Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • Thread starter Legendary
Attn: trogen

1) Sadly, you can't do anything about this. If the lobby seem bit too competitive for you, I'd get out after a match, then go back in to hopefully another lobby.

It doesn't matter a whole lot though. Even when you are in with really good players, you can always be productive. I think the big key is not try to do too much. When I play, unless I'm up against bunch of noobs, I only take what the other team give me.

2) Personally, I'd shoot for even kill/death ratio. Key to not dying I think is keeping your back to edges of the map, or to buildings, etc. If you are dying excessively, chances are, they are picking you off from the back, or the side. When I'm on the move, I always try to look around, avoid getting shot in the back.

3) I don't even remember all the rewards, but I would definitely stick with lower kill streak rewards until you get the hang of the game. UAV is a easy choice. Care package is good, but is tricky retrieving it. Maybe top off with the Predator at 5 kills.

Veteran kill streaks for me are 5(Predator), 7(Harrier), then 9(Pave Low).

4) Guns have different characteristics, so this one's tricky. I would recommend a "grip" on all light machineguns though. Personally, I'd stick with SCAR. Great rifle with killer stopping power, very minimum recoil, which leads to accuracy. Only thing lacking from SCAR might be the firerate, but IMO, the gun's so good, it doesn't even matter. When you have ACR(level 60-something, but I could be wrong), that would be my pick.

On a good loadout, if I was lower level player, I'd go with:

Primary: SCAR with Silencer
Secondary: AA12 with Grip

Equipment: Claymore
Special Grenade: Flashbang

Perk 1) Scavenger 2) Stopping Power 3) Ninja(when it upgrades to 'Pro', your footstep becomes silent)

P.S. Another thing, IMO, one thing that can contribute greatly to more kills & less deaths are silencers. Some of the iron sights are not the prettiest, but they are worth getting used to. As far as I'm concerned, they are one of the greatest upgrade/attachment to any weapons in this game.
My 2 cents on this.

As A6 suggested, keeping your back to walls is critical. A bit on top of that, for things to do, is to monitor the radar from time to time to see where people are engaging at and dying at.

For a weapon, the SCAR is great if you are playing a bit more patiently and can aim accurately quickly. The TAR is a strong option if you are often engaging at closer distances, as its rate of fire is better and its stopping power the same. It has more recoil and bounce, which can be a good thing if you aren't super accurate all the time. What I mean by that is you won't have the issue where you are aiming 2 pixels to the right of someone as much, as the spread will put bullets there eventually.

When using a gun with a smaller clip, like the SCAR, I often prefer to use the USP or M9 as my secondary. The number of times I've been able to swap to a pistol to drop another target that was retreating or attempting to take advantage of the reload time is amazing. Handguns are not for everyone though, as A6 can testify ;)

As for perks, Scavenger is nice if you are staying alive long enough to take advantage of it. If you often find you are dying before you run out of bullets, switch it out for Sleight of Hand. The faster ADS makes a huge difference I find, and with a gun like the FAMAS or M16, you can get plenty of kills before running out of ammo (I've gotten a nuke using an M16 with RDS and Sleight). Stopping power is generally a solid choice. The only other perk I use often in that spot is Cold Blooded. Third perk is generally Ninja, but Commando is a good choice if you are in close situations too often as a panic button. I run SitRep a lot, but I've taken the time to pro it (three times in fact) and its a different thing entirely then.

UAV, Care Package and Predator are solid picks as well. If you aren't comfortable with the care package, going for UAV, Predator, Harrier is also a strong option.
Ah, good call on the Perk 1. Don't listen to Azuremen on the handguns. Just go with the full-auto AA12 Shotgun, drop everybody & everything. :lol:

TAR seems to be a SCAR with submachinegun tendencies. In exchange for accuracy, you do get much nicer firerate. Solid. 👍
truthfully MW2 was my first COD game too. i started about a year ago right after BO came out. Im not into the old guns and thought MW2 was worth the 25 bucks at Gamestop. Best decision ive ever made. i learned the maps the hard way, getting a .30 KDR before the start of my first prestige. As for a good setup and gun guide i would choose:

ump silencer
striker extended mags preferred

semtex flash
marathon PRO cold blooded PRO and ninja PRO i love the imphasis of pro lol

killstreaks are predator harrier , pavelow or chopper gunner. (find something suitable here)
Had another good night, defo getting better. Got up to 5 kill streak then got immediately stabbed to death lol.

Its intresting to see that you all have dif opinions on gun set up.

Another question, is there any point you can have 2x gun upgrades or is it always just 1?
I learnt the maps in my mates house on his account :D
In fairness he still is on a positive ratio now

I cant wait for MW3 now looks good. Will get a lot of spec ops hours in for sure!
One grenade, four kills. Much laughing. Thrown in to the room between JCB and Library on Skidrow. Playing with the pikiest bunch of corner shooters in the world!
One grenade, four kills. Much laughing. Thrown in to the room between JCB and Library on Skidrow. Playing with the pikiest bunch of corner shooters in the world!
Some of the worst corner campers I've ever seen were on Skidrow. Top of crate, dark corners, you name it. I do camp by that one large outdoor stairs at the end of the long tunnel/corridor, but I've decided that's different and totally acceptable.
Everyone camps there with an LMG. Huge sprays with no worries.
One of the few times I couldn't camp on Skidrow was with the RPD. Reason being that I liked using Bling Pro(Grip+FMJ), so I had no claymore refills. :lol:
I'll sit there with my M21. Its easy to sit there if you can hear them coming from the tunnel. That way you can run up the stairs and ambush them as they come out looking for you on the stairs.
One grenade, four kills. Much laughing. Thrown in to the room between JCB and Library on Skidrow. Playing with the pikiest bunch of corner shooters in the world!

Yeah, and when you left that lobby, one of the guys "NOCKOUTKINGS" says to his mate in a thick brummie accent: "Think we made a few friends there wez, did you hear em... (wez- 'no') they was gettin all rage, and one says 'that nockoutkings is aimbottin, he clearly can shoot round corners, cos he's shot me through walls, somehow.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' (entire lobby) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Even I lol'd a bit.

What I am curious about, is how they can hear what WE are saying?
I know this can occur, as I've heard what the opposition has been saying, albeit in another language, before.
I'd still like to know how it's done though, and which headset I should trade my TB's in for, so I can eavesdrop........

One grenade, four kills. Much laughing. Thrown in to the room between JCB and Library on Skidrow. Playing with the pikiest bunch of corner shooters in the world!

I got five once - couple of weeks back - with the very first shot (a Propipe) at Scrapyard. I've also managed a game-winning killcam... with a JavelWin.
VEXD - I think the actual reason was a horrific host. 3 headshots at one point on the same guy and he didn't die.

Fam - The JavelWin kills are amusing.
I once got the entire team with a Stealth Bomber (6) in Wasteland playing Sabotage.

We'd planted, I through the marker down along the normal spawn line and got all 6. Something about MW2 makes you go insane with laughing and "OH I DOMINATED JOO" etc.

Not even the same subject but ok.

Multi-kills. With various things that, for the most part tend to explode, including kill streaks.

I could mention the triple's I've gotten with the JavelWin, or 5+ man multi's from Grenades and launchers. But I went with a slightly different one. I could mention the 8 man multi when people kept respawning instantly under a GC one time as well.
I don't wanna brag or nothing, but I got this epic multi-kill once. Killed everybody & their mothers with that tactical nuke.
Don't wanna brag or anything, but I maintain an over 2.5 k/d without using lethal kill streaks.

It isn't hard. More so when you sit in a corner with a Sniper rifle. I don't care enough about this game to play "properly" every time, and I have a lot more fun cause of it.
I was gonna say.... I can maintain 2.5 k/d, because I stopped playing, too. :D

Seriously though, as soon as I took the silencer off(for ACR headshot challenge), plus dropped air support kill-streak rewards in order to help Vausgoth with his quest for nuke, my k/d went in a free fall.

Headshots started coming in as soon as I stopped worrying about dying. Many matches, I was happy to trade deaths for headshots. :lol:
I should now ask, Barrett or Intervention?

My personal choice is the intervention. The main attribute to that gun is that its recoil is a a lot less than the barrett.
It doesn't matter... I have 5 classes for the snipers and the other 5 classes for the M21. :lol: My personal favorite is the M21 because of the low recoil and Semi-automatic. IMO,it depends the type of map.