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You realise that can mean "We haven't bothered asking the teams for the licenses"? It doesn't automatically mean they have been prevented from using them, it can mean they haven't bothered and aren't going to bother, it does cost them money and they would have to weigh up whether it would really improve the game or not.
They can use the historic cars, if they ever bothered to obtain the licenses, but yes, they clearly haven't tried and there aren't going to be any. My reason for arguing this point is that you made it out like they can never license them because of the FIA, which is not the case.
you are speculating about CM having "never bothered" to look into rights of other seasons.
and i think i was 100% clear: "CM cannot use 2008 cars." I did not bring up the FIA, you did.
as i said before:
Whether it was CM's decision or [whoever holds the rights], so I'm not even sure CM could throw money @ [whoever holds the rights] to use the 2008 season - as it is now, it is not permitted, hence I stand by what I said: CM cannot use 2008 cars.
i stand by what i said, regardless of "who's fault it is" / the 'reason why'
CM cannot use 2008 cars
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