are you suggesting that ANYBODY who speeds is a bad driver? you are truly the most ignorant person i've encountered thous far... 6 years so far, nobody's hurt... you're right, the accident rate in Germany is higher... which makes the fact that the fatality rate is lower even MORE impressive.... but thanks for trying.... and telling me you go to Germany and stuff like that would be more believable if you had a profile or Something to say where you live....
P.S. YOU do not represent the car enthusiast community, YOU are NOT the all leading saying crap of the Enthusiast group -- and if you were smarter, you would realize MANY enthusiasts speed... a lot. IF you actually race on road courses, you are just another guy, who ran around a road course, and deemed himself an amazing driver, because he raced on a track - I never claimed to be a fantastic driver although I AM definetly better than your average joe... and likely, you too -- but anyway, we could go back and forth about who's a good driver and who sucks, but since you apparently dont live anywhere, we'll never be able to race -- but, I guess you would be to scared to since I'm crazy stupid and SPEED!!! oh no, let it go, I dont like the slow lotus, get back to the topic
So you're telling me that just because I dont' name my occupation as a soldier in the military, having been stationed in germany, it's not believable? Please, get off it.
2 points.
1) You say that the percentage would not change. When have YOU ever driven on the Autobahn? It is not what you think, not your friendly run of the mill highway, if Germany had half the drivers of the US that percentage would go through the roof, period. There is no question about it. The only reason the percentage is low now is because a) the population is lower, and b) fewer people use privately owned vehicles, it's all about public transportation and biking/walking in germany.
2) I'm not suggesting speeding makes people bad drivers, I am suggesting, however, that people who exceed the speed limit by 80mph on a public road, are VERY bad drivers. Not necessarily skill wise, just decision wise, and smarts wise.
You are a young breed of "enthusiast", plain and simple. Children will be children, they always have, you get that fix on speed and think you need it. You've never had real competition, and you've only gone straight and probably street raced. You think you're tough stuff because your brother drives a 350 and you occasionally roll around in it, speeding around town to show off your ego. You would get served by a car with 80 fewer horses on a track, I can tell by your tone alone, and nothing more.
And this has evolved as you are trying to make a statement about fast cars, and going fast, yet prove to have little knowledge of cars in general, you probably know how to hit the gas and the break am I right? I've completely rebuilt motors, restored classics, and appreciate automotive work, you just speed.
Anyway, this is the end of the debate from my side, you've proven yourself, at least to me, to be a young at heart childish driver, and until you display the type of attitude that any real professionl, or aspiring professional, or even legit enthusiast, you will forever be an amatuer with a chip on his shoulder.