Clean Road Car Racing LeagueOpen 

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Championship edit: Results for Race day 2 added.

The biggest table change is of course Toni's jump from 7th to 3rd! What a display, Toni. Excellent driving and a worthy winner of race 3.

Well, what can there be said about last night that doesn't involve all the language for dirty ears? What a crap buffet of connection issues! I didn't have the weather problems of you, Least, but our problems did indeed erode my focus.
Three restarts and two host changes. Twice I had to rejoin the room to see everyone on the track. Drivers dropping out of the race once we got going and while I was in 2nd place feeling good about myself (I had no illusion of catching you, Toni :P). It just kept the clock ticking.

Race drivers always have excuses I hear, and mine is the time. With the race start delayed so many times, I began zoning out on the third lap. On the forth, my final before pitting, the tyres were a a little worn, more so for the rear ones, and I just couldn't keep up. I kept spinning where I usually have no problems because my reactions and timing was way off. I can't blame my RGT though, it was all me screwing up. I will try an online session later just to see if I could have matched the times of my betters. :)

With that speech out of the way: The GT6 version on Nürburgring is be-a-uti-ful! Just; Wow! The sunset and sunrise blinds you appropriately, and it's a leap above GT5 for sure. As we shortened the race because of the connection issues, we had more night racing than day, but it didn't matter. It's just right, and it looks so good. If the PS3 had the muscles to have headlights for all the cars, I wouldn't ask for anything more. Oh, yeah, and the full particle effects with smoke etc (which exists in Time Trial mode by the way). But it is a gorgeous rendition of the track.

I don't know if it's that we were a couple of drivers more than previously, or that we're all of comparable skill, but I never once during the race felt like I was doing hot laps. The entire race I was chasing or being chased, albeit not in very close quarters. It was indeed good fun when we finally got going. :)

So, all in all it was an eventful evening! It says something about our group though that it was still all enjoyable, I had a good time. And ToniCX is a good addition to the group, good guy, good driver - the sort we like :). Shame we didn't have elen, but a) it would just have been one more person to get connected, and b) if he's actually gone to the actual Nordschliefe, I don't think he'll mind missing it!

Cheers fellas.

Agreed! I'm pleased to see that the new faces fit right in and continue to hope that we can keep 8-10 drivers on the grid for the length of the championship. It looks like it so far.

And of course I too wish elen all the best on his vacation.

This makes me think; is it possible that connection issues are increased by some tracks? I'm an incompetent in these things, but if you think about it during a race like the one we've had last night, we've got:
-several cars with great detailing both aesthetic and in terms of handling and behavior.
-a huge, complicated track with perfectly realized surroundings, as well as all the hundreds of bumps and slopes of the track itself
-again, a huge and complicated weather and time system which affects perfectly and constantly the track, the curbs, the trees, the buildings, the cars etc etc.
-a...thing that records the replay of the whole race, complete with all the data details like sector times, etc.
-some other things we don't notice
I mean, there'a massive amount of stuff to held for a single connection, I think. Ok, all of it was in GT5 too, but not so detailed. There's also this recent article:
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but the only race without huge connection issues we've had, if I'm not wrong, was the one in Tsukuba. Which is a short, simple and "standard" track, upscaled from GT4 and without time change. An hour later, same host and same players, at Brands Hatch; brand new, very detailed track with time and weather change. The result was people being disconnected since qualifying.


I really hope he's enjoying his trip, but...

I don't know if it's track related. Maybe. It shouldn't be.
I believe that the resources are allocated differently online (hence different physics, and in GT5 dependent of the number of drivers too), but the tracks ought to have their own allocated memory space, which draws from local storage. But only Polyphony Digital knows for sure how it works. There are network prediction algorithms at work online that steal resources, so maybe they take more time on a more detailed data set? Well, I better shut up now before my ignorance about these matters shine through too much. :lol:

On summer tyres the snow by Nürburgring looks menacing, but if elen has friction tyres he should have no problem driving around it. I would've definitely done it. Let's hope we get to hear about it later. :)

Keep racing!
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On summer tyres the snow by Nürburgring looks menacing, but if elen has friction tyres he should have no problem driving around it. I would've definitely done it. Let's hope we get to hear about it later. :)

Keep racing!

The problem is that the circuit isn't always open to public. Especially during winter, I think there are just a few days when you can drive in the Nordschleife, as you can see here:
It's open this weekend, then for the next scheduled open public driving you have to wait one entire month.

I take this opportunity to recommend this really good blog for Nurburgring lovers:
Quoting from there: "These opening times are subject to change. They can change very quickly! The usual culprit is bad weather, fog and heavy rain. No visibility = no safety = no driving. This can happen on any day of the year in the Eifel. My best advice is never to come for just 'one day', unless you can come again another time."

So, let's hope elen is lucky enough to enjoy at least one lap in the green hell.
But as I've experienced, if you're a car enthusiast that place has something really magical. Even if you're not able to tackle the circuit and you just walk/drive around there your time will fly, overwhelmed by the proper passion for cars which is everywhere. More than 2 years have gone by, but I still have all the great memories of that day in mind. I've seen live a lot of car related events; Geneva motor show, Mille Miglia and other motor shows and motorsport events here in Italy, even Formula 1 back in the days when there were V10 engines revving at almost 20'000 RPM. Well, nothing was nowhere near my experience at the 'Ring, and it was only half a day!
I don't want to be tedious, so I'll (re)share just an example of what I'm talking about:
I've parked my car next to a Porsche 930 Turbo from the 70s. Surely it's not as showy as a green Lambo, but it's a beautiful car, and quite rare. So I've started looking at it very closely; the interiors, the historic Fuchs rims, that strange rear wing. At this point the owner arrived, he was from Belgium according to the plate and he was seeing the action on track a minute before. He saw me, maybe he thought I've was looking for a way to steal it. Usually, at least in Italy, at this point the owner gives you a dirty, arrogant look which says: "Go away from my car immediately, you'll not be able to afford it so forget about it and come back to your poverty". This actually happened to me several times, especially with Ferrari owners:rolleyes:. In that case instead, that sir smiled at me and made a gesture with the hand like "admire it as much as you want". I didn't want to be a nuisance, so I took a few steps back and I made him understand how cool his car was. Then, he revved a bit while leaving the park, so that me and my friends could enjoy the lovely rumble of the flat six. He wasn't showing off, he was just an enthusiast who recognized some other enthusiasts, simply.
That day was full of other examples of car-enthusiasm at its best, from guys with a van:) to rich but humble gentlemen with Ferraris, but as I said, I don't want to be boring.
Here's the picture of my Polo next to the 911, with the Nurburg castle on the background. Vuja, that's the grandma of your car:); first ever Porsche Turbo, the one which started a legend.

ger2011 065.jpg

Edit: While taking a look at the photos from that day, I've realized there's another cool one.
I'm next to the roundabout just outside the track entry, but there has been a massive accident and the track is closed. There's a big queue of cars waiting to enter the track, but everyone realizes that it's not possible at the moment and leaves the place heading to the car parks nearby. All of them apart from one, an old but "menacing" Mercedes 190E 2.5 Evo II, the one which is also in Gran Turismo. It heads straight into the entry lane, but the stewards order it back off. The driver goes back into the roundabout, and opens the door; it was a...not so young man, probably around 70 years old (I'm not exaggerating) really struggling to stand up from the driving seat, because of the age and because of the roll cage extended also to the front. I was able to spot the disappointment on his face while he was complaining with the stewards.
A 70 year old man, barely able to move, with an old track-prepared Mercedes with a huge roll-cage, loud exhaust, funky(ugly) race livery which really wants to join the most dangerous track in the world, more than anyone else there. Huge respect for him :). I'm pretty sure this is a scene possible only at the 'Ring.

ger2011 081.jpg
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I really enjoyed that, marco. Thanks for sharing. I hope to get there one day, but who knows? I always keep it in mind as a possibility. I might die in the Cobra, though (perhaps too fast), but even the Smax would be fun
. Just a couple of laps... Just taking it easy... ;)
I really enjoyed that, marco. Thanks for sharing. I hope to get there one day, but who knows? I always keep it in mind as a possibility. I might die in the Cobra, though (perhaps too fast), but even the Smax would be fun
. Just a couple of laps... Just taking it easy... ;)

I know it's foregone and repetitive, but I really, really recommend everyone to do that. It's a long journey (especially if you've got some...sea on the way), it's expensive, it's not family friendly (unless you've married a... Sabine Schmitz:)) but if you've got a small opportunity to do that, take it.

The Cobra would probably be terrifying on the track, but it'll suit perfectly around there. The public roads around the track which connect one small town to the next one (Adenau, Quiddelbach, Meuspath etc.) are absolutely wonderful, great for a ride in a convertible sportscar; the tarmac is perfect, twists and bends and slopes of any kind, you're literally surrounded by nature. It's just a quiet stretch of tarmac inside the forest with green all around, with some great cars coming the other way occasionally. Obviously you need good weather but if you're lucky, it'll be a drive to remember. And apparently I'm not the only one enjoying those roads, given the amount of skid marks outside hairpins:mischievous:. I have to say that Germans are tempters, in some of those corners they put track-style(apart from red-white painting) curbs on the apex, in a public road!:cheers:

In the S-Max you'll be in good company, I've seen a lot of family cars into the Nordschleife, some of them not taking it easy at all. I remember a brown VW Touran, driven by a really young guy attacking the curb outside the first corner of the track, with screaming tires; I don't think he was more than 20 years old. Were his parents aware that their diesel family car was being thrashed at 5.500 RPM with a tire on the grass and a barrier waiting for it? I really don't think so.
Same sort of driver in an old VW Transporter for the 90s. I remember really well this one while he drove by just a couple of meters in front of the barrier where I was:lol:. He was wearing a rally-ish crash helmet (open at the front, with visible face), his body was inclined towards the steering wheel in a very aggressive and involved way, gritted teeth while smashing a gear in, with the engine screaming. And a flattering Welsh flag in the air, proudly fitted above the passenger seat. I really regret not taking a picture of him. The van was exactly like this one, except for right-hand drive and a mad face behind the wheel :lol: (Sorry for the crappy picture, there was a wire mesh, as you can clearly see)
ger2011 053.jpg
Great reporting, marco, thank you! One day, I'll be there too. I would have a little problem in that I would have to keep reminding myself of the actual consequences of driving it for real. It would feel seductively familiar, I think. :P

It sounds like an automotive equivalent to going to a rock festival. Everybody shares the same interest and it puts people in a good mood. I love it when it's like that! You meet cool and interesting people all the time, all day. It's just great.

I've come around on old Porsches. I didn't get the attraction of the 993 until I saw one in real life. Older Porsches are really small cars and I get the charm now. To me, the 993s are still way overpriced, but I get it. And I love what Singer have done.
Oh, why am I not a millionaire? Well, because I'd blow everything on cars before I got there, that's why. :lol:

I'm plotting and preparing for what to get for when my Audi gives up. Until then, I have a most fantastic summer drive.

I love the old man in the Merc! As my father, who used to rally on an amateur level, said to me when I got my license: "When I was eighteen, I thought that people who were 40 were old bores and feared the day when I'd lose my love of driving. Now I'm even older, and it's still as fun as ever. It never changes." He later got problems with his eyesight and drove much less, but he was right. :)

On the topic of the thread:
I have accumulated a LOT of old yanks with 550PP. I would love to drive the Shelby GT350, but I can't get it to work properly. Shelby's Cobra is fast, though I don't know how it treats the tyres. Finding the quickest one is a lot of testing. :)

Also, if we follow the regulations to the letter, the Ford GT40 '66 would be allowed to enter (no adjustable front downforce). However, the spirit of the rules disqualifies it as it's clearly a race car with no street version. I tried it, and I was matching my Sport Soft times in the other cars, on Sport Hard tyres. Has anyone planned on using it?

And we welcome duckmantango who's asked to join us on Wednesday. Welcome, duckman!
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I haven't tried the GT40. I was running some test laps in Willow springs last night, to see which car was the quickest out of my two favourite contenders, one being the Shelby Cobra. It wasn't the fastest, alas, but not by much - but it's speed on the straights is always tempered by it's awkwardness through the bends. I managed a 1.17.5 in my Firebird. However, I'll try the GT40 tonight, which I suspect may be considerably quicker. I'll keep it in reserve, basically - if it is quicker, and someone else decides to use it, then I might have to follow suit in order to remain competitive. We'll see, but it's not my favourite choice. For some reason I prefer slightly 'underdog' cars...

A question - the Camaro RS and the Red Devil - these are both cars that will originally have met the spec, but GT6 doesn't give a date for either. I guess that they are modern specials, really - what do you think? Are they allowable? I haven't tested either, because I question their eligibility...

Haven't run any laps in the S2000 yet, but I'm pretty comfortable at Suzuka, so we'll see. What kind of lap times are we looking at there?
I haven't tried the GT40. I was running some test laps in Willow springs last night, to see which car was the quickest out of my two favourite contenders, one being the Shelby Cobra. It wasn't the fastest, alas, but not by much - but it's speed on the straights is always tempered by it's awkwardness through the bends. I managed a 1.17.5 in my Firebird. However, I'll try the GT40 tonight, which I suspect may be considerably quicker. I'll keep it in reserve, basically - if it is quicker, and someone else decides to use it, then I might have to follow suit in order to remain competitive. We'll see, but it's not my favourite choice. For some reason I prefer slightly 'underdog' cars...

A question - the Camaro RS and the Red Devil - these are both cars that will originally have met the spec, but GT6 doesn't give a date for either. I guess that they are modern specials, really - what do you think? Are they allowable? I haven't tested either, because I question their eligibility...

Haven't run any laps in the S2000 yet, but I'm pretty comfortable at Suzuka, so we'll see. What kind of lap times are we looking at there?

Yes, that's the problem. If one driver chooses the GT40 '66, you have no option but to race one too if you want to stand a chance of winning.

I don't think it's fair to allow the Camaro RS or the Red Devil as they don't have a defined year, and I think they're sort of modern cars playing dress up. There are a few other grey area cars, e.g. the Grand Touring Garage 1970 Ford Mustang Trans-Cammer, Art Morrison Corvette '60.

Oh, shi... 1.17.5! You have me beat by 2s - per lap! It's not looking good for my race.
I still have the Z28 to test, and a few others. I run into trouble when the car's nuts and bolts are all tuned. :)

I'm doing 1.33 laps on Suzuka in the S2000. Very nice car at that track, I think. I have no idea if I'm quick enough there. :nervous:
Well, I managed a 1.15.3 in the GT40 last night, which is much quicker. But I don't think I'll be able to get those times online - the Firebird, which is what I'll use if no one else goes for the GT40, was under-steering lots more with the online handling model, I just couldn't tip it into the bends in quite the same way. I reckon a 1.18.5 is more like the online lap time.

Still haven't done any test laps at Suzuka in the S2000 - I'm going to be a bit fresh for the first race this evening! Might be able to get in a few laps while we struggle with all the connection issues :)

Come on GT6 servers! Help us out here... Fingers (and everything else crossable) crossed...

No time for practice this time I will come fresh to racing too. My short time on PS3 this week have been playing Last of Us DLC a game I truly recommend to anyone, best game ever imho and this DLC although a bit short adds to the story.

S2000 is a well balanced car so it should be huge fun on comfort soft tires.

At Willow springs my only american car At 550pp range is the GT40 MkI so I have no other option, so you know.

See you this evening!
I'm a bit busy at the moment, almost certainly I can't join until 22.30/23.00 GMT+1, and there are some possibilities I can't join at all. Writing this just to make sure you guys don't wait unnecessarily. I really don't know how things will be this evening, so start without me when everyone's ready. I haven't done any testing at all for both races, for Willow Springs I don't have the GT40, nor I've got credits to buy it at the moment. So (if I can participate) I'll race with one of the cars I already have, probably a premium Corvette coupè from the 60s.

I'll do my best to be there in time, if I can't... good luck with connections and have fun!
Actually I gotta say that wednesdays are not a good day due to personal duties, I will be tonight but may I ask any chance to move racing days to either Tuesday or Thursday?

Well, for those who couldn't make it last night - don't worry, there was no championship racing. The grid was looking a bit sparse - but we got 5 driver together; we were going to go for it... and then the connection problems started (well - they were there from the start). People struggling to get into the lobby, people not being able to see other people and having to re-join... again and again... and again.

It's a bit bloody hopeless, to be honest. Unless we get an update soon that deals with some of these issues, this is going to continue to be a massive disrupting force on the championship. It's barely feasible to race for an hour, across different time zones, when it can take that long to get 8 players in the same lobby, able to see each other. And even then there's no security, you feel that you could disappear any minute. And if a friend vanishes mid race, I feel that you can't just continue racing - it's not fair on people who've invested time and thought on practice, setups etc etc.

Fingers crossed that this is something PD can get to grips with :(

It's such a shame. I had some close racing in the S2000 with ToniXC, and some with Vuja - and in these times the game is better than ever, it's exhilarating. But right now these moments seem few and far between. So frustrating!
Dito, Least.

To me, this is championship breaking. :(
I mean, yesterday it took 5 of us an hour to get everybody to see everyone. People start joining the lobby at 21.30, and at 23.00 we can start racing, just to still have drivers dropping from the race and problems with race two. It just sucks the fun out of our organized events.

Edit: And thanks, Least, for helping keeping everyone informed. :)
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Championship edit: Racing dates revoked temporarily.

Actually I gotta say that wednesdays are not a good day due to personal duties, I will be tonight but may I ask any chance to move racing days to either Tuesday or Thursday?


Tuesdays are not good for me. Thursdays would be OK.
What do you guys say?
So sorry about those connection issues, it is a huge let down from GT6, a game breaker, no doubt.

I think to put on hold the Championship until a fix is applied is a good idea otherwise frustration will be tough to handle, PFUUUUUUUU

If everybody is happy moving the championship days to Thursday thanks a lot, because as things stand out right now I will not be able to race on Wed.

Take care!!!!
Wednesdays are good for me, because my wife is at choir from 7.30 until about 10pm, so it suits that I'm busy during that time. But I could do Thursdays as well, it just means that my wife is slightly more a GT widow :) But I'm technically free pretty much every evening.

I guess I'll still be bumping into you fellas for some more casual racing? Assuming we can all get into the same damned lobby :)
OK. It seems everyone who's commented so far is available on Thursdays too.
Chime in even if you're available so we know you still want to race in the league. :)

And duckman, thanks for the racing yesterday. Not as many problems getting started as previously, but some drop outs (one was a quit). And the room imploded after the race.

Looking at the replay I noticed a lot of cutting the chicanes at Ascari. Note that in the league, I will at least check the fastest lap and disqualify any lap that blatantly cuts them, especially Rafael and Piff-Paff. The concrete isn't part of the track. ;)

Thanks a lot everyone for changing the champ day to Thursday it means a lot to me for sure.:cheers:

Maybe I am available today for some testing, I will be keeping an eye on CRCR open lobby just in case.
The connections are really hit n' miss. I tried to join what looked like a nice lobby to race with some of you, about 10 drivers, yesterday - no dice. (I can't remember the host).

Then I tried to join Toni. Success! But then then I couldn't see everyone, and were invisible to some. Sigh...
I did have a fantastic lap on The 'Ring racing with ushu though, and it felt worth it again. Too bad I didn't get the braking in Tiergarten right and spun out the RS200, costing me the victory. Well, that's racing... 👍
They "fixed" the 4WDs in GT6 compared to GT5, I think. In 5, all of them had horrible snap oversteer on lift off, even low performance ones. They feel so much better in 6 (well, all drivetrains do). It probably good that the RS200 doesn't reach 550 PP, or I'd use it in Willowsprings. :D

🤬 GT6! Y U NO WORK ALL THE TIME? When you do, it's amazingly fun racing!
C'mon, Next Patch, please fix the issues and restore at least GT5's online experience...
Championship edit: Race day scheduled for tomorrow. Welcome! :)

PS. I'll probably be online tonight anyway for some practicing and further testing of the network settings.
Hello my friends.

I DID IT!!!!! i´ve done a lap on the ring!!!


It was very fun, but i did it slowly, after all i had one pregnant woman on my side :)

We took a few shots, and the rest is feelings.

Cheers my Friends.
Championship edit: Race day scheduled for tomorrow. Welcome! :)

PS. I'll probably be online tonight anyway for some practicing and further testing of the network settings.

I´m not able to race today... sorry, but i have to work very late and i only will be at home at 23h.

Enjoy, but next time i´ll be there.
I´m not able to race today... sorry, but i have to work very late and i only will be at home at 23h.

Enjoy, but next time i´ll be there.
With all connection issues we are experiencing most probably you will be able to race at willow springs by 23h.
Hello my friends.

I DID IT!!!!! i´ve done a lap on the ring!!!


It was very fun, but i did it slowly, after all i had one pregnant woman on my side :)

We took a few shots, and the rest is feelings.

Cheers my Friends.

Welcome back, my friend! I imagine it was quite emotional driving The 'Ring.. :)

I´m not able to race today... sorry, but i have to work very late and i only will be at home at 23h.

Enjoy, but next time i´ll be there.

With all connection issues we are experiencing most probably you will be able to race at willow springs by 23h.

This is sadly quite an accurate prediction, I fear.
Anyway, jump online when you get home and see if you're able to join. The more the merrier. :)
Great racing last night gents.

I'm sorry for Elen, Least and Kantorn (connection issues...) hopefully the racing day change to Thursday is not the reason otherwise...

6 on the grid, not too many but decent for good racing.

Suzuka - S2000

I really like the feeling of cars on comfort tires as they feel more natural and progressive to me, pole posición, fastest lap and Víctory!! Pretty happy of course.

A good start with 4 sec lead by lap 3 I almost screwed up with a spin, then Marco pushed me for a while but I regained my pace until the last 4 laps where I went a bit conservative due to rain and gap to second, so much conservative that I was cought off guard in the last lap, Marco was pretty fast at the end under the rain, kudos to him!

Willowsprings - Firebird TransAm

Very tough race, car had not a good setup not that it was crap but I did not feel comfortable at all, third on the gris muy start was a bit messy, too much torque steer I found myself being a sándwich!!!

Then several errors, some off track visits relegated me to 4th place, I pitted twice not three as I thought yesterday, I was tired...

I could have finished second but when Toni was off track we crashed and finally I only could manage third. But all in all not bad.

Tire wear was an issue to me I do not know how you guys managed to stop just once!!!

Willow atmosphere is great, sun glare and reflections, darkness, bumpy track, etc... Tough race for sure.

Looking forward for the next race at La Sarthe.

Unfortunately the grid was a bit sparse yesterday, but it was good fun as usual.

Finally we had some rain at Suzuka, I think for the very fist time in one of our championship races. I really enjoyed how the grip was different every lap. You had to feel the behavior of the car while the water on track was growing, as well as the tire degradation. It was challenging but rewarding; this was also due to the perfect balance of the S2000, very neutral and progressive. And that track is fantastic, no matter the conditions. I had a good start, but ushu was really too fast for me, more than a second per lap. After he made a mistake I tried to stay with him again, but it was too much for me and I ended up in the gravel, overtaken by Vuja meanwhile. I don't know where Daniel was at this point, according to the standings on the right of my screen he was 6th from half of the first lap to the finish. A couple of laps after my pit-stop I saw him coming back to his stop, just behind me. I thought he had problems and he was lapped, but actually he was racing me for the position. I did the last 5/6 laps with him on my tail, but thinking he was a lap down, I was only focused on catching ushu. Only after the checkered flag I've discovered that he was 3rd. Lag...:banghead:

Willow Springs, well... I don't like it(but as ushu said it's really well realized, the light and the atmosphere is different from every other track in GT6), I don't like old American muscle cars, so I knew I was hopeless. I've chosen the Cobra and found a decent setup. Decent until I found out that it was reasonably good on a hot lap, but absolutely unforgiving when tires began to wear out. So I've probably made a visit to the desert sand at least once every 2 laps. I was out of focus really early into the race so I spent the rest of it recovering at 15 km/h from the sand, making pit-stops for tires and pulling over to the side of the track to leave room to other drivers, as I was lapped. Actually I've been lapped twice by the winner, which in a 40 minutes race means I wasn't only hopeless, I was...comical:lol:.

Next race sounds really interesting, so I hope to see you guys for a bit if testing these days.