Thor isn't in Civil War so The Dark World has no relevance to the film.Age of Ultron will probably be the most required given the tension between Tony & Rodgers in it. Haven't seen Ant Man yet myself, & I don't think The Dark World really has any relevance besides may be one or two references to the whole group?
Marvel have been good at balancing the continuity between films - you don't need to have seen one to understand the others. That's the issue I have always had with comics - I have Scott Snyder's run of Batman comics (The Court of Owls, Night of the Owls, Death of the Family, Secret City, Dark City, Graveyard Shift and Endgame), but sometimes events in other titles have a direct impact on them; the Joker has no face in Death of the Family, but that was an incident in Detective Comics Vol. 1, and confusing at the time.Ant-Man's stinger ties directly into Civil War, but other than Scott Lang being in the new movie, I don't imagine you need detailed knowledge of Ant-Man's solo film.
...Leave it to Captain America, however, to try and save the day by keeping the secret hidden: “You never know with Marvel,” Chris Evans says. “Sometimes they shoot things and then don’t use them.”
...Well, one of the worst kept secrets of this movie has now been sort-of confirmed.
the main question has been how much we'd see Spidey in Cap 3, not if.
Marvel has stated that because they did Peter's origin story twice, they are not going to retread the origin story a third time for the MCU. Think of what I just said to how they are treating Batman in Batman v. Superman. Everybody knows his origin story, no need to revisit it just because a new actor has stepped into the role.Honestly I can't see Marvel doing the whole Spidey origin story in a Cap movie,
Everybody knows his origin story
Actually, that is true. Forgot about that. Anyways, we had one version of Batman's origin where they were killed by the man who became the Joker, and another that has a no name thug, possibly from the Falcone crime family, who did the deed. We never actually had one who the actual killer was Joe Chill.Hey, never say never - DC might decide to gift us with one you know. Oh wait, wasn't there a rumor of Jeffrey Dean Morgan playing Wayans Senior in flashback sequence? Well, there's your origin story. Possibly.
Nolan-Batman was Joe Chill...Actually, that is true. Forgot about that. Anyways, we had one version of Batman's origin where they were killed by the man who became the Joker, and another that has a no name thug, possibly from the Falcone crime family, who did the deed. We never actually had one who the actual killer was Joe Chill.
Joe Chill
I really need to rewatch the Nolan films again.Nolan-Batman was Joe Chill...
...Jeffrey Dean Morgan playing Wayans Senior in flashback sequence
It's Wayne not Wayans.
Wayans are these guys :
She gave him a suggestive look when he saved her in Age of Ultron.Not when his wife is on the opposite team, not that I expect that to happen in the MCU.
While I agree with the sentiment that the Vision is supremely over-powered (in theory), it brings up an issue that's starting to creep into the movies: there's so much imbalance. Vision is supposed to be the "perfect" evolution of Ultron, but if anything, Ultron had his number in his movie, until he got help from Iron Man and Thor (and then it was only the Hulk that finished the job). The witch has the capacity for some serious mayhem, but so far she just gives people nightmares.
I imagine those two will be paired off with any skirmishes, because otherwise, things start to look lop-sided. I'm also fully expecting Vision to end the movie disgusted by all the human in-fighting, and travel off-world. That gem in his head has a date, after all...
Within your problem you ended up mentioning a problem I have with the movies thus far: Hulk. Is he that powerful? Without a doubt. My problem is that he's being portrayed to have no equal and that just isn't the case. Sure, there was the tussle with Thor that was left undecided as well as the Hulkbuster which knocked out a Hulk that was no longer raging... but those were all heavily circumstantial.
The only saving grace is my assumption that he's being portrayed the way that he is so...
When Thanos hands him his ass (with or without the Infinity Gauntlet, it doesn't matter) it will be all the more impacting.