The equasion is simple math and easy to test and confirm in game, i wont tell you specifically just yet because you should know how to do this stuff IF you know how adjustments effect the wheels at any steering angle. Do you know how to tune wheel angles or not?!?!?
I mean seriously, you say you know all about this stuff, why are you even asking me to explaine how it works.... The adjustments are made in calculateable measurements directly relating to eachother, change one, effect the overall outcome, this is what ive been talking about. If you find a camber angle you like you should be able to keep that angle while adjusting the toe if you compensate for the toe adjustment with camber... I originally was upset with no caster adjustments but have come to feel it may just be too much if so many have camb and toe settings confused.
Ever wonder why Camber can be adjusted up to 10 degrees??? Its for a reason, do you know what it is??? You should IF you know all this tuning stuff as well as you kead on... Funny how all the people saying camber is broken dont know how toe adjustments effect camber angles and cant even tell me the static camber in a corner with adjusted settings, hell I bet you guys have a hard time figuring out where your 0 wheel angle set ups wheels are at a specific turning angle.
As far as that joke of a test and laughable results, you make it clear you were not interested in legitimate testing even in your own way of testing. Otherwise you would of been MUCH more thurough in your testing you clearly made a fools attempt to push your BS as something worth even considering.....
Back to the problem with those "test" anybody can run 2 tunes but only really push one and what are those results good for?? Potty cleaning.... I was a little surprised you made it so obvious your test was BS from the start though, life is full of surprises eh

So? Anybody know whats hapening with your wheels or just a bunch fronting like they know whats up... Google not helping? Hehe thing is whe can only measure caster in game and not adjust it, so we are forced to work around the caster angle with camber and toe. IRL caster is seldome (not that ive seen myself or are aware of) able to be adjusted while camb and toe are pretty much always adjustable to a degree. Sometimes the man throws a curve ball at mechanics making the camber and toe adjust together, so doing an alighnment can be a pita and often a compromise if a table caught a ding (rear end of 05 explorer or Escape if I recall corectly) or a linkage got bent.
An adapter is added to allow for caster adjustments. On street cars its important to remember since we grip up tires, slam ride height and stiffen springs there is going to be MUCH less body roll in corners requiring MUCH less camber effect from caster to keep the car tuned in with the reduced body roll.
With the heavy caster angles we cant adjust we use camb and toe working around the measured caster angle to achieve our goal.