Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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you have to play a game on that new prestige for MW3 servers to recognize it.

You do? Well, I guess that will be for tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up. I would have been livid if I didn't get credit :lol:.
How many scenarios do you want? :D......
You're forgetting that sometimes if you quit a game and search for another game right after it can put you back in the same game you just left and I also love how it puts you into games that are almost done. :yuck:
I agree, 1 and 2 are really annoying, come to think of it, I just never really noticed it. It'd be a cool fix, but its not a must for me. Great point, though.

The really infuriating thing is you could fix both in an hour or two. Throw a couple of hours of testing at it and voila.

It's not difficult, that's the really frustrating bit. Annoying problems that are complex to sort I don't mind not getting fixed, but if they're simple it's taking the mickey a bit too much imo.

Edit: Still, I've spent 12 days or so on MW2, with nearly 20k kills it's been great fun. All about playing with mates imo.
1) If I click Join Session through a friend and there's space in their team (which there was tonight) don't put me in the other team. Even if it unbalances the teams (it wouldn't have) should be auto in to their team. Have the same problem if you invite a friend in to the game whilst you're in the lobby.

If it's a game that's already in session when you try and join, if the only place available is on the other side to your friends team, then i can see why it puts you there. Beats not being able to join at all.

I've had so many nights playing MW2 with VEXD where either of us has just joined the other ones game (as opposed to waiting for an invite) and we've hardly played on the same team. It's often more fun that way. But i suppose shooting him is always enjoyable.
Well, having the added advantage of always knowing where I camp can help improve your score into double figures Cracker.... and by double, I mean more than 1.

Anyway, no-one will know where I'm camping in about an hour, as I won't even know where I am for the next couple of weex, till I get the maps sorted out.

TBH, I'll be on the campaign and the spec-ops or equivalents until they're all veteran'd first.

You do need to make sure the French have their 2 weex MP advantage before you go in there and start the pwnage......

Story and mission objectives were pretty good, they are just way too easy. Even on Veteran. Find it hard to kill certain enemies? Just rush forward and your company kills them.
I don't know..... While I liked the Call of Duty 4 so much more compared to this, I absolutely hated World at War.
I just bought CoD4 yesterday, I like it about the same as MW2. I hate Black Ops, I liked World at War though.
After getting tired of CoD4(yes, CoD4 lol), I decided to ask back for the MW2 I let my friend borrow. Last night, I played it.

I thought I was going to be really good, like when I went back on CoD4. My first handful of games on MW2 was brutal. I couldn't even break even on Team Deathmatch, with the worst score being 7-17. :eek: However....... last three games I played were all good games. 31-3, 11-2, then my second best MW2 game ever, 48-6 on Overgrown. A CoD4 map. :P

I think the secret on the last three games were the "host pro". I hosted the last three matches. :lol:
That's kinda the opposite of what happened to me yesterday (albeit it was Black Ops instead of MW2, and MW3 instead of COD4). I got dogs my first three games :lol:
However....... last three games I played were all good games. 31-3, 11-2, then my second best MW2 game ever, 48-6 on Overgrown. :

You know both 31-3 and 11-2 are both statistically better than 48-6.
No no no no no, 11-2 is not in the same league as a 30+ kill games, unless I died 20 times in it or something. 11-2 is either you were lazy, or all the 'kills' somehow eluded you! :lol:

48 kill was my second best total in a MW2 TDM(all-time).

And Daniel, I was so seriously confused playing MW2 after such long break, with all the killstreak rewards & perks. Gotta love CoD4 for such simplicity. I'd be lucky to average 1.5 K/D in MW3. :nervous:

CoD4 TDM was pretty clean with very few hacks. I saw no hack that I can see in MW2. I love it. :cheers: