Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • Thread starter Legendary
I've been through the Barrett, the Intervention, stuck with the M21 for ages, and then I went back to the Barrett for some extra challenge to my game.
After using the M21 for so long, it became very hard to get an upper body shot first time with the Barrett for me, as I'd gotten so used to firing a few times to drop them with the M21, and you simply can't fire multiple times with the Barrett, because you are firing at sky a lot.

But there is an underlying factor in all of this.... I suck.

Its probably why I dropped the Intervention and Barrett, though I always think that it depends on map. Close range- mid range = M21 and Far to mid= Barrett or Intervention.
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I don't wanna brag or nothing, but I got this epic multi-kill once. Killed everybody & their mothers with that tactical nuke.

I've managed one of those. One. I've also managed to kill everyone with...

I once got the entire team with a Stealth Bomber (6) in Wasteland playing Sabotage.

I got a 6 man stealth bomber on scrap yard once. Best I've done with one of those.

Yep, at Scrapyard... Guess who forgot he had Danger Close on that class? Guess who called in a Stealth Bomber? Guess who spent the next 2 minutes looking at a "FRIENDLY FIRE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!" screen?

I tend to just dick about with a pair of classes now which have a stupid primary weapon, RPG or JavelWin secondary and C4 or throwing knife. I'll occasionally fall back on a Bomberman class (Propipe, OMA, Danger Close, SitRep) for particularly pikey opponents an AntiAir class (AUG, Stinger, CBP) or, if I feel a bit old school, my sniper class (Barrett [silenced &thermal], smoke and claymores). If you can shoot straight, an AUG with thermal is brilliant :D
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I can't handle lethal kill streaks in hardcore. My limited experience in this game type leads to lots of point and shoot with targeted kill streaks just like in core.
Im not taking jabs at anyone here, but no one can claim to have a more aggressive sniper class than me.

Barret 50. Cal W/ Extended Mags

Everything else is your choice, way of aggression is no aiming down sight AT ALL. The kill cams I've got with 15 bullets dancing around someone before I end up having to resort to a stab, oh priceless :D
Im not taking jabs at anyone here, but no one can claim to have a more aggressive sniper class than me.

Barret 50. Cal W/ Extended Mags

Everything else is your choice, way of aggression is no aiming down sight AT ALL. The kill cams I've got with 15 bullets dancing around someone before I end up having to resort to a stab, oh priceless :D

Slight of Hand with Extended Mags on a Barret with Akimbo handguns? With a throwing knife? That I use? And I don't quick scope like most people.
Bah. It's all about parking yourself in one spot with a WA2K. Idiots know exactly where I am and still can't touch me. Even better when it's a sniper duel and I win.

On an unrelated note, my PS3 finally decided to pack it in for good. I'll be picking up a new one when the Uncharted 3 bundle comes out in November, so I won't be on for the next month. I'll see some of you guys when MW3 comes out, and maybe BF3.
I think I've had my best ever MW2 day today, dropped 5 nukes and didn't go below a 10/1 KDR in any match I played. I got this in a Ground War TDM, I think I had it cleaned up in under 2 minutes.


Dang. Not bad at all.

I finally got my router working again (by replacing it, stupid NetGarbage), so I might play a few games tonight. Anyone interested?
What's up guys? I figured I'd check in while I'm on a little homework break, school has literally consumed ALL of my time for the last month. Even weekends, other than football games, are full :(.
I think I might be done, too. I haven't played in a long while, and I don't miss it at all. Sorry Cody. :crazy:
Dang. Not bad at all.

I finally got my router working again (by replacing it, stupid NetGarbage), so I might play a few games tonight. Anyone interested?

I could be up for some tonight. I am currently messing around in the Battlefield 3 Beta.
You should download this beta... Its a 1.2gb download and its open until the 10th of october.... Also its free from PSN store.
While MW3 is out for me, I haven't counted out BF3 yet. I'll download it tonight, before I go to bed. 👍
I'm buying MW3. Thats not even a question. BF3 I am not sold on yet but it looks a lot better than BF2 so I'm at least interested. It looks like there is a decent amount of customization anyway.
How do you get in a lobby like that? Next best player is what, 6-5-7 or 8-1-10? Nice games, regardless. :lol:

Everyone else was a reasonable player, I was just super good :lol:. I dropped two nukes with a clan of 5 on my team during some matches, when it swapped us round to opposing teams they all screamed back out as soon as they realised haha!

I don't think I'll have another day like that though anytime soon.
So did you download the beta A6? There are lots of bugs since its a beta, but its solid fun so far. I am using either the M16 acog with grip or the 870MCS red dot & extended mag.
Its a lot faster than BF2 ever was. I had a game earlier I went 32-8 and we lost the game on only the second objective. The game is better but the players aren't.

I love the pace of BF3 demo, but I just stopped after going 0 & something. I kid you not, this is not a joke. Every single one of my deaths came from guys in prone, often just hiding in or behind something. I didn't even realize that I was getting shot at until the replay shows some dudes hugging the ground.

That was fast, but I'm done. :lol: Damn shame, as guns & shooting are more realistic. I'd love the game under right circumstances, but just like with MW2, it becomes putting up with other players.