port forwarding/setup a DMZ? Checked ethernet cable connected securely?

Does Internet work ok on other devices. PC/lap top/tablet etc.

I've tried most things Rob, including putting the PS3 into a DMZ.

Internet works fine on everything else.

There is a conflict going on since 4.50 between my ISP and Sony's PSN. If I play Modern Warfare 2, when I get disconnected the game continues playing for a few seconds, long enough for me to sign back into the PSN without being kicked from the lobby.

The PS3 works fine as a web browser too, it's purely the PSN which signs out. I've spoke to Sony and my ISP and the problem is getting looked at at last, but I don't know when it'll be resolved. I'm certainly not the only person with this problem, which is good news I guess.
True. Bit awkward to implement a few races in. Plus 3 or 4pts here and there isn't gonna change much. Driver's, Teams, anything. I think solving their connection problems would be a better solution ... for everyone.
@Ian_83 Wow. That does sound strange then. What about a full system reset of your PS3 and then re-load the 4.50 firmware. Maybe it got corrupt somehow during the download/install. Either that or fingers crossed for a 4.55/4.60 update.
I haven't tried a full system reset, just defaulted the system settings. I know someone that tried a complete reset to default and it made no difference....he was pretty mad after that too. Lol

The PS3 works fine on someone elses internet connection. Yet my internet works perfectly well except for the PSN, connection tests are about normal and streaming content on the pc is okay.

It's really odd. I wish that I could run the PS3 on the older firmware to eliminate a problem with 4.50.
It's just psn... I never ever disconnected in more than 5 seasons, my connection is ok, pings ok, speed and stabilty ok and tested on pc, i'm on a Wired connection.... But things started not working properly one week before the gt5 update containing minor fixes, and went worst after the update.

Whatever sony fixed must have broken something else for me and many others who never had connection drops before
Theres going to be alot of disconnecting tonight. i dont think you should backtrack rolo, but i think half points? for example if 12 cars running, and you d/c they can be placed 12th and awarded 2 pts. or if not awarded full points. what do you guys think? :)