I'm currently slowly chipping away at detailing at the moment. Not much to see specifically.
I've been expanding my city too rapidly; I'm ending up with a characterless mess. Some stuff doesn't look much better than the stuff I made in the first month I had the game!
Anyway, I drew up a quick schematic of my Cargo network the other day, basically just to keep things clear in my head as the map gets more congested. I disconnected my cargo airport from the main road network, and connected it to one of the hidden roads from the major Rail Freight Terminal (CIRFT).
.. and at this point, I realised I'd made a glaring error in my execution of my plan. Despite G.COLE Sea freight having two cargo ports, they're both road access only! One was always supposed to be connected directly to the rail network! I don't know why I've never noticed it before, but I've built the area up too much to be able to run a rail line in and swap one over. The result of this is the road connections between the 3 G.COLE facilities have always been heavily congested, and in turn, modifications to the roads in the area were made that I've never been happy with...
... a similar story happens on the other side too, with the two facilities at Marston Bay. There is no Barge/Rail asset, so these two will always be connected by road, but at the moment, they're kind of in series, they could do with being in parallel. They serve my fishing industry which puts out
a lot of trucks (when it's not flooded).
... the short of it is, I really could do with demolishing a bunch of stuff and starting again.
Overall, my import/export ratio is about 1:7, with around half of those imports being mail, and the other half being generic goods. The city is just about making a profit at the moment. I can't really build much more industry (zero on the demand meter), until I satisfy my residential demand, and as I said up top, I'm already expanding the city too quickly. I need a few solid weeks or detailing and refining what I've got before building anything new.