Bush Wins!!!!!

  • Thread starter PhatFat
All I can say to Kerry is lose gracefully Ohio is lost and with it the country. He should just be a man let it go. As someone on the news said this moring (I think it was a Florida senator and the quote's not exact but I cant remeber it exactly) "Kerry was such a great solider he should be able to recognize a sinking ship"
All I can say to Kerry is lose gracefully Ohio is lost and with it the country. He should just be a man let it go. As someone on the news said this moring (I think it was a Florida senator and the quote's not exact but I cant remeber it exactly) "Kerry was such a great solider he should be able to recognize a sinking ship"
In exactly the same way the USS Bush sunk during the last election.... 👎
Kerry's lost since its 99.9% feesable that Kerry will lose Ohio. Only if every absentee ballot is for him, which it won't.
I think we can wait 10 days to make absolutely sure. But if I was him, I would not be packing my stuff to move just yet.
I think we can wait 10 days to make absolutely sure. But if I was him, I would not be packing my stuff to move just yet.

I agree... Not to mention the litigation already started by the demo's demanding recounts in certain states. It could be weeks before we know for sure.
I am so sick of the campaigning (read: candidate bashing) and now I have to put up with weeks of drama - squabling about how one group cheated or lied or what-not. And for what? Neither one of the candidates is fit to lead a country, especially this country. We loose by them being our candidates and we loose again having to listen to them bicker about who's got the bigger penis. Then we loose again while their yelling about having their toys taken away.

I'm moving to Canada. Who's with me!
Witch states? I hear the southeastern side is witchy. Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi ... tend to be infested with the blasted vermen.
Which states?

None of them. The election is basically over. If it were a republican holding out for an electoral victory 150,000 votes behind with only provisional ballots left, many of which will be thrown out because they are attempts at voter fraud, people would be screaming for a concession.

Bush won florida in 2000 by 560 votes. That's close, 150,000 is a big margin. It's possible that every single provisional ballot could go to Kerry and it still wouldn't be close enough to force a recount.
I've been very surprised at the results the past few elections. How could the nation be split so evenly? It's amazing to me.
Which states?

Not sure, MSNBC said it was the upper eastern states. Lemme take a look at google and see if know which ones for sure.
Breaking News

Kerry Concedes.

Will hold press conference in 2 hours.

I'm glad if this is true, Kerry will retain his dignity doing this, instead of holding things up with legal debate over vote counting.
Not sure, MSNBC said it was the upper eastern states. Lemme take a look at google and see if they know which ones for sure.

I'm not finding the details. Perhaps I should verify my sources before I post information.
Bush Wins!!!!!
...we all lose

I'm a Bush supporter but there are certainly reasons why that is the case.

-He still has control of congress which means he'll keep spending like a mad man and growing government.
-It's possible that this could be a huge step toward anti-abortion laws (because one of the supreme court justices is getting pretty freaking old).
-It means that we have to deal with Hillary in 4 years instead of 8.
-It's possible that this could be a huge step toward anti-abortion laws (because one of the supreme court justices is getting pretty freaking old).
If Kerry took him on about the anti-abortion rather than the war on terror...it may have been very different.
-It means that we have to deal with Hilary in 4 years instead of 8.

Come on, its about time you guys had a female President :)

To be fair to Kerry, with 48% of about 120million people that voted, I think he actually got more votes than Clinton did in either of his elections. 👍

Kerry's a good man, he fought well, suffered the outrageous accusations about his military record, and can still gracefully accept defeat.
Kerry's a good man, he fought well, suffered the outrageous accusations about his military record, and can still gracefully accept defeat.

I happen to think he faught pretty dirty exploiting any issue, no matter how small, as an opportunity to attack the president. I guess that's politics though.

Come on, its about time you guys had a female President

I'd rather have Laura Bush. Seriously though I would take like 50% of the American female population over Hillary.

Condi Rice in 4 years!!!
Bush Wins!!!!!

...we all lose :(
Not all of us. Don't you dare speak for me. Not even all of you, whoever "you" are.
I happen to think he faught pretty dirty exploiting any issue, no matter how small, as an opportunity to attack the president. I guess that's politics though.
yep...thats politics :) At least he phoned Bush personally and said "congratulations Mr President". All's fair in love and war...and politics!

I'd rather have Laura Bush. Seriously though I would take like 50% of the American female population over Hilary.

Condi Rice in 4 years!!!

Condoleezza would get my vote 👍 Is it wrong that I find her quite sexy :lol:

She's even got her 2008 election campaign up and running ;)
I agree... Not to mention the litigation already started by the demo's demanding recounts in certain states. It could be weeks before we know for sure.

Indeed... Be patient people...

Indeed... Be patient people...


Dude...its official! Kerry will make a statement in 1 hour and 10 mins ;)

He phoned Bush personally to concede defeat, the AP is reporting this and it has been confirmed by a whitehouse aide.

Bush will address the US in 3 hours.
Dude...its official! Kerry will make a statement in 1 hour and 10 mins ;)

He phoned Bush personally to concede defeat, the AP is reporting this and it has been confirmed by a whitehouse aide.

Bush will address the US in 3 hours.

I just saw...

Very sad...

Ugh, 4 more years of Bush. I just hope he has better reasons, and better plans to fight wars if he chooses to do so (or is forced into one). The thing that concerns me most though is that he will likely put great limits on stem cell research, and take away the right to an abortion.