Call Of Duty: Black Ops - PS3, PC, 360 - November 9

It's also really nice when someone (me) jumps towards RC cars when using Flak Jacket in order to prevent someone else's death. I see an RC car with my FJ class and I see an opportunity to save someone's life, I'll never be thanked for it but I know I did my bit and it rarely results in my death directly from the car.

I'm trying to do more things like that and generally put myself in danger more to try and help others be it for objective or not as I've borrowed the game for a few days or been playing with buddys split screen, but it carries into my Crysis game to. Sure it hurts my KD along with barely playing COD (now 3.34) but I just find it more enjoyable now to be a team player. I mean I've always been a team player, but I've tend to always fall into a slayer role whereas now I'm trying to do well pretty much everything possible :lol:.

That's a rare thing to hear of someone doing, helping your team:tup:
That's a rare thing to hear of someone doing, helping your team:tup:

:lol: to true.

Do any of the US crew still play PS3? As tonights going to be my only late night with the game (and my late nights extend way past the rest of any EU players) I would appreciate an add and maybe have a few games with some overseas players. If my connection holds up at least a 2 bar anyway.
I have been playing some Black Ops lately, though I could not guarantee I would be on tonight.
:lol: to true.

Do any of the US crew still play PS3? As tonights going to be my only late night with the game (and my late nights extend way past the rest of any EU players) I would appreciate an add and maybe have a few games with some overseas players. If my connection holds up at least a 2 bar anyway.

If I didn't have to return it 2 days ago I definitely would have shown up for ya. Oh well.
Does it play smoother than it was at launch? I haven't touched it since then...

The connection is better than launch, but it is still lacking compared to Modern Warfare 2.

I still prefer MW2; but for a change of game, BO has been a good fill in for something slightly different. Most of my complaints with Black Ops still hold up though, but not to the same existent as before.
Definitely in that Nuketown 24/7. I went in a room and I'm sure the FPS dropped pretty low due to all the 'nades and the stupid-noobs-who-use-noobtoobs-cuz-theyre-noobs.
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Nuketown is just horrible period, the only map I consider point blank refusing to play. It's the same on almost all CODs of the modern era (4 onwards) there's that one teeny tiny map which is just horrific for any objective game and involves more luck then skill in all modes. For a smaller number of players (Team Tac) sure Nuketown would be the only one of that bunch to work but either way you're in danger the second you spawn.

Is anyone around to play now? Just finished a Crysis session and looking to make the most of the borrow of Blops. EU preferable but will try with US folk to.
Nuketown is one of those maps thats easy to do well on every time. The only issue is having a team that knows to not flip spawns. If you can keep the other team on their side of the map it becomes a shooting gallery.
Agreed, it's not entertaining for me on either side of that fence and it's quite rare you get a close game on Nuketown unless it's a real death fest where you get to shoot at 1 guy or nobody before you hit the ground which kills the buzz of a close match as you don't get to live to soak it up. It just encourages you to control the centre ground and barely move which is the only reliable way to live long.

I find Puketown my least consistent map for these reasons, there's no scope to use movement and adaptation to your advantage which combined with a decent aim (though not amazing with my playtime) and timing is my best assets.
I'm kind of a noob in BL, so how do you not flip spawns. I know that once a everyone gets into the middle the spawning kinda flips sides and such, but how would you stop it?
I'm kind of a noob in BL, so how do you not flip spawns. I know that once a everyone gets into the middle the spawning kinda flips sides and such, but how would you stop it?

If you have lets say the A and B flag DON'T cap the C flag or go to close to it or else the spawns flip.
If you have lets say the A and B flag DON'T cap the C flag or go to close to it or else the spawns flip.

QFT, the spawns basically flip if you push into the enemy spawn to far. Learning how far is to far is sometimes not easy on certain maps however one such as Nuketown is very obvious (basically don't push through the enemy house).
I've wanted to get Hacker Pro, and I thought one challenge was to get 30 planes destroyed, so I got the Strela-3. I then saw that it was a challenge for Ghost Pro.
Nevertheless, I'm still using the Strela :dopey:
I've wanted to get Hacker Pro, and I thought one challenge was to get 30 planes destroyed, so I got the Strela-3. I then saw that it was a challenge for Ghost Pro.
Nevertheless, I'm still using the Strela :dopey:

Hacker pro is my favorite perk out of all of them. I love booby trapping care packages and then they think you didn't get it and then BOOM!
Sweet. I just need to kill a bunch of people with Gren-C4-ades (chuck a C4 like a grenade, it's fun :D)
EDIT: My favourite gun sync in Black Ops
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Hacker pro is my favorite perk out of all of them. I love booby trapping care packages and then they think you didn't get it and then BOOM!

Ditto, and often results in a double kill as people fight for the crate as it did for me last night 👍.
Ditto, and often results in a double kill as people fight for the crate as it did for me last night 👍.

It does for sure, I do believe that everytime I have hacked a crate I have got a double kill:tup:
I always forget to do it, but hacking claymores is possible too and supposedly can be used to quite humorous results.
Claymores are a bit harder because usually they are setup to where you can't get behind them, well if they are setup properly that is. I have done a ton of turrets and sam turrets though, the machine gun turrets are fun to do because they don't realize until most of them are dead.
I managed to get Ghost Pro yesterday. I just needed to disable a sentry gun. There was one going down to the bottom of the launch pad on Launch so I hid behind a wall then sprinted, dived and managed to knife it before I got killed by someone camping behind it :lol:
Claymores are a bit harder because usually they are setup to where you can't get behind them, well if they are setup properly that is. I have done a ton of turrets and sam turrets though, the machine gun turrets are fun to do because they don't realize until most of them are dead.

Fair point. Like I mentioned, I've never even tried but only because I always forgot. I've heard some good (claimed) stories hacking peeps CM's though.

Not doubt hacking a sentry is probably the ultimate. Moving around the map and seeing those stolen +100's pop up is simply priceless. :D


EDIT: My favourite gun sync in Black Ops

:lol:... love it!
This game confuses me at times, maybe I should have read the manual. But at any rate, it annoys me that newbies are up against level 30-50 veterans, you don't get much chance with the weaker guns.