College: Where are/were you?

  • Thread starter Sage
Different strokes for different folks, I guess – this is my idea of beautiful December weather:



Those are the dorms I stay in, by the way. UCSD has six different colleges, so they all have their own design – the Revelle dorms, for example, look totally different from these (not to mention they’re over a half-hour walk away).
Different strokes for different folks, I guess – this is my idea of beautiful December weather:



Those are the dorms I stay in, by the way. UCSD has six different colleges, so they all have their own design – the Revelle dorms, for example, look totally different from these (not to mention they’re over a half-hour walk away).

I'm... Dreaming of a vibraaaannttt Christmaaaaassss.
I'm a HS senior right now, so its that time....

I've been accepted to Colorado school of Mines, in a Denver suburb. I have also applied to a few others, Whitworth in Spokane, University of Portland, Rensselaer Polytechnic in Albany, NY, Rose Hulman in west Indiana, St. John's and the U of Dub (Washington).

I am not yet finished with my applications to Whitman in Walla Walla, Dub U (Washington U), Santa Clara and maybe one more. I still have yet to apply to Hope in Holland, MI and Gonzaga in Spokane.

It has been an adventure and I'm curious where else I will get in to and where I go.

Any suggestions are welcome.
I'm a HS senior right now, so its that time....

I've been accepted to Colorado school of Mines, in a Denver suburb. I have also applied to a few others, Whitworth in Spokane, University of Portland, Rensselaer Polytechnic in Albany, NY, Rose Hulman in west Indiana, St. John's and the U of Dub (Washington).

I am not yet finished with my applications to Whitman in Walla Walla, Dub U (Washington U), Santa Clara and maybe one more. I still have yet to apply to Hope in Holland, MI and Gonzaga in Spokane.

It has been an adventure and I'm curious where else I will get in to and where I go.

Any suggestions are welcome.
RPI is good I hear. Rose Hulman too. But thats more for engineering. It kind of depends what you want to do.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess – this is my idea of beautiful December weather:

You know, it’s summer here and the sky is grey… that’d be right.
I go to a place called Sinclair Community College in dowtown Dayton, Ohio. THe place doesn't have much character because it isn't very old and since it's in downtown it's tightly packed, though the campus is about 4 blocks (of various shapes). I live in West Carrollton, which happens to be right on I-75, so all I have to do is drive for ~10-15 minutes, and the school is right next to the exit.
I go there because it's close and inexpensive, while also having a good curriculum, if not as great as Wrigth State University or University of Dayton, but Sinclair is a fraction of their price. In most ways I'm an average student, so I never got enough help to attend those expensive schools, especially UD which can be over $25,000 a year! Oh, and I'm also uncertain abotu what I really want to do, so I'll mess around at Sinclair for a while until I settle my brain. I'm taking Graphic Design classes next semester which require you to learn a Mac, so I might become an Apple Head like you, Sage!
University of Manitoba. Currently in 4th year Mechanical Engineering.

Here's a shot of the newest addition to the engineering complex (EITC), completed 2 years ago. It's one of three buildings the engineering faculty occupies. The atrium is a great place to host a game of dodgeball :mischievous:

I can't decide if that large E that I see in the red brick is intentional (Engineering), or if it is just coincidence. It stands out to me every time I walk by.

And no mention of the UofM engineering faculty would be complete without the Red Lion (aka, Phil).

Here's my dorm which I've lived in for 4 years. It is immediately across the road from the 3 engineering buildings, so it's very convenient. Construction finished on it 4 years ago.

New England Culinary Institute. I attended at the Burlington, Vermont campus.

Great school. I'm still trying to pay it off.

I went to mom's kitchenary institute.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess – this is my idea of beautiful December weather:


Don't get me wrong, nine times out of ten I would rather be without snow than with it, but there are times when I can appreciate it. Walking around campus with all the snow on the trees (a lot of trees), on the classically-styled buildings, etc and a nicely lit day without it being too cold is quite nice. It will be one of the few things I will miss about my previous class schedule, as I used to have to walk across campus twice a day on Mondays and Thursdays.

...But, I wouldn't mind being in sunny SoCal either. My Poli Sci adviser/professor actually just came here last year from UC Berkley, and she is still getting used to the snow, despite the fact she is actually from Oregon.

But, I probably wouldn't do too well down in SoCal. I'm probably just a touch too-conservative... I can't help being from the Midwest!
It's really bizzare how isolated it really is from the rest of SoCal. They live in their own little world there. It's kind of like a lot of college campuses, where hordes of hippie liberals live in delusion, despite the fact that the real world exists only mere blocks away...
I was going to UT for Architecture. I stopped that to focus on my degree in Drafting so I could start my own business in Drafting. I'm happy with the results.
Fairmont State University - Going there for a degree in graphic design. What is this FSU college? The crappiest, no-named school you'll find on this side of the country.

What's cool? I couldn't care less. Fortunately for my major, your degree only gets you your first job, and that's only if you don't have any experience. In graphic design, your work speaks for itself.
Northern Michigan University: Marquette, MI
i'm going there for the Automotive Certificate Program, to become an
ASE certified automotive technician.
Graphic Design sucks. I've become so not artistic it isn't even funny. So I'm switching to Computer Information Systems, and hopefully that'll be the thing that I should have taken to begin with.

If only they had classes on driving! Maybe something like Science of Driving or something crazy like that. Now that I would enjoy.
Arizona Automotive institute AAI or also known as National Education Centers NEC at the time back in 1991. I have an associate’s degree in architectural drafting. The school doesn’t even offer that program any more…sheesh! All is well since I have had the same job for the last 13 years. That little degree sure has paid off.

AAI is located in Glendale Arizona. Nothing pretty about this campus unless you like 60's era buildings sandwiched between car dealerships.
Arizona Automotive instatue AAI or also known as National Education Centers NEC at the time back in 1991. I have an associates degree in architectural drafting. The school doesn’t even offer that program any more…sheesh! All is well since I have had the same job for the last 13 years. That little degree sure has paid off.

AAI is located in Glendale Arizona. Nothing pretty about this campus unless you like 60's era buildings sandwiched between car dealerships.

💡 Automotive School? AND Car Dealerships? Dream College and an easy job right there.... :D