I think that the intent is to build a car to one spec and effectively freeze it at the start of the season. If we impose a 50k cap on the car and allow people to swap parts on and off between races, still under the cap, I think that violates the intent.
Just a side note here, wouldn't the above apply to swapping your racing tyres for wets?
Back to this weeks race though, that's a tricky one about the chicane..... I take it that the game doesn't incurr an invalid lap for cutting the corner then? In the spirit of racing I would like to say that the 2 wheel rule apply but who's to say or even check up that the corner wasn't cut, unless we all start sending in videos of our quickest laps and I'm sure airrider doesn't want his email clogged up with that or having to sit through watching them all. I for one will stick by the 2 wheel minimum rule, self imposed of course.