Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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Not really, I just came upon some good spots and worked them a few times. I'm thinking I'm just gonna reset my killstreaks to 5-7-11 so I can play a little less cautiously, but still try to improve my skills. It also didn't help that I hate Rundown and Invasion, the last two maps we got.

Yeah, I'm just gonna go back to 5-7-8. Too hard for me. :lol:

I'm really freaking sick of people just randomly coming around corners and knowing exactly where I am. It's annoying. These people like they play every moment of their day, I'm just trying to have some fun, not get destroyed every game..

As soon as I say that, I go 25-14 with a Harrier using the F2000. Weird.
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I'd be happy about it, except I'm staying put at 70 :lol:. The silenced F2000 is a boss, its like a jacked up UMP without side to side recoil, just up and down, which is way easier to control for me.
Double xp weekend on MW2 and BOps! :cheers: Getting to level 70 before MW3 is going to be cake now. I'm already at level 52.

It doesn't matter how many times you prestige in mw2, you still only get 1 prestige token.
What is a prestige token? I haven't really looked into it. Is it worth popping in Black Ops (which I'm not a fan of) and trying to do so?

Just figured out, guess I'll see if I can get it done.
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How long would it take a crappy player like myself to get from 38 to 50 in BOps?

I hope these tokens aren't important, because this freakin' sucks.
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Levelling up in Black Ops is cake compared to MW2. You can easily get to 50 before the weekend is over.

leowan I know it's only one token per game but a couple weeks ago I prestiged just to see if I could get back to 70 before MW3 and so far I'm making good progress.
Well I've been playing for an hour and a half and only leveled up three times, so I think I may be toast :lol:. It's really gonna suck when Nuketown 24/7 and double XP goes away, it'll be exponentially longer at that point.
I've only gotten up two levels in Black Ops and am only getting like 10K XP per Domination game, which I feel is pretty sad. Will Nuketown 24/7 last past the weekend, at least?
Maybe until some time on Monday, not sure. Are you looking for challenges you can complete quickly? There are so many different challenges you can do so do as many quick ones as you can. The 500 and 1000xp that you get adds up.
Just by doing different random guns and attachments? And I wish they would just keep it up permanently, it would make me play more. Hopefully I can get it done by the 8th, or at least a couple days after release.
Hey guys, guess what! I will be picking up a new PS3 around midnight on Monday/Tuesday. It seems BestBuy is having a midnight launch for Uncharted 3, so I can go pick up the U3 320GB Slim bundle. As a bonus it seems I can score the Uncharted/U2 dual pack for free, which is real nice since I was going to buy it anyway. And while that has nothing to do with MW2, I figured I would let you guys know I'll actually be on again in a couple days.

I might throw MW2 in to check everything once I get the new system set up and copy stuff over from the old one. Gotta make sure all my profiles and saves are working.
Black Ops is actually kind of easy. As long as I play Domination, camping and getting kills is really easy, and the guns are much easier to control. Black Ops is just annoying as all get out, the interface is a tad slow, and its been difficult for me to figure out how to turn off the voices of others. MW2 is far and away more rewarding and more fun though, to me. It is cool leveling up and doing challenges again though.
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woot, destroyed a pav low that was flying too close to a harrier! :D

805/1000 f2000 head shots! lol Probably not going to happen ;)
You've still got a couple days. If you average a little over 30 headshots a day you'll be fine. Piece of cake really.
I ran into some crazy hacks today. These two guys were jumping 50ft in the air, had unlimited range 1 hit kill shotguns with unlimited ammo and any killstreak they liked available to use whenever they liked.
I ran into some crazy hacks today. These two guys were jumping 50ft in the air, had unlimited range 1 hit kill shotguns with unlimited ammo and any killstreak they liked available to use whenever they liked.

Have you been back on CoD4 at all recently? I stopped playing it, again, about a month ago because of all the hacking.
After trying to play some CoD4 a while back with a few people from GTP, I gave up on the game; too many people hacking has completely ruined the game and it is a real shame because I never really experienced much CoD4 multiplayer.
The sad thing is that with the UAV hack and prestige lobbies still unpatched and people still spamming adverts for them in game it's looking like MW2 is going to suffer the same fate since IW has probably already abandoned all support for it.

Oh well, I completed my challenge, got back to level 70 before MW3 released. :) Now it's time to put MW2 on the shelf for a while. I've been putting in so much time on this game that I'm actually quite tired of it now. Sure it's been fun ranking up again and my last game I got the game winning kill cam with a Chopper Gunner but I'm done for now. One can only get noob tubed, commando knifed and killed by a Spas-12 or UMP so many times before it starts to take a toll.
Have you been back on CoD4 at all recently? I stopped playing it, again, about a month ago because of all the hacking.

I have the odd game from time to time and I've not run into any troubles. I really don't play it that much anymore even though it is still my favourite COD game, you just lose your style of play after so long off it.
Finally done with prestiging Black Ops. I pretty much played as much of that game as I ever wanted or would want to. I hit Prestige Mode, let it save, and shut the game off, didn't even look to see what I had unlocked :lol:. I'm gonna take a break from CoD until MW3 comes out so I won't feel like its work, like this week felt like :lol:. Hopefully I'll still get on MW2 at times.
I plan on picking up MW3 on Tuesday, along with Noel Gallagher's new album. I am going to have a difficult time balancing playing MW3 and BF3.
Well, one match tonight and I quit part way through it. Remembering why I hadn't the arsed to play it in a week (I know long time!).

Think I'm done with this until I find out if MW3 has actually bothered with remotely decent gun characteristics, less hacked lobbies and bull****e and the hilarious matchmaking.
How many scenarios do you want? :D

1) If I click Join Session through a friend and there's space in their team (which there was tonight) don't put me in the other team. Even if it unbalances the teams (it wouldn't have) should be auto in to their team. Have the same problem if you invite a friend in to the game whilst you're in the lobby.

2) People who drop out so many times whilst being host. The lack of a host stability rating in one form or another is badly lacking and painfully obvious.

3) Connection itself isn't too bad, but really not uncommon to find someone (or clans, like the Cro* hackers) with 1/2 bars in with a room of 4/5 bars.

4) The fact that game-breaking during testing of online just wasn't there, if you've got a grenade/javelin/predator/anything airbourne it seemingly doesn't stop during the re-connection wait. Which is rubbish, as is the random shot it fires for you which is naff if you're running sans cold blooded and they have a UAV up.

Um, yeah...It's 1 that annoys me the most. Defies the whole point of the invite system, really.
I've probably played MW2 for the last time today. I really liked this game more than Black Ops but it's so crippled by hackers and/or dc toobers that I can't just take anymore of it.

Farewell, MW2.
How many scenarios do you want? :D

I agree, 1 and 2 are really annoying, come to think of it, I just never really noticed it. It'd be a cool fix, but its not a must for me. Great point, though.
Finally done with prestiging Black Ops. I pretty much played as much of that game as I ever wanted or would want to. I hit Prestige Mode, let it save, and shut the game off, didn't even look to see what I had unlocked :lol:. I'm gonna take a break from CoD until MW3 comes out so I won't feel like its work, like this week felt like :lol:. Hopefully I'll still get on MW2 at times.

you have to play a game on that new prestige for MW3 servers to recognize it.