Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • Thread starter Legendary
I'll get on COD, just don't use my real name when I'm on Playstation if that's okay? My dad won't approve, and then I'll be taking a long hiatus from Playstation. I may not be able to join the chatroom.
I will scream your name in the chat lol
"COLLIN, get that kill!"
"I'm gunna tell on you"

That was a good run of games. The problem with my playing is that I always start out good and I get my deathstreak shortly after.
Yeah, don't. Why would Kanye West playing at COD XP make me want to go any more than I already did? It just feels like he'd snag the controller out of my hand and tell me that I suck. :lol:
I wonder the same. If it was Jeremy clarkson or anyone of the 3, I would go, but JC would just scream 'POWER' when someone got killed. Lol.

Ps I won't. At least to the best of my a bilty.
Yeah, I'll just do chatrooms when the coast is clear. I prefer letting my game do the talking, although right now my game is misspelling a lot of words and using many grammar errors :lol:.
You should have stuck around, Cam. Not that I contributed much(still 9-2), but we won by a landslide!
I'll get on COD, just don't use my real name when I'm on Playstation if that's okay? My dad won't approve, and then I'll be taking a long hiatus from Playstation. I may not be able to join the chatroom.
OK, I was wondering why you didn't join the chat. Not sharing even the first name is bit of an overkill I think, but it is perfectly understandable. Better safe than sorry.

I limit who I tell my first name to, but it's a bit unique one around here, so..... :lol: You guys can keep calling me "a6". "a" stands for awesome.
I dunno why this keeps happening to me. Literally half the time my router will show green and then by the time I get back to the PS3 in the next room it shows red again.
We had Azuremen, TheCracker & myself. Then we got L86, lost Crack, got leo, Forza/Icarus & Vaus. Kicked butt, the end.

The time difference is a killer for me. It was just past 1am when i jumped out of the party. Lag was a pain, as per. As was getting used to the more frenetic pace of regular TDM. I'm now more used to a 3-burst from an M16 being sufficient for a kill - or a single shot from a Barrett. In a laggy regular TDM it's a full clip from a TAR-21 or 2/3 hits from a Barrett :grumpy:

Still, in the few games i played with you guys i think i just about keep my head above water.
God, it really sucks without you guys. Me & Vaus went on a run again. Vaus is on the quest to get his first nuke, and I'm after 1000 headshots.

It was fine at first. Azuremen joined, and it was even better. Kicking butt. Then little after Azure left, we went on what for me personally was the longest losing streak ever. Losing streak of a lifetime.

Just unbelievable man. I didn't realize it was possible to even lose that many or have so many sub 1 k/d games. MY K/D DROPPED TWO POINTS! I'm more in disbelief than upset.

After tonight, I feel like: 1) never use ACR again 2) never play MW2 again 3) I'm full of it, because I want to get back on right now, keep playing until I win 10 matches in a row.

I just got my first nuke on scrapyard, domination. I went 25 and 0 using the ump45 wioth 7,11,25 killstreaks. So happy. The score only went up to 82-33 when I called it in. Ugh I'm so happy. On labor day too lol
I still can't believe I got it before vaus. A good tip to get a nuke is to play domination at the start of the match run to the opposite flag and nade it. Easy kill.
He did try domination for awhile, too. I told him that he should play aggressive early in the match, then when you get a streak going, slow it down.

I demand he PMs me before every chopper gunner, so I can patrol the area around him. :D It works, as I've dropped many enemies wandering right by him while he's working on the CG.
He did try domination for awhile, too. I told him that he should play aggressive early in the match, then when you get a streak going, slow it down.

I demand he PMs me before every chopper gunner, so I can patrol the area around him. :D It works, as I've dropped many enemies wandering right by him while he's working on the CG.

I should do that in the chat.
I'd not only love to wear a mic, but would have insisted that we all wear one if:

a) Party chat were available. Like in CoD4.

b) If we had the Xbox mic set up, where we simply plug it right into the controller.

I still have the MW2 throat communicator for X360, and another thing about Xbox mic's, no set up, no distortion. Easy & crystal clear communication. My experience with the Bluetooth is quite the opposite of that.

And the party chat thing. Primary reason that I decided to make MW2 my last FPS is because I'm tired of special needs kids, and also people who were neglected by their parents as kids. Once in awhile, you encounter really cool people, on your team, or even on the other team. But 99% of the time, it's the idiots, retards, a-holes, or my favorite, people who doesn't say anything at all. :lol: Party chat is a must for me!
Annoying, immature, abusive players and the terrible P2P hosting system are some of the reasons why I'm still undecided about whether or not to purchase MW3. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a great game but after putting over 15 days of play time into MW2 multiplayer I don't know if I want to shell out the money for another MW game with very similar gameplay.
I'd not only love to wear a mic, but would have insisted that we all wear one if:

a) Party chat were available. Like in CoD4.

b) If we had the Xbox mic set up, where we simply plug it right into the controller.

I still have the MW2 throat communicator for X360, and another thing about Xbox mic's, no set up, no distortion. Easy & crystal clear communication. My experience with the Bluetooth is quite the opposite of that.

And the party chat thing. Primary reason that I decided to make MW2 my last FPS is because I'm tired of special needs kids, and also people who were neglected by their parents as kids. Once in awhile, you encounter really cool people, on your team, or even on the other team. But 99% of the time, it's the idiots, retards, a-holes, or my favorite, people who doesn't say anything at all. :lol: Party chat is a must for me!

In all that time, we never chated :lol:
I played a bit yesterday, but couldn't get on last night as I wasn't feeling well. I"ll try to be on tonight.

Right on. :lol:👍

Message of the night " Fillipinos are weak" then I got at least 29-10

Correction 31-14?

You can hear me say" I will take that...Come at me bro"
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In all that time, we never chated :lol:
God you are right. I've used headsets when partying with my real life peeps, but due to my potty mouth, I generally didn't wear headsets. Been away from headsets so long, I forgot how suffocating it was to play with one of those things on, as I was using every cuss words, and their known variations, at least in the western hemisphere. :lol:
Correction 31-14?

You can hear me say" I will take that...Come at me bro"

You did great. You take so many chances, it's unbelievable from my perspective. If I didn't have a good idea of what was in the area, I usually let somebody else walk out there first(i.e. Azuremen or Vausgoth).
I played this game for the first time in months again the other day and coming back from Black Ops MW2 is faster paced... definitely need to develop my reactions again if MW3 is going to be similar to this. :lol: Damnit!
Yes I usually Rambo my way through the game, but that is pure adrenaline taking down a whole squad with an in your face hail of gunfire. That is living my friends that is living.

I have just had some ok games with a few friends....

The first was not bad for my first of the night, 16 and 2 I think, but just as I was settling in for some longer playtime, we bumped into a lobby full of Italians.

Ever tried to take out a hit on an Italian?

They are crafty buggers.

I couldn't hit one of them.

Not one.

They, however, could hit me through steel, wall, round corners, through three stacked shipping containers and across the map.

Multiple bullets to faces had no effect.

At one point, I laid in a corner for about 3 seconds when one appeared at the other end of my sight line. I could barely see him, but before I could ADS, he shot me with some AR or other.

That's when I quit.

I can't hit them, they can't miss me.

I went to see where all my colleagues had got to in the lobby, and they'd already quit too.

Damn lag.

I've been all over the place with my scores lately however I had a great game on Rundown today where I ended up going 40-6. I had on UAV, CP and Attack Helo streaks. I never even got the attack helicopter however I called in 3 care packages throughout the course of the game and got something good in each one. First one was an AC-130, then harriers and finally a precision airstrike. It was amazing. :dopey:
Well then I guess I need to ask my Italian breathren where they get their mushrooms.

Forget the mushrooms man, these guys were all flashing yellow/green and there was this music coming over the mic something like....

dun dun dun, dun dun de dun de dun, dun dun dun, dun dun de dun de dun......

I swear one of them grew bigger and had a foxtail.....

Some fun games with A6, Vaus, and Leo last night. I was a bit off at first but started to get into the swing of things towards the end of the night (the beer helped)

How late did you guys stay after I went to bed anyhow?
I had a 48-12 game scrapyard last night. I think that that is my best map. I almost got a nuke when I got out of the CG, someone camping noticed me closing the laptop and switching weapons and noticed my movements and killed me. I got so angry.