CODEMASTERS acquire F1 Racing License from FOM (merged)

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
You realise that can mean "We haven't bothered asking the teams for the licenses"? It doesn't automatically mean they have been prevented from using them, it can mean they haven't bothered and aren't going to bother, it does cost them money and they would have to weigh up whether it would really improve the game or not.

They can use the historic cars, if they ever bothered to obtain the licenses, but yes, they clearly haven't tried and there aren't going to be any. My reason for arguing this point is that you made it out like they can never license them because of the FIA, which is not the case.

you are speculating about CM having "never bothered" to look into rights of other seasons.

and i think i was 100% clear: "CM cannot use 2008 cars." I did not bring up the FIA, you did.

as i said before:

Whether it was CM's decision or [whoever holds the rights], so I'm not even sure CM could throw money @ [whoever holds the rights] to use the 2008 season - as it is now, it is not permitted, hence I stand by what I said: CM cannot use 2008 cars.

i stand by what i said, regardless of "who's fault it is" / the 'reason why'

CM cannot use 2008 cars
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We are not recycling tracks from GRID. They are all being built from scratch with our new, updated Ego tech in mind (which is much better than you've seen in DiRT and GRID) and will be fully researched, photographed, scanned, videoed etc. to ensure accuracy.

great news revealed today
great news revealed today

Thanks for the information. 👍 I regularly check the Codemaster forums but never really post, but thanks for letting us all here know whats going on, cant wait for a release date.
Uncle Chewy
We're planning on having full length races right down to very short races for those that want it. Tyre wear and pit stops etc will be scaled accordingly so that they all still make sense. The integration of this and the lap length is still being investigated.
Who's Uncle Chewy? And if this is news, as far as I can tell this is the first news since they said the blog wouldn't be happening/would be delayed.

From what I've read over at the Codemasters Forum Uncle Chewy is one of the developers, and is believable. Although I dont think this is big news, if this wasnt part of the game I would severally worry about Codemasters attitude towards the game. And no I dont think there has been much news since the cancellation of the blog. :indiff:

I'd say a rough estimate of the release date will be announced soon enough though.
Did any of you guys get involved in the thread over at Codemasters forums - the "Three Dealbreaker Feature" Thread ?

It's great that the dev team wanted the community to speak up about what they wanted most in the game so early on in the development cycle. Many of the suggestions have been great so far (a lot requesting F1 2009 is a hardcore sim) ...

I see these suggestions started Jul 2008.

I think Codemasters have the experience and capability to pull off a great F1 game. They certainly seem to be going about it in a good way.
Codemasters have lost their reputation for making sims in my eyes and I will wait for the finished game before saying they have improved.
Of course I want them to succeed, but I can't just forget where they went after ToCA Race Driver 1.
So it appears that F1CE is pulling the servers , NO MORE ONLINE PLAY. 👎

Looks as though this will be the next F1 game to play.
All I ask is that they try to do a descent job at this.
For those that are interested...

I signed up to the Codemasters forums the other day and made my first post - suggesting they look at Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix games. I got a response from the executive producer of the new F1 09 game which is refreshing to see (sorry PD!) and an encouraging attitude toward the game:

Check out some of Uncle Chewy's posts (he's the executive producer of F1 09):

The depth they're going in to with research is very encoraging for F1 sim fans, and their openness and involvement with the community is admirable.

I'm sure we all hope they deliver!


EDIT: Just read the following, again quoted from the Executive Producer:

"I was reviewing our track surface module last week and I'm really pleased with progress. This module basically covers all the surface build up items you would expect to see over every inch of the track, e.g. rubber from the tyres, occasional stones, marbles, water (all the way from standing water through to a drying track) and all the associated properties of grip and heat, so for example running off the drying line in the wet will give you less grip and cool your tyres. This isn't all hidden under the hood either - we've made all of this very visible to the player, just as in real life.

I was also looking at our new rain code, which is something we've never really done that well IMO for previous racers, but is looking really nice for F1. Coupled with our new tyre model and track surface code, it's adding a lot of depth and strategy elements to our game

Sounds great to me! One question: When the racing line becomes wet, is it 1) less grippy, 2) the same as the rest of the track 3) more grippy? I noticed someone said it was less grippy, as the poster has seen racing drivers using different lines in the wet. Seems a bit crazy to me. Perhaps the rubber that was laid down becomes slippery when wet, or washes away, but surely sticking to the same racing line would mean there is less standing water on the track.
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For those that are interested...

I signed up to the Codemasters forums the other day and made my first post - suggesting they look at Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix games. I got a response from the executive producer of the new F1 09 game which is refreshing to see (sorry PD!) and an encouraging attitude toward the game:

Check out some of Uncle Chewy's posts (he's the executive producer of F1 09):

The depth they're going in to with research is very encoraging for F1 sim fans, and their openness and involvement with the community is admirable.

I'm sure we all hope they deliver!


EDIT: Just read the following, again quoted from the Executive Producer:

"I was reviewing our track surface module last week and I'm really pleased with progress. This module basically covers all the surface build up items you would expect to see over every inch of the track, e.g. rubber from the tyres, occasional stones, marbles, water (all the way from standing water through to a drying track) and all the associated properties of grip and heat, so for example running off the drying line in the wet will give you less grip and cool your tyres. This isn't all hidden under the hood either - we've made all of this very visible to the player, just as in real life.

I was also looking at our new rain code, which is something we've never really done that well IMO for previous racers, but is looking really nice for F1. Coupled with our new tyre model and track surface code, it's adding a lot of depth and strategy elements to our game

Sounds great to me! One question: When the racing line becomes wet, is it 1) less grippy, 2) the same as the rest of the track 3) more grippy? I noticed someone said it was less grippy, as the poster has seen racing drivers using different lines in the wet. Seems a bit crazy to me. Perhaps the rubber that was laid down becomes slippery when wet, or washes away, but surely sticking to the same racing line would mean there is less standing water on the track.

It is rather exciting reading all this. I just hope the get the handling model right or else it's all pretty meaningless.

Btw, UncleChewy didn't answer those questions as such but he posted an e-mail that a professional racing driver sent him in regards to that, so all it explains is what it's like in real life to drive on a track becoming wet, a track becoming dry etc. etc.
CM: "Our game will not be moddable. The data structures we use are very complex to make the most of current hardware and we'd have to release a whole range of editors, exporters and converters + you'd have to buy a range of expensive art tools to work with them. We will be releasing an F1 game every year so you should get all the latest data you need at the highest possible quality."
Hmm, sounds even more promising now that they talk about their track system. Hopefully it will be executed properly.
I think it will be late 2009. I can't see how they would have the project complete in the next few months.
I kind of hope it will be late 2009. Maybe then we can set up the rosters in quick races to reflect how the people actually qualified (like F1CE). I love having the ability to recreate races like that. It's never perfect, sure, but it's fun to see how it turns out compared to the real thing.
Late 2009? but then the season will almost be over and the new one not that far away surealy before half way through the season i mean theyve had enough time to do it now and its not like there using the 08 or 07 cars either.
Would be quite dumb, unless they can release it about September, so they still catch the full momentum of the season.
Late 2009 would make a more accurate game.

They need to see which are the strongest teams, most reliable cars etc. (even lap times for at least a few circuits) to make the AI and car statistics accurate. We don't even know yet how many cars will be on the field.

From memory most f1 games have covered a season almost over or the previous years season.

Just imagine a game where they made mclaren/ferrari the strongest team and either one of them ends up trailing the back of the field for the year when the real season starts.

Takes away from the authenticity doesn't it?