Call Of Duty: Black Ops - PS3, PC, 360 - November 9

Have you ever tried Tactical Mask Pro? So much better IMO.

I would consider using it if it weren't for the campers. And in most cases, campers=claymores.

Besides that, I really think you can wreak so much more havoc with Hacker Pro. Nothing says sweet like blowing someone up with their own Care Package and turning enemy turrets against them.
My first perk's almost always Hardline. I'm not very good outside of sniping (and I suck ass in CQC). I've set my killstreak rewards on Spy and Counter-Spy planes and one other thing (sometimes a care package to share it out). Because with Ghost, they can't see you, but the rest of your team. But with Hardline, they can't see your whole team. And you can see them.
I would consider using it if it weren't for the campers. And in most cases, campers=claymores.

Besides that, I really think you can wreak so much more havoc with Hacker Pro. Nothing says sweet like blowing someone up with their own Care Package and turning enemy turrets against them.

Flak, SOH, Mask is good.

I don't really use Hacker except on my sniper class. I like it but I like Ninja more, it is not as good as it used to be in MW2 IMO but I love it because of that game.
Flak, SOH, Mask is good.

FJ is okay, but I prefer the other perks.

SoH is only perk I use along with Warlord.

Tactical Mask is useless if you don't have the Pro version, and getting it is a real...pain. Along with the fact that you have to pay 3000 CP for every Pro Perk you unlock in order to use it (I miss the simple challenge MW2 had to offer in order to get the Pro version).
FJ is okay, but I prefer the other perks.

SoH is only perk I use along with Warlord.

Tactical Mask is useless if you don't have the Pro version, and getting it is a real...pain. Along with the fact that you have to pay 3000 CP for every Pro Perk you unlock in order to use it (I miss the simple challenge MW2 had to offer in order to get the Pro version).

FJ I like because of claymores and grenade spam. People do not really abuse grenade launchers in this game but IMO normal grenades are still annoying as are claymores. Plus FJ Pro I get no damage from fire.

SoH is awesome, the only other perk I use in that class is Hardened because I like trying to wall people but even with Hardened the M16 is not so great at it :lol: Still fun to try though.

Tac Mask pro is a real hard one to get, the cost does not bother me because usually it takes me so long to get I have enough money but it is one of the only ones I have trouble getting before prestige. I have done it once and damn it is an amazing perk (I hate flashbangs more than grenades) but it is a tough one. I still like the non-pro though, which is why I use it. I got so used to running through Nova that when I do not have it equipped I always get stuck in Nova and usually it is my own :lol: I throw it and run through it.
I finally bought a new controller today. My old one was still broken from playing to much MW2. Its a sweet two tone OD green. I can't wait to try it out online. It feels much tighter. :)
Dang those were some awesome HQ games. We were almost untouchable most of the time. I'm gonna try and get a party together again after lunch maybe get a few more guys from Hupit. Anyone else that wants to play send me a friend request.
Dang those were some awesome HQ games. We were almost untouchable most of the time. I'm gonna try and get a party together again after lunch maybe get a few more guys from Hupit. Anyone else that wants to play send me a friend request.

I'm on Hupit what's you PSN Id?
Dang those were some awesome HQ games. We were almost untouchable most of the time. I'm gonna try and get a party together again after lunch maybe get a few more guys from Hupit. Anyone else that wants to play send me a friend request.

That is the first time I have ever played Headquarters. It was quite a bit of fun. I was fiddling with my class setups between most games and after playing a few games after the group, I think I have mostly gotten them where I want them.
I used to play objective games all the time before getting in with A6 and his TDM addiction. Sabo and DOM used to be my favorites and HQ has always been tons of fun. I'm still more of a slayer than a flag caper but I do it well. I had a 20 kill streak on Hanoi for god sake and I hate that map. I felt like an idiot for running 3-4-5 kills streaks on those games when I've got the CG & dogs unlocked.

As for class its pretty simple for me. Famas dual mag, hardline, slight of hand and marathon. Swapping on flak jacket for smaller maps is a good idea to. I was raging pretty hard at those ghost bitches on firing range that one game and thats the only time I switched to my ghost Galil class all day.
The lock out that prevents too rapid of fire with the FN FAL and M14 is absolutely ridiculous. The lock out "feature" has made me miss out on a number of kills tonight with the FAL; fortunately, a few times I was able to get away with not being able to shoot.
I played some Headquarters and Demolition yesterday for a bit after getting home from work. Headquarters was absolutely brutal. My teammates might as well had not even existed because they were getting mowed down so quickly; in turn, I was also getting mowed down because I typically do not win many multiple head on hostile engagements.

Demolition went a bit better. I ended up just camping the objectives, slaying anything that walked into my sight, and hoping my teammates would capitalize on my killing.
I only really play Combat Training in BO, and if I play anything else it's Zombies or Wager Matches. I don't really do online. I'm a pretty bad player in general at shooters. I only really got MW2 for playing with my friends...
If you use the Ghost pro and an assault rifle you are a noob.

The RC-XD is just so fun. Follow someone and blow him up when he least expects it.
Not to mention if ghost and assault rifles are noobish, what on earth does the RCXD come under :lol:. I smell either a troll or some heavy sarcasm, ain't nothing wrong with ghost and ARs but there's alot wrong with sitting in corners for the match duration.
If you use the Ghost pro and an assault rifle you are a noob.

The RC-XD is just so fun. Follow someone and blow him up when he least expects it.

This is what made me break a controller. Hate ghost soooo much.
Don't feed the troll anymore guys, I pointed out the potential troll so nobody wastes their time reinforcing what has been said and we all know.
I haven't played in a while but played a little because of the new map pack coming out. I was a week late getting it because I didn't have any money but I finally got it.

And my favorite one, I had been trying to get a care package from the enemy and booby trap it forever and finally did! I got two of them with it and it was the final kill cam which was pretty rad.