500pp TommyKaira ZZII by Newdriver
Tommy Kaira ZZII 500pp
Part 1 of Newdrivers TommyKaira ZZII Trilogy . The 500PP Sport Hards build .
When TommyKaira unveiled there TommkyKaira M19 back in 1987 they had set their mark .
Yet in 1988 they decided to exclusively work on cars made in Japan .
Tommykaira has consistently rebranded the cars as if they were completely manufactured
by the company itself yet Tommykaira has arisen some controversy directly related to the
status of the company as a car manufacturer .
One could say the company is more of a aftermaket tuning specialist then a manufactor .
Wich includes a important mindset of this car , wether or not it is allowed in Streetcar only lobbies .
We all allow the Ruf's to be there but are we as lenient towards the TommyKaira models ?
Offcourse this this is up to the roomhost and is a discussion that should be kepth in mind when
building this car . Yet not a discussion that should be part of this review .
First impressions are everything and will stick on you as glue

, and so it did when building this car .
I raced against the tuner in this car at 500pp and was very impressed with the way he handled it .
Yet it was stunnend by the overall speed it achieved .
The swiftness it had trough corners would let someone to believe it wasn't a 500pp car at all .
So when I begun to build this car I was filled with high hopes and goals . But it wasn't all positive I must admit

One thing that kepth annoying me , not only during the building of the car but also during every mile / kilometre I
was driving , it was the extremely heavy limiting of the engine .
I will have to be fair and respond to that myself that you didn't notice it while driving .
Still it was something that stuck by me every lap , corner and straight ...
It was something I just could not let rest .
But that said the driving itself was intresting and fast . It is defenatly a car build with winning races in mind .
And it can , as soon as you get behind the wheel of this car you will be a podium contender . No matter what the compitition is driving .
One thing is very important tho , planning ahead . While the car has vastly supreme acceleration and incredible high speed cornering abilaties .
It doesn't like to be tossed around the track nor does it really like to stray away from it's chosen line .
When you wan't to drive this car like a 4wd hooligan you will find you'reself besides the track more then on the track .
Slow in fast out is the key to driving this car to succes .
One thing that did annoy me is not matter how hard I tried I could not get the rear tires up to a comfortable temerature .
This making the car unpredictable at certain times , still it was easy to regain full controle but onloy after loosing time .
And offcourse let not forget that this car has adjustable downforce , currently not calculated in the PP system .
This alone will give a huge benefit towards a lot of other cars .
Still With so many positive points there are some negative as well .
Some people might enjoy the fact that they are driving a car wich has a clear advantage , yet I could not find the fun in it .
When using the car it almost felt like cheating . Well maybe not "almost" it just felt like I was cheating .
This car is just way to powerfull for a 500pp lobby .
Nordschleife laptime :
Positive points :
The 3 in 1 tuning deal for this car makes it very intresting .
Amazing cornering speed
Superb acceleration
At 60.000 credits a very cheap car
Very light and agile car
Negative points :
Use of heavy engine limiting
It's a standard car , and in my personal opinion not a very nice one
If felt like cheating when I used this car online
After 10 laps on the ring I can only conclude that then overall conclusion of this car is that it is a very intresting car to have .
Specially when you keep in mind that you will get this car for only 60.000 credits + tuning costs .
Wich can be used in 3 different classes ... 500-550-600pp . This is defenatly a true bargain .
Important :
Please do note that i consider myself a average driver at best so these laptimes are just an indication of what the average joe should be able to achieve with this car .
Even those these tunes we're build with the use of a DS3 controler or steeringwheel yet i used my DFGT .
All aids are turned off , just ABS is at 1
Also everything in the lobby is set to realistic , and all testing is beeing done in an online lobby .