Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
front view is neat, the rear looks too real, too long, exagerate it way more, as well as the side view, bigger wheels would help
Man, I love the close-up of the wheels on the bottom left. Similar to two frames fram a comic strip... nicely done. The car itself, I like. But I agree that the wheels could be a bit bigger. 👍
looks too real? lol if anything i'd say it looks unreal

Yes it looks unreal but it could look waaaay more unreal! Im saying just exagerate it more, the Speed 12 can be made to look wild, for example, the way the rear bumper extrudes can be used to get an amazing effect, and so the size of the car compared to the cabin: make the cabin smaller than the door handle! (:

Hello Viper (: long time indeed, Im back.
sorry for the crap work...was busy last week

This Week's Toony Toosdays: Acura RSX

You won't however guess my next week's choice, im already drawing it..




some aren't too bad there...

as for my Toony Toosdays i'm putting those on a pause because of exams upcoming. So no of this week or the next.

I actually have drawn an 8C Competitizone if you were wondering but it's not very cartoonish, i need more time with these things as i've realizied that 2 weeks ago.

but either than that, i have not made a design sketch for ages, especially scrtach off of photoshop, so i present to you GTPer's... This:

Another random supercar I drew up when bored...

It is powered by a 715 hp Rolls Royce Model 250 gas turbine, along with 4 200 hp brushless electric motors and a high output generator between the engine and transmission. A Battery pack is mounted behind the front seats.
The car is capable of speeds of up to 260 mph, and empty weight will be around 2700 lbs or so. It is of course a two seater, though has a bit more space inside than my V350T...
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He means 4x200hp. :lol:
lol, yes :lol:

Holy Moly! Four-Thousand-Two-Hundred Horsepower...:lol:

all your drawing seem to look the same almost everytime, draw something else.
:rolleyes: Well sorry for having a taste that favors GT racer style vehicles. Anyway not all of my drawings look the same...



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I've Revived this somewhat old thread, BUT with Great intentions.

Rate this.

Click for Full Size (1280 x 960)

Click for Full Size (1280 x 960)

Black Paper (it's a mix of construction and bristol board, I don't know what exactly, my dad gets em from his workshop. What great networks eh? Artist gets free paper).

White Coloured Pencil (Prismacolor Premier) and Pencil Crayon (Laurentien)

Is the Brake disc too small?​
Eh. Did the below in art class sophomore year. My teacher hated it. Honestly I think she knew I was good and couldn't stand it. She hated my massive Oil Pastel portrait of Mr.T too.

I think the wheel is just too big.

it's a 20" Inch seriously haha. But i can understand what you're saying, i was able imagine the wheel being too big so that's not such a good thing.

i honestly think the brakes was on the small side.

Damn I totally ruined my work now

This is me right now -> :guilty: + :banghead: + ::(: + :mad:
Love the wheel, Trico Pro. Very realistic looking 👍 I'm thinking the disk brake could have been a little bigger though. Edit: Oops, that's already been mentioned :lol:

Here is a quick WIP of my Mark Webber RB4 sketch I've started. So far it's been a real pain to draw. Well, lets just say I won't be in a real rush to draw sponsorship stickers anytime soon. :crazy: :ill:

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wow, you're certainly more patient than I am with this stuff
Oh no, I don't think so. :lol: I draw because I'm pretty good at art, and I like the final results. But actually getting the drawing done is very tough. I start to go crazy if I sit at a desk for too long... and my eyes begin to ache, so I stop and do something every 5 minutes or so. I'm impatient, but I torture myslef until I get it right :).
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Oh lord, that's breath-taking drawing Jaco, both you and Trico Pico. Details are just awesome! 👍

Jaco, when you're finished with that RB4, be sure to let me know via a PM, I'm really looking forward to the final result mate :cheers:
the pattience!!! good progress Jacoja, the moving wheel looks fantastic! Damn you draw so elaborated stuff, I dont think I could do something that complicated, it would eat my patience... maybe if I got paid, but for myself, neeeever
hey Jacoja, its been like 20 days from that WIP photo. Has that F1 decided to show up yet?

I know its a meaningless post (so far), but I shall please viewers' eyes with this:

the reason for watermarks is because i uploaded on dA and i want to use full size rather than a scaled off one with their watermarks. Want to see it on dA? Click the "A" in my sig.

It's not such a meaningless post now is it? :sly: lol i'm so pathetic sometimes
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Great looking concept, Pico :) . Looks like one of those concept cars that can be adjusted in length in order to fit into tight parking spaces.

hey Jacoja, its been like 20 days from that WIP photo. Has that F1 decided to show up yet?
Thanks for your interest on the drawing. :) I have been struggling for the time to draw lately (New full-time job, and the fact that we need to clean and leave our own house each weekend... so we can display and sell it :lol:). However, some nights I've added little bits and peices to the drawing, and I'm finally nearing closer the end now. All I need to draw now is the rear-end of the car... mainly the rear of the engine cover, rear wing, and rear wheel. And it's looking good! 👍

@Bram: Thanks! I'll give you a PM as soon as it's complete. 👍
While Jacoja is lurking in his Lair cooking up his devious Race car, I'll temporarily steal the show (lol) and show off a couple recent ones...

ATP's MICRO-mini Car Drawing Galore

FD3S - RX-7 - MAZDA, Black Pen & 4H, 6B - i shadd too much

suppose to be a 1up of my really old design; Proto 275 - Black Pen - totally screwed up the rims - if you dont recall what car it was click here[url]


I drew this today with the new Prisma Markers i bought today, Cool Gray's 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 80, 90 and BLACK
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