Colin McRae Dirt 2

  • Thread starter Pepsi0
I was dissapointed at first. Being a huge fan of rally with block and pastrana, and knowing they had a lot of input into the game, i was surprised at how few and how short the rally events are.

But over time, i learned to appreciate it for what it is: a fun, offroad racer, way better than motorstorm. I understand the descision for having few rally's cause the rally fanbase is a small demographic and they wanted the game to appeal to the mainstream.

I am dissapointed with online play in terms of other players playing dirty. The person who doesnt get sidswiped, fishtailed or crash by the first turn will gain a huge lead and win 99% of the time. So, i mainly play the time bomb games where other players cant smash into me.

Having unlocked everything i possibly can, including the plat trophy, i have put in well over 20 hours which for an arcade racing game is rare, so you will get your money's worth.

an A- game.
Jam Sessions should not have the Kick function!!!

I joined a jam with a group of players... I win the first 3 events, clean and fair, I just took an early lead and kept it. On the fourth event I presume they all decided to gang up on me as I was punted right from the off... So the race is over and all of a sudden I get the message saying I've been kicked from the game. Damn I'm so annoyed that they have to be so petty as to kick me for their own mistakes and incompetence.

I feel your pain, im a regular victim of this, especially when rallying in the Jam Sessions.:grumpy:
Jam Sessions should not have the Kick function!!!

I joined a jam with a group of players, I presume they all knew each other (had mics, spoke the same language and had similar PSNs) and we were all playing nicely until the tournament restarted. I win the first 3 events, clean and fair, I just took an early lead and kept it. On the fourth event I presume they all decided to gang up on me as I was punted right from the off, nevertheless I kept fighting my way back while they kept trying the punt me off, two of them destroyed their cars trying! So the race is over and all of a sudden I get the message saying I've been kicked from the game. Damn I'm so annoyed that they have to be so petty as to kick me for their own mistakes and incompetence. I was just enjoying some fast, close racing and they have completely ruined Jam Sessions for me in one go now.

I kinda like the ability to boot people from the room, but with a few qualifiers:

I create a room for me and some friends. Maybe there's 3 or 4 of us. The rest of the room fills with random guys. My friends and I all race extremely clean, have good control over our cars and very seldom make accidental contact. As a result, we have some really great races. It's no fun when some stranger comes into that room and proceeds to bash his way past others or just starts taking people out for the fun of it. We monitor all voice chat and make a note of any comments relative to rough driving. If 2 people comment on the same guy, he goes into a virtual "probation". At the end of the session, if 2 or more people (not just my friends) vote to boot, he goes. If the driver displays a "green face" icon, he gets a second chance automatically as we assume it was accidental contact. We always go into spectate mode at the end of the run to sometimes witness certain behavior for ourselves. In a room of 8 people, when 2 or 3 others witness bad driving, more than once, it seems reasonable to eliminate that guy to make room for a potentially good guy. I have made many new friends since playing this game online, by finding out who drives with courtesy like myself.

No one is ever booted simply because he is faster or wins all the time. He just gets that much more respect from us if he does it cleanly :)
Since no one has started a DIRT 2 Video thread (and I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know how), I'm adding my second effort here below.

I think it does a good job of displaying the enormous potential this game offers.
Watch in HD :)

I just added another video (below) of my placing 13th on the World Leaderboards with Rally Cross cars. I have since bumped this effort up to number 7 on the board, but the video is still representative of a good lap in the Ford RS200EVO :)


November 1st ..... adding additional video (new World Record again) ...
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Anyone know if they have any down loadable content planned? I'd at least like to be able to run the Croatian rally stages at night. Give us some night stages, maybe a few additional cars, etc.
I was in the Playstation store and the only things they have for download is to unlock everything, and get all the cars and liverys.
Just got started in the game,and I think it is GREAT! The graphics,physics,and offline mode is second to none right now. I was pleasantly surprised. Will get into online after I get more used to the tracks.
Ive rented this and shift at the same time, Getting comfortable with the controls but am still shaky in the corners. Im getting there! Having a blast!
patch 1.01 released, don't know what it does though.

From Codemasters website:

The main fixes (although other minor fixes are included) in this game update are listed below:

- Fixed the ‘Infinite load bug' which could cause a hang on the loading screen should the client have connection issues with the DiRTNET Server.

- Fixed a potential crash triggered by ejecting the disc at a specific point during the initial game load.

- Fixed an issue which, in some cases, causes water audio sound effects to continue playing once the player quits a race.

- Minor livery changes for licensing reasons.

- Changing the replay interface so that the play/pause button shows play when paused and pause whilst playing

- Increased the ghost download timeout to 60 seconds and added a button which allows the download to be skipped.

- In Time Trial mode, the player can now download an opponent ghost from a Leaderboard that they have not yet posted a time to

- Added a toggle to the advanced settings of Jam Sessions which enables/disables auto team balancing

- Implemented a system which reserves slots for party members when the party host joins an online session

- Selecting "View Replay" from the post-race results screen no longer restarts the replay, it now continues from its current point

Minor livery changes due to licensing issues? Hmmm....
Warning: this post contains info that might spoil Dirt2 for you.

Wall-Riding in Dirt2

After owning Dirt2 for a week I started hearing rumors about something they were calling wall riding. A few days later after driving the track Battersea Bridge like a monk, trying to get higher than 7th on the leaderboards with the rallycross car, someone on the codemasters forums spelled out what wall riding was to me in plain language. I went back to battersea in anger and within 10 minutes I had a number one time. Using wall riding.

Lets use Battersea Bridge as the example then. In Time Trial mode.
You'll assume control of the car just before the start/finish jump.
As you land the jump, instead of braking for the tight right hander, move over to the left and hit the outside wall at full speed (its a curved wall; use the curve.) As if by magic the car actually accelerates along the wall. This particular wall ends with a need to hit yet another wall to straighten the car out, but it all works out. There are other places like that at battersea too.

Right now I am banned from the Codemasters Dirt2 forum for 'excessive flaming' on this subject of wall riding. Ever since I was told about it my anger over it has almost equalled my enthusiasm for other parts of the game. Wall riding spoils the leaderboards, and its also used to advantage in the official online tournaments. I wish I could say I believed codemasters explaination that this is an unintentional thing in the game but I do not. There are numerous examples of barrier shapes that 'by accident' are placed and angled exactly right to facilitate wall riding. Not to mention that using the walls accelerates the car. If the walls were dead barriers that would be one thing.. but they *accelerate* you, and thats quite different.

Naturally wall riding is a controversial subject. Personally I used it to make several top 3 leaderboard times, as a way of examining the reality of this mess, but I went back and protested it being in the game, and I let everyone there know what it was and where it could be used. I wanted to be open about it as a way of mocking it. To the extent I am banned from their forum (or was; as of today I'm not anymore, but I'm through with that silly place.) Did you know about this? What do you think?

Its a shame. Dirt2 is amazingly good, otherwise.
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Known about wall riding for a while in Dirt 2. First did it by accident while racing online. I got punted onto the wall and my car wouldn't move away so I just accelerated straight round the competiton on my side :lol:. But I can see how in a time trail situation it would annoy the hell out of people. Generally in races though it isn't much of a problem.
"Wall Riding" has always been around in racing games to one degree or the other and it's nothing new. You still have the option of enjoying the game and it's positive attributes and overlooking this annoying quirk. I for one, enjoy setting top 10 times on the leaderboards by doing it fairly and within the confines of the designated racing surface :)

If we see anyone wall riding in an online room, we just vote to boot the slackard out of the room :)

Don't let the shortcomings and low self esteem levels of others diminish your enjoyment and entertainment :)
"Wall Riding" has always been around in racing games to one degree or the other and it's nothing new. You still have the option of enjoying the game and it's positive attributes and overlooking this annoying quirk. I for one, enjoy setting top 10 times on the leaderboards by doing it fairly and within the confines of the designated racing surface :)

If we see anyone wall riding in an online room, we just vote to boot the slackard out of the room :)

Don't let the shortcomings and low self esteem levels of others diminish your enjoyment and entertainment :)

Thats a good attitude.
My intention at the codemasters dirt2 forum was to incite a response from codemasters themselves. And it worked! I have two pm's from a guy at codemasters saying they are looking into an exact way to remove wall riding, and that yes, it is possible to remove via a patch. So that part was a success.

On the other hand, the heat of forum exchanges elsewhere got me to lose my cool and get banned. No biggie. If I cant attack the leaderboards without wallriding like I want, I can still enjoy other parts of the game, as you say. For example, I am an absolute terror at LA, UK, and Japan.. and for all my complaining I still think DiRT2 is astonishing.

p.s. if someone wants to hook up with ps3 this week and run some 10+ lap races / rallycross, let me know.
Heres a snip of a technically oriented Dirt2 interview and at the bottom a link to the whole thing:

Will Dirt 2 be a cross platform porting type or will every platform like the PC, Xbox 360 or PS3 be developed by different teams? Will technology that is specific to each platform be utilized to the fullest extend? If so, will there be visual differences between the different versions?
Bryan Marshall: DiRT2 is cross platform and the same team is developing it for the three platforms. Our tech is cross platform but there is a lot of flexibility to really get the most out of the three different architectures. Probably the best example is the DX11 version and the fact that we have used hardware tessellation and Direct Compute 11 specifically. On a high-end PC system this will visually be the highest detailed, highest resolution and fastest framerate of all the versions.

Do you in general try to leverage the possibilities current or next gen PC hardware has to offer or was DX11 a special case (in which way)? How important are technical aspects in general when developing the PC version of the game?
Bryan Marshall:We've always been a technically strong company but over the last few years we've been building up our knowledge and EGO codebase so we could get ourselves to be in the position of being at the front of PC technology. Note we didn't jump onto DX10 since we were still going to give better results to the gaming public with DX9 for a while. We're now in the position to reap rewards out of being more cautious. DX11 and Windows7 is a great gaming platform to deliver on and it's been well worth the wait.

It was announced that the third generation of the Ego Engine will come with a new streaming system. Can you describe the major improvements compared to older incarnations of that technology? Why was it necessary to program new code for the streaming of textures and geometry?,...aphics-on-PC-due-to-DirectX-11-features/News/
Played this game tonight after two weeks of NFS:Shift.


Like learning to drive all over again...

I jumped in on the demo and found it quite natural infact, clearly moreso then other people playing the demo judging by my success there. Saying that, I've spent alot of time drifting on alot of games, and thats the way I was driving on Dirt, extremely sideways. I've decided I really want to get this game, it's next on my list (above Shift I've decided) just need some cash now.
After a few online races, I got my groove back though. Now just need to chase down the #1 time on a few of the rally stages. :sly:
Damn I want to play the game but I don't feel like downloading the update ATM. I wanna know if I'm still number 1 on Malaysia rally course thing with the buggies.
Is this game any good?

I suppose that's a bit of a stupid question to ask, really. Very n00b-y of me. It's very difficult to define what qualifies as "good" when I give you so little to work with. Let me re-phrase:

The thing is, my gaming days are almost over. This is probably a good thing; I used to be a problem gamer. I remember my parents used to only allow me an hour on the PlayStation, and an hour off. I only ever spent pocket money on games, though it did teach me how to save my money. I used to try and shave as much as I could from my hour off, and take as much time of the hour over as I could manage. My parents used to say it was the worst thing they ever bought as my brother and sister never got into it the way I did. While I always did all of my schoolwork, I spent most of my weekends in front of the PlayStation. I have my theories as to the how and why I got addicted, but that's for another discussion.

Sorry. I didn't meant to get so autobiographical here. The point is, my first game was the original Colin McRae Rally, which was followed by Colin McRae Rally 2.0 as soon as it came out. My tastes have always been in racing games; the handful I have bought outside the racing genre have been Final Fantasy titles. But lately, gaming doesn't do much for me. I fired up Gran Turismo 4 for the first time in ages the other day, and was quickly bored by it. Where I was once the kind of player who did absolutely everything there was to do in a Final Fantasy title and refused to finish the game until everything had been accounted for, I barely touched the sidequests last time I played Final Fantasy XII.

I know my gaming days are, for the most part, over. But I wouldn't mind having one last hurrah, and I think it would be fitting if it ended with the series it started with. I'll confess now: I don't care for hyper-realism. I have never touched the tuning screen of a Gran Turismo title; if my lap time is suffering because I'm just driving with the stock settings, my solution is simple: I drive faster. I want something accessible and engrossing, but one where I can muck around in if I'm not in the mood for finding that extra tenth of a second per lap.

I've been watching a few gameplay videos - well, more than a few, actually ... I downloaded over 1.5Gb on YouTube (but I was watching other things, too) - and I like what I see. I don't usually like IGN because of their bias towards XBox, but one of their comments stood out: namely, that you'll have unlocked everything before you're close to finishing, which is a big plus. The game is marketed as having over one hundred events, but I've been a little bit put off by one thing: there only seems to be a handful of circuits, one for each location. One hundred-plus events is all well and good, but when there's only eight circuits to go with it, the appeal dies very quickly. It's a bit like Ridge Racer Type-4, which had three hundred and twenty-one cars to unlock, but only eight circuits.

So I'm hoping someone can clear it up for me. I'll have to wait until the game is available for Windows since I won't be investing in a PS3, but in the interim, I'm looking for more information on how much there is in terms of content; I know the game was built with the same graphics engine as Fuel, which has the largest gaming world ever invented, but I've heard that it's actually pretty boring.

So could somebody please point me in the right direction? Is Colin McRae DiRT 2 the game for me to end my time as a gamer on a high?

Codemasters = zero physics. Can't see the point playing rally without any physics. I would better buy RBR

I think that was a really shallow comment to be honest (no personal offence intended), there's plenty of physics there, it's accessable, yet reasonably difficult to master. It's just arcadey, not simulation, which is something which alot of sim fans seem to think means it has no physics. The car by no means drives itself, and is by no means overly difficult, balancing the vehicle on the edge (more so with rally cars then the baja trucks at least) is geniunely a fine line.