Call Of Duty: Black Ops - PS3, PC, 360 - November 9

I wonder if you kill George, you get something..

He's basically like the Hounds, Thief or the Monkeys, isn't he? So I'm guessing it's a Max Ammo plus something else probably (no idea what though). Or just a Max Ammo.

There's an odd zombie weapon hinted @ 1.10, wonder what it is.

It's the V-R11. Apparently it turns zombies back into humans (as in the gallery on that page).

Well if it comes out on the second, I will let you guys know how it is in a few moments. Man...why am I excited to get this?
I've been up all night watching a live stream of this. So far it looks like you can't kill him even with the upgraded VR-11. He spawns on the first round and follows you around yelling out and making things very difficult for you. He also swings around what looks like a broken stage light that electrocutes you. My first thought was he seems a lot like the Nemesis from resident evil 3.
To give you first hand experience, he is really a pain. I shot him with the VR-11 and nothing. You have to bring him to the water or another small area with an interactive bell and shoot him. I already tried death machine and nothing.
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Just saw a gameplay of him getting killed. He got killed by a PaP'd Scavanger (IIRC) and you get a Random Perk Bottle and a Death Machine (dunno how long though :indiff:)
New personal best on Ascension. I ran out of ammo and made a suicide dive off the stairs but doc flop doesn't even touch them at this level. :lol:

I have not played any of the First Strike maps because I have not purchased the maps. But with the PSN being down recently and needing a FPS fix, I popped Black Ops into the PS3, started playing around with bots to get a simulated multiplayer experience, and quite enjoyed the game. My first online experiences with BO come on the tail of being a bit burnt out on FPS. Now that I have been playing some MW2 online and got some of that online FPS craving going again, I would probably enjoy BO more.

This rediscovering of sorts had reminded me of some of the issues I originally had with BO though. I am still quite annoyed that Treyarch decided it was a good idea to be a lockout feature on the FN FAL and M14 if shots are fired off too quickly. I have really enjoyed using the FAL in my bot playing and would consider using that weapon all the time if it was not for the lockout crap. It also really hurts my gameplay that the all of the pistols, minus the Python, are three shot kills close up in BO; that completely destroys most of the usefulness of a non-Python pistol. I have had a countless number of encounters in MW2 that the quick switch to a pistol because of needing to reload my primary weapon made all the difference between a death and continuing a streak. Now I could use the Python and much like the Magnum in MW2, I do not care for the huge visual recoil and the effect it has on my ability to put bullets on target.
I've been doing the same thing. Mostly trying out different class setups. Mac11 RDS & grip seems to work good and I have found that I really like the Enfield with ACOG. How these setups will work once online is working again is probably going to be a whole different story though.
That is definitely true. There are certainly more limitations to the FN FAL and M14 in Black Ops because of the fire lockout when compared to the FN FAL in Modern Warfare 2. In MW2, the FAL is limited in close quarters to how well one can quickly aim and put bullets on target; in BO, that is still very much true, but "balancing" can now rear it's ugly head at the most inopportune moments and prevent bullets from being put on target.
I think this is a bigger issue with the M14. I've never been able to fire either of them fast enough to get into the fire limiter but I think the FAL has a higher sustained ROF in practical use. Again this is just IMO. I don't use either gun much at least online because I can't stand the wooden furniture the come with. Call me shallow if you want but thats a bigger issue for me. :yuck:
The fire limiter issue is probably a bigger issue for the FAL since the recoil pattern tends to keep the weapon's sites on target longer. The M14 recoils straight vertical and needs a split second to recover before a follow up shot can be accurately placed. Fast firing can be an issue in close quarters and can be a huge issue in multiple enemy combatant encounters, where depending on the number of enemy combatants and engagement range can necessitate a whole lot of accurate single shot fire.

I do not really like the wooden furniture on the FAL or M14 either. I counteract that by applying a camo. I have recently taken a liking to the solids Dusty, Olive, and to a lesser extent Ice. Other than those, my go to camouflage is ERDL, as it is what the Woodland camouflage should be.
I wish there was a camo in the game that would make everything on my gun solid pitch black. My favorite camo that is actually in the game however is probably Siberia because it sort of looks like blue tiger.
I wish there was a camo in the game that would make everything on my gun solid pitch black. My favorite camo that is actually in the game however is probably Siberia because it sort of looks like blue tiger.

I would not mind a solid black either, then we could choose between the three major gun colors of black, OD green, or flat earth.
That would be awesome. I'd have an AK with a black frame and flat earth furniture. It'd be a lot like the MW2 AK was. I don't even use the face paints they could take that out for all I care and just give me more gun camo options like that.
Face paints in my opinion are pointless because how often do stop and look at your teammate's face paint. No one can usually even see them.
While we're on the subject of semi-autos, something I've been wondering is how the M14 works when you put a sight on it. Ever since COD4 the RDS/ACOG has always been placed over the ejection port but the gun still fires like normal. Am I missing something? So far only the EBR has got it right placing the scope forward of the ejection port.

The picture is of a M14 EBR, but will likely still apply to the normal M14. Just looking at the picture, some kind of special mount allows for clearance above the ejection port. Not having read into the matter at all, I cannot say whether there are any other modifications required to prevent spent cases from hitting the scope or mount.

EDIT: Looked at a few more pictures and there is quite a bit of variation in optic mounting on the M14.
Face Paints can be quite helpful if you're sniping on Array, for example. I'm prone in some foliage near that big power thingy and I think that snipers from far off can't spot me well because they can't see any skin. Just snow (unless they're really good :P)
I don't think any of the snipers have enough damage to be consistent 1 shot kills in core mode with a silencer attached. Not in practical use anyway.
TA was talking about flash hide. But I guess you don't see it if you get killed at the same time :lol:
Then I don't have to aim as much :D
Long range with a silencer, you don't see the muzzle fire. But with the L96, when you do see it. It is too late. I always used it with just the scope and the PSG-1 w/ silencer on hardcore.