CES pics and info from hdrider1989 (pics fixed)

  • Thread starter clacksman
I highly doubt it's only 20 tracks. SO, Japan could be: Fuji, Suzuka, Motegi, and Tsukuba. within that different variations of each track. The fictional GT tracks might be under a different category, city, dirt, etc...unless PD thinks tracks like trial mountain, and grand valley exist in a real world location such Europe or the US...
Hi. A friend of mine who's not registered here on GTP asked me to repost his pics and comments about his trip to CES and the GT demo station. He asked us (PSN NA) what to do while there and went forth with the instructions.
Here's what he posted on PSN afterwards:
(source hdrider1989s' post )
Ok I accepted my mission. Departed the house, 1st stop at pick up CES passes. Then off to Las Vegas Convention Center to find parking...haaaa! First off CES is off the hook with people and cool electronics. They are both everywhere. After arriving at CES it took over an hour to find the Gran Turismo display. There were large crowds around the game. Didn't get a chance to go thru all the menu's. There was no tuning menu. I did ask the Sony Rep [Edit: Chris Hinojosa-Miranda] about tuning compared to prologue...and he said it was expansively larger (he used hand gestures showing an explosion) to me meant really big...we will see. The sound sucked, but that was because it was drowned out by the massive crowds. AI still drives sloppy, I was rear ended and side swiped, however I was not super fast. I asked about how many tracks and was told 20 locations with over 60 variations. I asked him to expand on that....he said Daytona Motor Speedway is 1 location with 2 variations....super speedway and road course. Also had the opportunity to play GT5 in 3D. Although the 3D tv's and video games were extremely cool, I didn't see an advantage for Gran Turismo. The camera view was locked on trailing view, the car was 3 dimensionally opposed over the track, but other scenery such as trees were 2 dimensional. I could live without the 3D. I've recently purchased a new camera, takes terrible pictures. Here's the ones that came out.....
And here are his pics posted on page 2 ITT and now down to reasonable size. Nothing shatteringly new in these pics, although grid list screens overlaid on the Nurburgring are sweet.
linky to the fullsize his photo host:hdrider@CES

pics here

Look at the second picture,the car fourth on the grid,19inch wheel option,it means we may get different wheel options for the cars.
Everyone with a brain already assumed that to be so."

So how come you worked it out?"

LOL comment of the week
thats what he gets for being a smartass

Cheers mate 👍. I think he's back in his box!
why the hell nobody uses the cockpit view!? i want to see the inside of some supergt car insted of a ****ing bumper view that show us the tarmac

has no one else noticed the track map now floats over your hand:scared:
Guys think back to Amars post, there may be two versions of the game, one in which DLC is included, one in which DLC costs money.

"Fifth wind says that reunion will happen in two forms, one greater than other and birdtamers will have freedom to decide which reunion they will attend. Greater reunion will ask for great sacrifice to be made in order to get all present and future treasures without new sacrifices needed, while smaller reunion will come in form already known, asking for more sacrifices if future treasures catches the eyes of the birdtamers."

What else is going to be available as DLC except for tracks, ok there may be a few cars but at what point does the number of cars stop. Tracks are easilly the money makers of DLC.
I reckon the 20 tracks is easily explained by the work necessary to implement day, night, rain and shine and everything in between.
why the hell nobody uses the cockpit view!? i want to see the inside of some supergt car insted of a ****ing bumper view that show us the tarmac
Why not? I'll tell you why - it's beause I sit about 9 feet away from a 46" screen. As the screen does not fill my peripheral vision, the last thing I want to do is further reduce the useful screen-estate by filling it with a largely inanimate cockpit. By using something like hood-cam (the one I use if available), it offers what I consider to be a more representative view of what I see from the seat in my car, and hence allows me to position the car better on the track. I don't need the fancy graphics around the edge to tell me what car I'm driving.

If I were to sit up close to the screen, have functional head tracking, or a wrap-around screen setup, the situation might be different.
He didnt ask you.
No one there at the CES sits 9 feet away from the screen.

And enough people play the game with cockpit at home (including me).
Why not? I'll tell you why - it's beause I sit about 9 feet away from a 46" screen. As the screen does not fill my peripheral vision, the last thing I want to do is further reduce the useful screen-estate by filling it with a largely inanimate cockpit. By using something like hood-cam (the one I use if available), it offers what I consider to be a more representative view of what I see from the seat in my car, and hence allows me to position the car better on the track. I don't need the fancy graphics around the edge to tell me what car I'm driving.

If I were to sit up close to the screen, have functional head tracking, or a wrap-around screen setup, the situation might be different.

He was asking the TC not you, don't take it personally. Some of us want to see the cockpits for somethiing new at least.
FFS, excuse me all the hell for responding to a generic question like that, asking why nobody uses the cockpit view. It wasn't personal, just stating my piece, as people do in forums.

@ G.T.Ace, no **** people sit close to the screen at CES - they are in purpose-built racing cockpits. I'm at home in a room that has to function as a general purpose lounge/office/media room. Sorry if I haven't got the kit that you lot have...

If enough people play via cockpit view at home, then it renders the original question moot, regardless of who it was aimed at.

Chill out people, don't take it personal...
But it was aimed at people at the show, because in almost all videos and pictures, people drive with the bumper cam instead of showing some new cockpits. No one was asking you why you dont use the cockpit.
FFS, excuse me all the hell for responding to a generic question like that, asking why nobody uses the cockpit view. It wasn't personal, just stating my piece, as people do in forums.

@ G.T.Ace, no **** people sit close to the screen at CES - they are in purpose-built racing cockpits. I'm at home in a room that has to function as a general purpose lounge/office/media room. Sorry if I haven't got the kit that you lot have...

If enough people play via cockpit view at home, then it renders the original question moot, regardless of who it was aimed at.

Chill out people, don't take it personal...

Nah he's right, in the CES vids we would prefer to see cockpit view than bumper cam. I suppose the view you use is based on preference and the practicalities like the size of your tv etc. (Same with me really, on my brother's HD TV i use cockpit view. On my little 15 inch SDTV i always use chase view.)

Theres nothing wrong with bumper cam, we just want to see some cockpit view :)
May have been mentioned already, but it's a shame the Nordschlieife is exactly the same in GT4 except for the lighting. 👎

EDIT: I don't care very much though, and it looks decent after all.
May have been mentioned already, but it's a shame the Nordschlieife is exactly the same in GT4 except for the lighting. 👎

EDIT: I don't care very much though, and it looks decent after all.

On the upside, the Nurburgring was pretty darn good in GT4 to start with :)
May have been mentioned already, but it's a shame the Nordschlieife is exactly the same in GT4 except for the lighting. 👎

EDIT: I don't care very much though, and it looks decent after all.
Well here's the problem - with every generation it's going to be a case of diminishing returns when it comes to making something look better. The fact that it doesn't look too much different in GT5 apart from higher res just shows how good it was in GT4 to start with.
Rİng graphics seems the same in gt4 but it will have Dynmaic weather and day night cycles.Think about like that.
On the upside, the Nurburgring was pretty darn good in GT4 to start with :)
Well here's the problem - with every generation it's going to be a case of diminishing returns when it comes to making something look better. The fact that it doesn't look too much different in GT5 apart from higher res just shows how good it was in GT4 to start with.
Indeed, it looks good. Hope the GP circuit is in as well though, and the combined endurance version. :drool:
I reckon the 20 tracks is easily explained by the work necessary to implement day, night, rain and shine and everything in between.

Exactly, I'm afraid. If one location (track) takes 2 or 3 tracks worth the work, we might not get many tracks off the bat. It also helps to explain the 3 variations average per location - rain or night being a variation.

Up until the CES news I was pretty confident that locations were going to be countries plus a spot with all of the GT original courses. Here's crossing the fingers for many new and old courses coming to GT5 via DLC :nervous:
Exactly, I'm afraid. If one location (track) takes 2 or 3 tracks worth the work, we might not get many tracks off the bat. It also helps to explain the 3 variations average per location - rain or night being a variation.

Up until the CES news I was pretty confident that locations were going to be countries plus a spot with all of the GT original courses. Here's crossing the fingers for many new and old courses coming to GT5 via DLC :nervous:

20 tracks making up 60+ layouts is still going to be great. Maybe they couldn't fit anymore on the disc or it's taken them this long to finish the 20 that will be on it but I do hope there will be more tracks as DLC

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