Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
MSTER, maybe you should try black marker for the ground bit, if you use a pantone etc, and work fast enough, you won't even see any streaks (should dry flat)... however, you'd have to use marker paper/lay-out paper, as any type of cartridge paper will bleed (though some good quality copying paper may work if you border in ink first).

Cano gives good advice regarding the shadow directions.. same with the advice regarding light source & reflections, it ain't easy though. really struggling with it myself.
A tip: in your black, I mean, in your floor, in your shadows, move the pencil always in the same direction as much as you can. I know you reach a point when you need to fill in the black in various ways to conform to the car (in this case), but in your shadow at the very forefront we can see traces in every direction, and that looks dirty as heck.

Also, on you door shutlines, pick carefully where the light hits them. Door shutlines are just black lines, but the little light lines that accompany them have to be treated carefully. In this case you have light in both sides of the lines, when in reality you should only have, obviously, ONE source of light. That is why I insist you study pictures and UNDERSTAND why reflections happen.

MSTER, maybe you should try black marker for the ground bit, if you use a pantone etc, and work fast enough, you won't even see any streaks (should dry flat)... however, you'd have to use marker paper/lay-out paper, as any type of cartridge paper will bleed (though some good quality copying paper may work if you border in ink first).

Cano gives good advice regarding the shadow directions.. same with the advice regarding light source & reflections, it ain't easy though. really struggling with it myself.

Thank you very much for the feedback everyone. At 1, I would have used a black marker if I wasn't so scared of it bleeding through the paper. And it wasn't a pencil that I used for the ground, it was charcoal which tends to give a much darker shade compared to graphite or lead. It also isn't shiny in real life.
I was thinking of doing my own little RL run-about as a Car-toon, (quick tiny sketch.. only measures 4cm x 3cm, hence lack of quality), should look good if i can master the 'midnight indigo' paintjob (weird hue).. have done the wheels quite small because the RL OEM rims are only 15inch,

Fiat500 twin-air:

Also, finally got round to finishing the Trans-Am... (well, as finished as i can be bothered), it's not perfect but i'm still fairly pleased with it. main disappointment for me is the paint finish (looks like flat yet shiny plastic), also didn't put all that much effort into the tyres, and left the wheels unchanged...
Overall though (as already said) i'm quite happy with it, and i feel iv'e learn't some new things along the way.
Thanks again, Cano/AOS for the help and advice.

From this:

To this:

There's a few things missing, but i'm calling it done.
At1, if you don't want your surfaces to look like plastic, avoid using too many strong gradations. For example, don't burn a section to black with a soft brush. Shiny surfaces don't look like that. Matte/flat surfaces do however.

Instead, any softer shadows shouldn't go as dark. If an area needs to be dark, make it dark, but cast a hard shadow as this will make it look like the edge of a reflection, and where there is reflection, there is glossy finish. 👍
Thanks DarkAvenger 👍, i spent far too much time on it to be honest (i think i over-worked it a little too much in the wrong areas though :guilty:).

Thanks for the advice AOS. 👍
Can you change brushes when using the burn tool?, (i had no idea that could be done), and yeah, i hear you on the hard shadows/highlights... i haven't got the confidence/vision to be able to do it without fear of mistakes (not that it isn't a mistake already, the way iv'e done it), hopefully 1 day i'll get the hang of it.
That's freaking awesome, At1ness. The car doesn't look too plasticky, it only looks like it has a very neutral light on it, like it was in a studio. You'd be amazed at how much red flattens out in a studio. Highlight details in shut and bodywork lines are spot on, and the detail in the seats is awesome. Very good windshield treatment, too. I really want some Drag Radial tread there.

EDIT: Omfg seeing it big size at Flickr really reveals stuff with this one. I love it.
That's freaking awesome, At1ness. The car doesn't look too plasticky, it only looks like it has a very neutral light on it, like it was in a studio. You'd be amazed at how much red flattens out in a studio. Highlight details in shut and bodywork lines are spot on, and the detail in the seats is awesome. Very good windshield treatment, too. I really want some Drag Radial tread there.

EDIT: Omfg seeing it big size at Flickr really reveals stuff with this one. I love it.

Thanks Cano, glad you like it :) 👍

I think i understand what you mean regarding neutral light: as opposed to say.. 1 strong light source maybe? (i know i probably just get away with it on this one, but it's an area i'd definitely like to learn/improve upon in the future).
Sorry about the drag radials.. wanted to do them, but kind of threw in the towel towards the end, and rushed certain parts.

As for the big Flickr image: it does reveal stuff.. but at same time draws more attention to some of the mistakes :D, would have preferred to have done the highlights with a proper white pencil and a bit of tipp-ex (maybe more confident that way), having said that.. i'm still really quite pleased with it, and i think it's the best work iv'e done with my graphics tablet to date.

Thanks again Cano 👍 and the rest of you guys/gal for the compliments.
Just checked in photoshop:

as a J,PEG it's:

Width: 70cm
Height: 39.27cm
Resolution: 300 pixels/inch

(i don't know whether that means dpi of 300)... i'm not a very computery person. me = :dunce:
Sorry about the drag radials.. wanted to do them, but kind of threw in the towel towards the end, and rushed certain parts.

dude you're on Photoshop. Copy and paste a drat radial tire thread, manipulate it, and voilá.

Thanks again Cano 👍 and the rest of you guys/gal for the compliments.


EDIT: Oh, yeah, the Vette is a girl. Sorry.
I think i may have done it too big really, 50cm width probably would have been adequate.

Cano, i know.. have yet to use that tool, i really did just throw in the towel, got fed-up with it not being finished, so i stuck a fork in it and declared it done. :lol:, though in hindsight i should have done what you just suggested.
Finally almost finished. I just have to add the wing to it now. It's a Cobalt SS Supercharged.

Edit: Wing added

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I really like the reflections :)

I'm also working on another drawing that tests out my shading equipment, since I bought some blending stumps and a near-complete set of H and B pencils. Will post it later on.
Finally almost finished. I just have to add the wing to it now. It's a Cobalt SS Supercharged.

Edit: Wing added


The reflections on that picture are spot on, the only part I'm not so sure about is the rear wheel, it looks like it's bent out of place slightly.
Well after looking through this thread I thought I'd have a go drawing ...


As you can see the result isn't pretty, but we all have to start somewhere. I'm well aware the bottom of the car is well off among many other things.
The reflections on that picture are spot on, the only part I'm not so sure about is the rear wheel, it looks like it's bent out of place slightly.

I agree; I don't like how the wheels turned out, they look like rubbish :(

I'll look at it again and see if I could fix them.
I tried to fix it. Oh well I give up lol.

Hey Cano, do you also do colored pictures or just black and white? I like the Mustang. It looks like those "hellaflush" rides in Japan.
Hey Cano, do you also do colored pictures or just black and white? I like the Mustang. It looks like those "hellaflush" rides in Japan.

Time attack dude, time attack. The car is even chopped to be more aerodynamic (:

Also, on color, I'll have to, ONCE AGAINNNNNNNN YAAAAAAAAY, repost what everyone in this thread has seen a million times:





I really need to make small versions of other cars, this cannot be the only color stuff I have in teh interwebz.
I like the drawing, the rear wheel doesn't look too bad, though the front (along with the wheelarch) still doesn't look right (imo). It's a really nice drawing though overall... i just don't like the car itself. 👍

also "Hellaflush" is a term coined by the Americans, i believe. In Japan it's generally known as 'VIP' or 'Shakotan' (or something like that), it kind of irks me when these kind of terms (Hellaflush/stanced etc) are coined to everything, even if the style is arguably the same...

Loving the TA Mustang 👍, really like the chopped roof and open aperture style headlight/air vent thingy's, wheels and tyres look awesome as well also really like the CF effects on the appendages.
Really like the TRD Celica too, don't remember you posting that before... but then again, i do have a terrible memory.

Nice start, be sure to check out the helpful tutorial/vids AOS and others have posted. 👍