Call Of Duty: Black Ops - PS3, PC, 360 - November 9

Had a Pure game on Hotel with a bunch of Europeans (but the only people on the mics were French)... I had the worst signal of the game (everyone were three or four bars) with one bar.. and I was the MVP :lol:
Map pack 3.

:lol: Already. What's is say for the zombie map? My friend might go berserk about it. He made me agree that we'd do COtD at the same time so we get a 'even start' :lol:. Drive-In looks awesome and the Zombies map looks jungley, so it might be the original characters in 'Paradise'. (Just a bit of speculation there :sly:)
I dunno, but I'll buy it. Hopefully they officially announce it soon so I can get started on my 30 day wait period before I get to play it.
I love Grid. I hardly get to play it!

I'm getting a little annoyed with Black Ops lately though. I keep getting made as host, and it seriously effects my game in a negative way. I see everything in a delay. My stabs miss somehow and I get shot before I even turn a corner by someone I haven't ran into yet. Every room I join, I'm host by the 2nd game.

Just today, I finally get a room with people who vote for Hanoi(one of my favorites) and I get the host lag/delay, ruining my good time D:
I can usually get up to 30 kills easy there, but I was barely pushing 14.
Time to play MW2.
COtD's not the best map ("Five" takes that cake :D), but it's really cool mainly because George stops you from making Freight/Rape Trains easily, so he gives us a challenge. And if you look out over the sea, you can see a star thing that flashes and beeps in morse code. I don't have the patience to translate it, but I think it might have something to do with the Original Characters Trapped EE.

It's still pretty easy to hoard rape trains even with George around. The guy is just a minor annoyance once you get the hang of it. The only thing making COTD a bit challenging is the lack of traps, but the VR11 special feature which gives instakill to a teammate for a few seconds and the scavenger somehow compensate.

Indeed, the morse code has something to do with the easter egg. There's already a bunch of tutorials and vids about it.
I love Grid. I hardly get to play it!

I'm getting a little annoyed with Black Ops lately though. I keep getting made as host, and it seriously effects my game in a negative way. I see everything in a delay. My stabs miss somehow and I get shot before I even turn a corner by someone I haven't ran into yet. Every room I join, I'm host by the 2nd game.

Just today, I finally get a room with people who vote for Hanoi(one of my favorites) and I get the host lag/delay, ruining my good time D:
I can usually get up to 30 kills easy there, but I was barely pushing 14.
Time to play MW2.

Wow, you are the first person I have ever heard say they are annoyed being host! I have a good connection but my cable company has issues on my street which I have been trying to get fixed, so until they fix it I have a horrible connection. I'm talking about it freezing and me ending up in a wall that I was facing 10 seconds before lag problems, unplayable like that! But when I'm host I don't have those issues, everyone else does:) Being host makes a huge difference in P2P FPS's.

Here is what I hate in BLOPS, I take care of that in the funniest way I can, through a wall.

Just asking what your thoughts are for the Masterkey? I'm starting to use it and wow it's fun. 'Specially when you've got a Strela.
Is it me, or are there too many people using Second Chance and AK /w Grip and Rapid fire? If you die, you die! Not lay on the ground sunbathing!
Nah it's not just you. That's been a typical BOps class for a while now.
I can't even use the AK anymore. When the game first came out it was the best thing ever. These days though it just doesn't do it for me. I mostly use the AUG and occasionally the Famas.
I think I'm starting to get pretty good now.. got a 30-9 in a TDM on Summit. If I wasn't in that game, we would've lost by a landslide. The 2nd player in my team had 10-9.
Wow, you are the first person I have ever heard say they are annoyed being host! I have a good connection but my cable company has issues on my street which I have been trying to get fixed, so until they fix it I have a horrible connection. I'm talking about it freezing and me ending up in a wall that I was facing 10 seconds before lag problems, unplayable like that! But when I'm host I don't have those issues, everyone else does:) Being host makes a huge difference in P2P FPS's.

When I am host, I experience lag and delay on my side. :ill:

There have been one or two times I was host, and I had an advantage, but haven't had any advantage recently, that's for sure.
When I am host, I experience lag and delay on my side. :ill:

There have been one or two times I was host, and I had an advantage, but haven't had any advantage recently, that's for sure.

Rumor has it they attempted to introduce "host advantage compensation" with BO. I don't know if this is true or not, but it definitely has received much suggestion on the 'nets.
That's pretty possible. Because my best game ever was on two bars (30-2 FTW!!!), and my best Pure TDM game was on one bar, everyone else had 3 or 4 :lol:.
My friend always cheats and takes internet from his neighbor, which is like 45% for him. At the end of games, everyone on the other team is yelling and complaining about how laggy he was, haha. He's a douche, and isn't as good as his record says he is.
Are people buying the new map pack? Are the maps any good?

I'd have to say that if you could only buy one of them, I'd suggest First Strike. I love Stadium, Kowloon and Discovery's awesome, and Berlin Wall is alright. And I only like Hotel and Convoy on Escalation.
Unless you like playing Zombies a lot, where I suggest Escalation 👍
Drive-In is going to be the fan-favorite for Annihilation, I bet you a Death Machine.
Just got Hacker Pro. Time to.. hack stuff?

I have the most phone hacking care packages, its my favorite thing in the game by far. I am always all up in the spawn too, and most of the time when someone gets a care package they will call it in while they are in their spawn because its safer. I just have a niche for stealing care packages I guess you could say, I'll take them and then booby trap it so they are none the wiser until they try to open it and boom! Here's a secret nobody ever thinks about, if you are trying to get your CP and someone kills you, watch the kill cam and see if they have hacker pro on that 3rd tier. If they do then of course your CP is going to be still sitting there because he booby trapped it, so just go about your business.
That's not a bad idea actually, though I've only used care packages for getting Challenges and Contracts done now.
EDIT: Oh, and one question.. Once you hack a claymore or something like that, does it suddenly become 'Red' if an enemy player has Hacker?
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Has anyone done any RC-XD races? I've got a File Share where you get an RC on your first, second and third kills and the self-destruct timer's unlimited. I've thought up of a few courses using some of the secret tunnels (there's a really cool one in WMD). The only problem is that only two RC-XDs can be active at one time.

Imagine a Wager Match where you race RC-XDs 💡
That's not a bad idea actually, though I've only used care packages for getting Challenges and Contracts done now.
EDIT: Oh, and one question.. Once you hack a claymore or something like that, does it suddenly become 'Red' if an enemy player has Hacker?

I'm not really sure on this one, I have actually never had anyone hack a claymore of mine, if you place them strategically then you won't have that happen :sly:

Is anyone planning on getting the 3rd map pack that is coming out this Tuesday (For PS3 it will be an additional month)? I don't play BLOPS nowhere near as much as I did 2 months ago, but I play it maybe 2 or so times a week. I would like to say that I'm not getting it, that it's too high a price and I can't support that, but the truth is I will be getting it. I do believe that the price is too steep for what you get, but no matter how many of us don't get it because of that they will not lower the price now. The price increased and they raked in the cash and it will stay at the price it is now sadly. I just wished for the amount they want for a few maps that they would include more maps! I also wished that they could program in the game a way to hotswap in weapons and such, it would be great to get a map pack and also get some new weapons as well, that would be worth the money. I really get ripped off because I don't play zombies at all, I just don't like it. It would be nice if they sold the zombie maps and multi-player maps separate so people like me that don't play zombies wouldn't have to pay for something they will never use. Wishful thinking though....
How much is the DLC each on the 360? Escalation was a bit cheaper than First Strike on the PS3 (although just by a few dollars).