It's now time to announce the winner of the latest BCC month to conclude: June Muscle Strain, and make an announcement about the Founder's Jackpot for the past couple weeks.
Since I was out on vacation this previous week, I couldn't really find time to post a lap time for Muscle Strain. However, I realized there was something I could still chime in on as a Jackpot, and that was my opinion on the cars in the Photomode Challenge. I picked the car I liked the most, and congratulations VTiRoj for your, what was the term? "Vanishing Point homage."
It didn't save you, though. This month's season champion is a new name: CMvan46! Congratulations on a win by just one point!
Alright, now with that out of the way, it's time to look to July, which will be on us in less than a week. And as always, with a new month comes a new BCC rules set.
As a dyed-in-the-wool American I would have dearly loved to have us tooling around in American cars for July, the month of my home nation's independence, but since we're all done stretching our muscles it's time for a European summer holiday as we all go on Le Tour de Grand Prix!
You will all work within a budget of 65,000 Credits, which you must spend on a European car. This European car may be of any make or model, but you are only allowed to spend 45,000 on buying the car. The change, and your remaining 20,000, will be used to prepare the car for a series of challenges. As usual, paint, wheels, and any maintenance work you may need to do (oil, engine overhaul and chassis restoration) will not be deducted from your budget.
Have your cars ready by Friday, July 1, when I will announce your first challenge.
And remember, tell your friends or any GT5 players you may know that now might be a nice time to join in!
Once again, congratulations to CMvan46 and thanks to everyone for participating. See you next time!