Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Yeah, I agree a6. Mw2 was the best COD game until players messed it up. I'm still wondering what mw2 map they will import into mw3 as dlc. Any guesses? I'm thinking terminal or wasteland.
I think the respawn delay in BF3 is a little longer than it needs to be however I think that is a small criticism. Take that time to review your load out and think of a new tactic that won't get you killed like the last one.
I can't do any of these things, including moan about the respawn delay, because so far, the BF3 demo hasn't even booted for me.

I have downloaded it about 7 or maybe 8 different times now.

If I download it and leave the ps3 on, it downloads, then corrupts the data when it tries to install it.

If I set it to download and automatically shutdown when it's done, it will install the game, and I can run it, but when i get to the menu screen, then hit "multiplayer", it freezes, states there is an 'unknown error', and just hangs there..... taunting me.....

Never even played it......


If you've played BFBC2, you've played this BF3 Beta. It has all the same flaws (lower level players can be one shotted by anything a higher level player is wielding, but they need to hit the higher level player multiple times with anything; broken party/invite system; massively cluttered screen [think MW2 softcore mode, but with twice as many friendlies - and their green PSNIDs and their green health bars and their green arrows - on screen]) and only a couple of improvements (sound primarily). Fairly ugly to look at in places - even moving enemies skylined are tough to see - and crammed full of campers. It's like a particularly frustrating game of MW2 in softcore mode only you can be one-hit killed by someone with no meaningful existence outside of gaming.

BF3 so far is just BC2.5. Which is ironic, given that main objections to MW3 is that it's MW2.5.

Righto then.

Wrong thread for all this talk anyway.

Google had my answer: I had a problem lots of people were having, which was solved by re-downloading again (yawn) and then when I discovered the game wouldn't boot as usual, I had to switch user to a new account, which I already had on the PS3 anyway, and then I could get in.

I died 13 times and killed 8 people, but I'm wondering around going ooooooh ahhhhhhh oooooh look at tha....... ugh..... dead.

I can't really see what im supposed to be shooting at, until it starts shooting at me, and I swear im wondering around with a flashlight on my head....

ho hum...

Lets see if I can get into a match with you lot on MODERN WARFARE 2.

Seeing as that's what I'm supposed to be talking about......

2 more stars and I'll be done with Spec-Ops. Decided to have another go at Armor Piercing (kill 15 juggernauts on the oil rig) and beat it. Ended up being so much easier than I thought. Once you kill about 3 or 4 of them you can just camp on the scaffolding near the start of the map and they all basically run right into your 50 cal bullets.

Just have to beat High Explosive (kill 10 juggernauts on favela) on Veteran and that Platinum trophy will be mine. Just in time for MW3, despite the fact that I still don't know if I'm going to buy it.

Oh and sorry leowan I just had to.
I only bring up BF3 because I know A6 doesn't follow the BF3 thread.

I'm actually having a more than half decent time playing it so far. There are campers of course but I don't think its really the games fault that the people playing it are a bunch of jack offs. Its at least more fun than BC2 was, I really don't like that game very much.
Just have to beat High Explosive (kill 10 juggernauts on favela) on Veteran and that Platinum trophy will be mine.

Yeah, you 'just' have to do that, that's all you have to do, 'just' that.
Piece of cake.
Nothing to it.
Dead easy.
Candy from babies...
Good luck.

Oh Spec-Ops! - reminds me that i need to finish these. Frustrating as they are, they're still quite enjoyable, much more so than the single player story mode.

I've downloaded the BF3 'beta' but got around to trying it yet. After reading some of the comments, not sure if i'll bother.
Yeah, you 'just' have to do that, that's all you have to do, 'just' that.
Piece of cake.
Nothing to it.
Dead easy.
Candy from babies...
Good luck.


It is. I had cause to do it again recently and when I'd locked back into the technique (about 15 minutes total) it took 2 minutes.
Does anyone fancy helping me get a few more spec ops done?
If so please add me: ArtisticVandal
on for an hour or 2 most evenings arround 5-7pm (UK Time)
I'm very special at Special Ops. I can't stand them, and I don't know how all you guys are enjoying them. :yuck: :lol:
I'm very special at Special Ops. I can't stand them, and I don't know how all you guys are enjoying them. :yuck: :lol:

Some of them were pretty enjoyable, like the stealthy ones. I also loved the oil platform juggernaut one, just picking them off with one shot as the came down one set of stairs. I had someone to go through it with, and most of the time we weren't taking it too seriously just trying to get it done.
That snowmobile thing traumatized me. Those trees owned my ass way more than any enemy fire. I'm still very sore, just in case you couldn't tell!
I went to BF3 :Lol:
If I'm gonna buy one(still doubtful), it would be Battlefield 3. Having said that, I need to play that demo again. I've played it only once. :D
I'll miss you in MW3.

I'll miss you guy, too.

Damn, we had some fine bunch of group. I highly doubt that we'd experience the type of success we had with the 50 match winning streak ever again. I was so frigging tired after going so many hours straight. :lol:
The Snow Mobile one i found easy once i learnt the course. Maybe 10 attempts for 3***

I find most sOps enjoyable, but some are too hard for just sinlge play.
Oh and Dan, I'll do some spec ops with you whenever you like....

I'll hold you to that Dave. Played a bit last night (about 6 minutes after everyone else logged off :rolleyes: ) and had a dreadful night of constant 1:2 K/D games. Think i need a break from regular online.

Tried out the BF3 demo too. Far too much going on on the screen. Does it really need so much HUD?