Is this game any good?
I suppose that's a bit of a stupid question to ask, really. Very n00b-y of me. It's very difficult to define what qualifies as "good" when I give you so little to work with. Let me re-phrase:
The thing is, my gaming days are almost over. This is probably a good thing; I used to be a problem gamer. I remember my parents used to only allow me an hour on the PlayStation, and an hour off. I only ever spent pocket money on games, though it did teach me how to save my money. I used to try and shave as much as I could from my hour off, and take as much time of the hour over as I could manage. My parents used to say it was the worst thing they ever bought as my brother and sister never got into it the way I did. While I always did all of my schoolwork, I spent most of my weekends in front of the PlayStation. I have my theories as to the how and why I got addicted, but that's for another discussion.
Sorry. I didn't meant to get so autobiographical here. The point is, my first game was the original Colin McRae Rally, which was followed by Colin McRae Rally 2.0 as soon as it came out. My tastes have always been in racing games; the handful I have bought outside the racing genre have been Final Fantasy titles. But lately, gaming doesn't do much for me. I fired up Gran Turismo 4 for the first time in ages the other day, and was quickly bored by it. Where I was once the kind of player who did absolutely everything there was to do in a Final Fantasy title and refused to finish the game until everything had been accounted for, I barely touched the sidequests last time I played Final Fantasy XII.
I know my gaming days are, for the most part, over. But I wouldn't mind having one last hurrah, and I think it would be fitting if it ended with the series it started with. I'll confess now: I don't care for hyper-realism. I have never touched the tuning screen of a Gran Turismo title; if my lap time is suffering because I'm just driving with the stock settings, my solution is simple: I drive faster. I want something accessible and engrossing, but one where I can muck around in if I'm not in the mood for finding that extra tenth of a second per lap.
I've been watching a few gameplay videos - well, more than a few, actually ... I downloaded over 1.5Gb on YouTube (but I was watching other things, too) - and I like what I see. I don't usually like IGN because of their bias towards XBox, but one of their comments stood out: namely, that you'll have unlocked everything before you're close to finishing, which is a big plus. The game is marketed as having over one hundred events, but I've been a little bit put off by one thing: there only seems to be a handful of circuits, one for each location. One hundred-plus events is all well and good, but when there's only eight circuits to go with it, the appeal dies very quickly. It's a bit like Ridge Racer Type-4, which had three hundred and twenty-one cars to unlock, but only eight circuits.
So I'm hoping someone can clear it up for me. I'll have to wait until the game is available for Windows since I won't be investing in a PS3, but in the interim, I'm looking for more information on how much there is in terms of content; I know the game was built with the same graphics engine as Fuel, which has the largest gaming world ever invented, but I've heard that it's actually pretty boring.
So could somebody please point me in the right direction? Is Colin McRae DiRT 2 the game for me to end my time as a gamer on a high?