Looking forward to your clever reply.
It wont be clever. Im not playing games here, or trying to trick anyone. Im not trying to get away with anything. Im not toying around with any of this. I honestly believe the things Im saying here.
I dont say any of this for the sake of being different, or getting people upset.
There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist. Rand
I am not a fashionable non-conformist.
Universals are consolations.
I have to disagree (but you knew I would). Universal truths are the only thing that allows people to live together in a civilized manner. Those basic truths are what founded this country and allow us to have laws and function as a nation.
Do you know what necessity is?
I dont think there is a person on this planet who doesnt know what necessity is. In the context here it is what is required to avoid death. The dictionary describes it as what is indispensable. Necessity is something that we come into contact with relatively few times in our lives, but we all know what its about.
Necessity is dangerous. For even the most slightly uncivilized human being it represents a point past all rational thought.
I also already know it makes you feel secure to imply that what I am saying is all just hot air.
This has nothing to do with how I feel. It has everything to do with how we think. You would do better to stop assuming things about me and deal with the issues and facts at hand.
There is one standard of evaluation that everything is subject to, including this miscellany of so-called "universals" that you seem to value so highly. That value is necessity.
Im surprised you admit to thinking this. I guess I should have known that you would, weve touched on this subject before and you were heading in this direction. I told you then that I do not subscribe to the idea that principles are malleable, and I maintain that position, as you expected. What you have said here is so fundamentally wrong, its hard to know where to begin.
To say that value is necessity, and that all things should be evaluated with respect to necessity is to say that nothing is worth dying for.
To that you might say that the thing worth dying for is the greater necessity of the population.
I would claim that there are principles (which youve said dont exist in your world) that are worth entire populations dying for. When we go to war, do we ever stop to say: if this is going to kill the majority of us, we dont think its worth it.
What about freedom? Is that a necessity? No!!! Is it worth dying for? Yes!!! Is it a basic hard fundamental principle that should be held to? Yes.
What about justice?
What about love? Isnt that unnecessary? People go their entire lives without love, so its clearly unnecessary. Some would say it's worth everything in the face of necessity.
What about your dreams and aspirations? Isnt that something worth risking everything for? Are they necessary? No. Should people be willing to risk things that are necessary for them? I am.
Maybe Im missing the point. Ill try from another angle.
If one person is without food and is near death, while another person owns (rightfully) food and is not near death. Would the first person be justified in taking the second persons food because it is a necessity for him and only a luxury for the second person?
Hell no. Its not his. It belongs to the first person. No one is ever justified in taking the possessions of another person if no prior injustice has been committed by that person. You have to consider what was given up for those possessions
. time
the most precious thing we have.
Fundamental truths that apply in the face of necessity. If that's not true, what are we living for?
Am I missing your point?