CES pics and info from hdrider1989 (pics fixed)

  • Thread starter clacksman
I will have to admit that the 'ring in GT4 was one of the best I have driven. Force feedbackwise of course, most other sims tend to be very smooth and only show cockpit movement.
20 tracks making up 60+ layouts is still going to be great. Maybe they couldn't fit anymore on the disc or it's taken them this long to finish the 20 that will be on it but I do hope there will be more tracks as DLC

Especially considering how much playtime I got out of the handful of tracks in GT5 Prologue I realize this will be true. The game will be overwhelming regardless.

I thought Kaz said he wanted a game complete out of the box and no dlc is planned.

I recall this and what Amar said and I wonder if maybe there are some conflicts of opinion between KY and Sony. I'm positive Sony wants DLC options but it seems KY is put off by the notion. There will probably be some compromise there. Considering the history of GT5P I'd bet on at least a few free big updates to the game. As for pay-DLC who knows?
I recall this and what Amar said and I wonder if maybe there are some conflicts of opinion between KY and Sony. I'm positive Sony wants DLC options but it seems KY is put off by the notion. There will probably be some compromise there. Considering the history of GT5P I'd bet on at least a few free big updates to the game. As for pay-DLC who knows?

Considering past history & the direction KY wanted to go with GTHD as a bare bones game with pay as you go DLC. I don't think he's completely opposed to the idea...

Then again, KY flip flops as much as any politician, so what do I know.
It's unfortunately sounding more and more like location=track.

What I always wonder is why PD would use the term "location" when they have been using the word "track" for GT1-GT4, and even GTPSP with over 35 "tracks."
GTPSP with 45 tracks surely wont have more tracks than the reall deal GT5.

I hope...

we know now some of the new tracks for the series in GT5, and there is a lot of tracks from previous GTs that I really want to see in GT5 ^^

btw, someone knows how Sony/PD count tracks in GT PSP? they still say it is "35 tracks" but there is 45 in the game and over 70 "variations"... :confused: ?
Considering past history & the direction KY wanted to go with GTHD as a bare bones game with pay as you go DLC. I don't think he's completely opposed to the idea...

Then again, KY flip flops as much as any politician, so what do I know.

I always felt that the GTHD concept back then was more a Sony concept than a PD creation. We may never know. I just couldn't believe Kaz would want the game that way. Either way, the fact that he discussed it as fact and then it fell through means there could be some internal conflict between PD and Sony regarding this subject.

I'd bet that any flip-flopping he's done in the past had to do with either business decisions above his head or time/resource limitations. Both pretty forgivable by me.
These ones dont, that's for sure. At least try and design a few variations!


Considering past history & the direction KY wanted to go with GTHD as a bare bones game with pay as you go DLC. I don't think he's completely opposed to the idea...

And considering the icey reception PD received toward the idea it got dropped pretty quickly ... I just can't imagine they've spent the last 5 years on lighting, modelling cars and tweaking the physics - they must have modelled more than 20 locations in that period?
Guys think back to Amars post, there may be two versions of the game, one in which DLC is included, one in which DLC costs money.

"Fifth wind says that reunion will happen in two forms, one greater than other and birdtamers will have freedom to decide which reunion they will attend. Greater reunion will ask for great sacrifice to be made in order to get all present and future treasures without new sacrifices needed, while smaller reunion will come in form already known, asking for more sacrifices if future treasures catches the eyes of the birdtamers."

What else is going to be available as DLC except for tracks, ok there may be a few cars but at what point does the number of cars stop. Tracks are easilly the money makers of DLC.

KAZ already said they have no plans for DLC in the near future.
But there will be DLC I bet. DLC was on his mind long before GT5Prologue. Its just he wants to send out a COMPETE game, months later we will have DLC I bet
I think we can count on there being DLC. Sending out a "complete game" just means that people will receive, from day 1, a package worthy of the development time put into it and the price paid for the game.

SONY/PD would be crazy to ignore the DLC potential for such a game. New cars are getting released all the time, they could do special editions of existing ones, and just one new track would extend the game massively. It's not just limited to cars and tracks either. Yep, it's fair to say that DLC for GT5 is a given, both paid and free.
There was one time (before and after GT5Prologue) when Kaz mentioned that he would release a game that would be based on DLC. So imagine GT5Prologue that every now and then you will get major updates. Good thing they did not go with the idea. FULL game is better then Quarter of a game with DLC every some time. I rather have full experience and wait 4-6 months for a DLC.
Hi. A friend of mine who's not registered here on GTP asked me to repost his pics and comments about his trip to CES and the GT demo station. He asked us (PSN NA) what to do while there and went forth with the instructions.
Here's what he posted on PSN afterwards:
(source hdrider1989s' post )
Ok I accepted my mission. Departed the house, 1st stop at pick up CES passes. Then off to Las Vegas Convention Center to find parking...haaaa! First off CES is off the hook with people and cool electronics. They are both everywhere. After arriving at CES it took over an hour to find the Gran Turismo display. There were large crowds around the game. Didn't get a chance to go thru all the menu's. There was no tuning menu. I did ask the Sony Rep [Edit: Chris Hinojosa-Miranda] about tuning compared to prologue...and he said it was expansively larger (he used hand gestures showing an explosion) to me meant really big...we will see. The sound sucked, but that was because it was drowned out by the massive crowds. AI still drives sloppy, I was rear ended and side swiped, however I was not super fast. I asked about how many tracks and was told 20 locations with over 60 variations. I asked him to expand on that....he said Daytona Motor Speedway is 1 location with 2 variations....super speedway and road course. Also had the opportunity to play GT5 in 3D. Although the 3D tv's and video games were extremely cool, I didn't see an advantage for Gran Turismo. The camera view was locked on trailing view, the car was 3 dimensionally opposed over the track, but other scenery such as trees were 2 dimensional. I could live without the 3D. I've recently purchased a new camera, takes terrible pictures. Here's the ones that came out.....
And here are his pics posted on page 2 ITT and now down to reasonable size. Nothing shatteringly new in these pics, although grid list screens overlaid on the Nurburgring are sweet.
linky to the fullsize his photo host:hdrider@CES

pics here

Thanks man!
So who was the guy who represented the game? 20 tracks is really too low of a number.. It should be over 40 on what I am guessing.. Seems they just pick up some random SONY guys to represent the game, they learn all the stats of the game and away they go.. So I be the 20 locations and 60 variations has to be WAY off.. Like on the other posts, we already have 17 confirmed tracks, and heck loads from GT4 and other games that are missing.

Best way is to ask the creator of the game to get idea on how many tracks. Because for me, I think 20 Locations, 20 countries and 60 tracks. Unless the guy was right, and GT5 will ship with 20 + tracks. Then DLC will come
There was one time (before and after GT5Prologue) when Kaz mentioned that he would release a game that would be based on DLC. So imagine GT5Prologue that every now and then you will get major updates. Good thing they did not go with the idea. FULL game is better then Quarter of a game with DLC every some time. I rather have full experience and wait 4-6 months for a DLC.
Oh yes, I remember that well :) People were not too pleased about the prospect of getting a half-baked game on the disc and then being forced to pay for everything else in chunks via DLC. I for one am glad that the idea was scrapped almost as quickly as it was conceived!

Regarding your post above, I don't really think it matters how many tracks are included - it will get some DLC regardless.
So who was the guy who represented the game? Seems they just pick up some random SONY guys to represent the game, they learn all the stats of the game and away they go..

He's Chris Hinojosa-Miranda, an SCEA Associate Producer working on GT, not just some booth lacky :D
Oh! I am corrected.. 20 tracks, not that bad after all, by the end of the day with GT4 whenever I did TT, I only pick from 4 different tracks.

By the way, why not ask him about how Weather day night cycles will work? Or if GT mode changed from GT4 game?
Its going to be a sad day in the GT world if theres only 20 tracks. It doesn't even seem possible. So much for that 96 track stat from last April, eh? If this is really true, then this is the letdown of the century. We've already played 30% of the tracks in GT5 if this is true. I sincerely hope PD is only saying "20 locations" to build suspense, because 20 tracks is absolutely, unequivocally unacceptable. NFS: Shift has 19! Forza has 30! You mean to tell me a game that's been 6 years in production is only gonna ship with 20 tracks? Its an absolute shame, and once the public gets a hold of this, PD is gonna get some bad press.
So who was the guy who represented the game? 20 tracks is really too low of a number.. It should be over 40 on what I am guessing.. Seems they just pick up some random SONY guys to represent the game, they learn all the stats of the game and away they go.. So I be the 20 locations and 60 variations has to be WAY off.. Like on the other posts, we already have 17 confirmed tracks, and heck loads from GT4 and other games that are missing.

Best way is to ask the creator of the game to get idea on how many tracks. Because for me, I think 20 Locations, 20 countries and 60 tracks. Unless the guy was right, and GT5 will ship with 20 + tracks. Then DLC will come

I'd be a bit upset if I could drive on more tracks with my 🤬 PSP than my 🤬🤬🤬 $400.00+ 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 PS3... And that's an understatement.

DLC is a must for this game and should be seen as a long term strategy, well into the release of a PS4.
Yeah. I thought it sounded way too high. I personally thought 60-70 unique tracks would be the number for GT5. 96 sounds a little too high, but 20 is embarassingly low

I suppose that's what happens when you spend all your time modeling 1000 cars. :ouch:
Yeah. I thought it sounded way too high. I personally thought 60-70 unique tracks would be the number for GT5. 96 sounds a little too high, but 20 is embarassingly low

No one said UNIQUE tracks. 96 sounds like total racing circuits to me.
R?ng graphics seems the same in gt4 but it will have Dynmaic weather and day night cycles. Think about like that.
Keep dreaming, but don't get too disappointed when game's out. ;)
Kaz said a lot... nothing's really confirmed before GT5 is out in Japan or wherever it gets release 1st.
I still think GT5 is going to be awesome, but 20 tracks would be ridiculous however...