Religion, Sex, etc. is and should be a private matter, which is how it was set up in the U.S. in the first place. Practice what you will behind closed doors, but don't impose it on others. Bush lets his beliefs be known, and it is most obvious that he acts because of his beliefs in his religion (he said his favorite philosopher was Jesus Christ, now this could be because he doesn't know of any other philosophers, but I think it was probably because of his religion) also, one of his advisors is a religious cleric, who they have kept behind the scenes lately, but I remember seeing him on CNN (Communist News Network!) in 01 or 02.
Now, I'm confident his friends don't act because of their beliefs but out of a really large lust for money and maybe some power. It just seems like a great way to get the president to do what you want him to do.
The problem with Bush acting because of his religion and fulfilling his religion is that its unconstitutional, a minor problem. If he acts of faith, then he only acts to fulfill the needs of those who share the same faith, so there we go.
Side Comment: (It's funny how Islamic persons are embarressed about the fanatic terrorists who fight the u.s. and try to dissassosciate themselves from them, while in here in the U.S. we have a bunch of fanatic christian freaks and the normal ones trying to differentiate from them (I say that as a catholic).
(sorry if my grammar here needs work, ive been switching from croat and german for the last month)