Colin McRae killed in helicopter crash

  • Thread starter daan
I will never forget the Australian rally 2002. There was a cattle grid that went through a tight gate. When everyone else backed off, Colin took what seemed a massive risk, and floored it. The car balanced on its nose for some 10 metres and Colin then carried on.

The Rallying community has lost one of its graetest personalities, and one of its greatest ever drivers. Goodbye Colin.
Gosh, I really hate how these helicopters always seem to fall out of the sky, I hope they find out why the hell it happened because its truly tragic to loose such a motorsport legend and is especially his young son. I couldn't believe it when Richard Burns died and now this... especially when it happened not in the sport, you survive all those rallies only to go like this! :grumpy:

I think im going to buy DiRT as a tribute because that sure will be the last game made under his name and im sure it will help to see the last thing carry his name do so well. Kind of hard to explain but it would be a fitting end to his life to see the devotion of his fans even if its in a video game. I wonder if new copies will say they are dedicated to him...

Rest In Piece, I really hope his family and espeically his wife manage to cope, I want to see the full enquirery...

I'm not very good with video editing, but I had an idea that Thanks for the memories by Fallout boy would be good for a video to remember him by. Would anyone be willing to put something like that together?
I'm not very good with video editing, but I had an idea that Thanks for the memories by Fallout boy would be good for a video to remember him by. Would anyone be willing to put something like that together?

why crap emo music. why not candle in the wind 1997- the version that they used for princess di?
I was reading a Myspace bulletin from one of our GTPlanet folk when I got the news. I have to say that this is a TERRIBLE loss for rally racing. Without Colin McRae, I would have NEVER have followed auto racing. He's one of the best rally racers of all time in my view. I think back to playing the Colin McRae Rally series. To me, losing Colin McRae feels as bad as losing Peter Brock. This is an absolutely black day in motorsports. Respect for the Subaru World Rally Team was also made possible by Colin McRae. I believed in McRae wholeheartedly even before leaving the WRC. He got me into being a rally racing fan. All I can say is... thank you for helping me be exposed to rally racing. You've been the one to help me get into rally racing as well as being one of the best names in the business. You helped escalate Subaru to world power status in rallying. You with Nicky Grist made an excellent team. I'm deeply saddened. I didn't know a lot on Richard Burns, but this one really hit home. Really hit home... speaking as an American. This death is extremely tough to bear. More so than Peter Brock's death. I mean... I don't know what to say. This is absolutely terrible to get this news.

Colin McRae, you will be sorely missed by the many fans that believed in you and supported you and admired you through your time. We played endorsed games of yours. You're the top dog in rally racing. I loved watching you in action... and now, I'll miss you. Pass the Kleenex!
R.I.P Colin.
He was a great all rounder in motorsport, he did everything from NASCAR, Motorbike racing, Porsche 911 GT3 racing and of course rallying. He even developed his own special rally car that was yet to be used in a official rally. He was fantastic, he truly loved motorsport. I will truly miss him.

My thoughts are with his family and friends right now.

This is surely a bad way to start a morning.
I'm in just as much shock as everybody else. I can't quite seem to grasp whats happened here.

A heroes funeral must happen absolutely. R.I.P. Colin McRae.
Blimey, I always watched Colin back in my younger years, this sucks hard. :(

RIP Colin..
As we all knew, it has now been confirmed. two family freinds, him and his son.
Colin, you're one of my heroes.

Softly spoken, hard driving, and totally driven, you were the guy we wanted to be - zero bull, wearing your heart on your sleeve and making those cars just dance.

We didn't mind when you got it wrong (and boy, did you get it wrong sometimes) it let us know that the best make mistakes, and sometimes the risks were worth it.

And then, you went down the bar with the lads. No fuss, no attitude, just one of the guys.

Your talent will be remembered forever, your family is today extended to all the fans of motorsport, and we'll miss you.

Now, go tell Richard he's a big girl's blouse - and it's his round.

Goodbye Colin.
when was it confirmed? formal identification isnt expected till later

No but if he was still alive the would have been some sort of statment from him self or the family saying so.

Also the police have said it is McRae, but they are still waiting for formal identification.

Its now Official. It was him and his son, another child,6, and what is expected to be a childhood friend of his.

Oh no, I just heard confirmation that he and the people on board including his son were killed in the accident.
This has shocked me as well as many of you and the motorsport world
My condolences go to his friends, family and everybody who has been affected by his death.

Rest in Peace Colin....:(

Colin Mcrae MBE 1968 - 2007
It's when a someone like Colin dies that I find it worse, he wasn't just a good driver of whaever he was driving (rally cars, bikes, karts, buggies, and the list goes on) but he was a decent bloke too.
This is absolutely terrible. He was the first driver I knew in any sport... Colin McRae Rally was the first ever PC game I bought... he was the first driver I recognized... he was just such a great guy. I was hoping to get my copy of Colin McRae 3 signed by him... plus what makes it worse is two infants were on board. This... is... but... it's... just absolutely shocking. I'm going to miss you so much Colin, when I heard the news I just cried and cried and cried. I never even got to meet you.

I may only have your autobiography and two computer games, but inside I really was your biggest ever fan. RIP.

Colin Mcrae MBE - 1968-2007
I dunno if this has been posted yet but it explains why he was so well liked.

I must admit the old video that GV posted with Fear of the dark is one of my fav videos, although it made me a lil sad when I watched it today.
If your gonna make a video use some kick ass music not some soppy sad crap, everyone should remember Colin kicking up dirt, crashing cars and winning rallys.
Here are the names of the two family friends of Mcrae's sadly also killed in the accident:

6 year old Ben Porcelli of Lanark.
37 year old Graeme Duncan from France. - May their souls live on.

If you're going to make a video, don't use any music. Listen to the engine of his cars screaming in protest at the orders he's giving it, the air horns of his legions of fans as he drives past sideways, even on the straights. And for goodness sake, at least spell his name right, those of you who haven't.

Every year we lose a motorsport great unexpectedly, and it never gets any easier. I dare say there's a 2001 Focus waiting for him, the one he sent up there on the Rally GB :) Prehaps he can teach Johnny to drive it. Whatever, he'll be having a great time. Sideways, probably. Or upside down.

My sympathy and condolences go not just to the McRaes, but to the families of Ben Porcelli, a friend of Johnnys, and Graeme Duncan, a friend of Colin and Alison.

Colin, Johnny, Ben and Graeme, Rest In Peace.

Colin, you're one of my heroes.

Softly spoken, hard driving, and totally driven, you were the guy we wanted to be - zero bull, wearing your heart on your sleeve and making those cars just dance.

We didn't mind when you got it wrong (and boy, did you get it wrong sometimes) it let us know that the best make mistakes, and sometimes the risks were worth it.

And then, you went down the bar with the lads. No fuss, no attitude, just one of the guys.

Your talent will be remembered forever, your family is today extended to all the fans of motorsport, and we'll miss you.

Now, go tell Richard he's a big girl's blouse - and it's his round.

Goodbye Colin.

amen to that. amazingly spot on statement