*Complete* SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge, "PS5 Users ONLY",GS/GT4 Monthly Series, Congrat's to Rauljimenez76 for the Championship!!

  • Thread starter llNovall
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The sentence after that said the important part…”diminishing returns and all that”. Eventually you stop gaining time and gain consistency. Otherwise your lap times would eventually go to zero :)

Gaining consistency is not the same as dropping ultimate fast lap times in general. It just means you can do the same times over and over.

Losing time due to inconsistency is not the same as getting faster.

And btw…when you yelled at me to change the room settings to S03 last night…it really hurt my delicate feelings :)
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and know you can be a little sensitive...again, as I have been able to be more consistent on this track I have gotten faster and there are certain turns that are make or break for lap times, with the first and last turns being the two most important.

I do remember a race with Phlano after the update where he turned a 51.83 and I turned a 51.88.

Sooooo, Harry and I aren’t the only ones to get into the 51’s.
The lap you are thinking of was a 1:52.083

I haven't made the 151 club yet...:(
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I Love You Hug GIF by Demic
Personally I've only ever brought this up as observation and to use as a measuring stick for myself against the other racers. I have confidence in the pp system and nova that the series will not only be close but continue to tighten up as the season progresses. I was however kinda put off by the statement I just needed to practice more and I would find time that LOW. I've opened up a lobby and turned laps almost every other day since I committed to the series. I found 2 and a half seconds but I have definitely hit a plateau. I even spent some time analyzing some of the faster guys entry and exit speeds and I just can't seem to carry the speed thru the chicane for example. I have found consistent pace in the low 154s with a lap here and there in the 153s. I hope that with practice I can be in the 53s all night come race night but a low 52 just doesn't seem possible no matter how many laps I turn.
Comparing GT7 to F1 ??

All my practice laps got me from low 53’s to low 52’s. I never said it would gain anyone 2 seconds.

I’m not much of a tuner either. I started with NOVA’s base tune and made a couple anti sway bar adjustments. Most of the time I spent getting the gearing where I liked it.
Just in case some of you didn’t catch this one, check out the second and third sentence .
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Details will be posted some time today on track boundaries.
I watched some of the replays posted here of racing tests done by some of you...it's kinda looking like as long as you aren't driving in the grass then it's ok? Which is different than what is posted in the Snail track boundary guidelines. I honestly don't care either way. I just don't want to leave that much time on the table by staying two wheels on the pavement when everyone else is driving all the way over the curbs. When in Rome...do as the Romans do...and all that jazz.

But let us all know either way?
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I watched some of the replays posted here of racing tests done by some of you...it's kinda looking like as long as you aren't driving in the grass then it's ok? Which is different than what is posted in the Snail track boundary guidelines. I honestly don't care either way. I just don't want to leave that much time on the table by staying two wheels on the pavement when everyone else is driving all the way over the curbs. When in Rome...do as the Romans do...and all that jazz.
I will be posting a formal track boundary post later, but as our boundary rules do align with the main SNAIL OLR, we tend to be a bit more relaxed in some places. For this series, its very simple: The painted checkered curbing is considered track surface regardless of a white line present between the paved section and the curb. This means that, yes, you can take 2 tires into the grass if you desire, as long as you keep the other 2 tires on the painted checkered curbing at all times. In areas where a white line sets the boundary, drivers must keep 2 tires on the white line or on the asphalt favoring the track surface. Feel free to stretch it as far as you dare. Now, with that said, I do not look for oob violations...even if I review another incident and see it, it will not be penalized. OOB violations must be formally reported and is basically peer to peer governed.
“Feel free to stretch it as far as you dare”?

Probably could’ve just condensed it to that :)

Not sure how that aligns with Snail but now I’m like GI Joe…knowing is half the battle :)

Armed with the knowledge of his fellow drivers, he sets off to the battlefield!
“Feel free to stretch it as far as you dare”?

Probably could’ve just condensed it to that :)

Not sure how that aligns with Snail but now I’m like GI Joe…knowing is half the battle :)

Armed with the knowledge of his fellow drivers, he sets off to the battlefield!
It very clearly aligns with the SNAIL OLR...it's just more loosly enforced unless reported.
This is posted at the top of the linked post below in the SNAIL Track Boundaries section of the OLR:

"The white line at the track edge is the track boundary unless there is a striped rumble strip present or the section of track is listed here as an exception to this rule. The white line and / or the rumble strip will be considered part of the track surface."

I mean the philosophy behind “feel free to stretch it as far as you dare”.

Not the actual lines on the track.


Most of you don't race over in Sunday Snail...where the set of rules and guidelines for this series came from originally...so you may be wondering why I keep posting about some of this ticky-tack stuff. The Sunday series is policed a little more strictly...it's even encouraged to file IRs if you feel you have been the victim of poor racecraft or see someone gaining advantage by going outside track boundaries. Filing an IR is better than road raging...like you see in Sport mode etc.

And it is encouraged to file (on Sunday) because it keeps people from continuing to use the "give me an inch and I'll take a mile" mentality. And it teaches new drivers that the Snail experience is an ultra clean series...you may have thought Sport was clean...but you were mistaken ;)

But this series is quite a bit more loosely governed...more along the lines of what you might find in IMSA. As opposed to what you might see in F1. Primarily because most of the names we see in the drivers list are experienced and solid racers. So generally we all know how to drive in close quarters and it likely won't be an issue. Since I am used to the Sunday style of Snail racing and policing style, I am just trying to clarify how it's going to go on Fridays. And these clarifications may likely help newcomers to this series as well.

Carry on. Sorry to be such a pain in butt ;)
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I mean the philosophy behind “feel free to stretch it as far as you dare”.

Not the actual lines on the track.
That's a racer's philosophy....if you're not pushing and stretching the limits, you're leaving time on the table. Watch any discipline of racing and you'll witness track boundaries being stretched to the limits. It then comes down to the stewards to decide if advantage was gained and if a penalty is necessary....in our case, your peers will decide on whether to file or not.
That's a racer's philosophy....if you're not pushing and stretching the limits, you're leaving time on the table. Watch any discipline of racing and you'll witness track boundaries being stretched to the limits. It then comes down to the stewards to decide if advantage was gained and if a penalty is necessary....in our case, your peers will decide on whether to file or not.
Well, when in a series where there is no boundary poilicing...many real series have little to none...then it just gets a bit willy nilly. Watching the NASCAR race at COTA was downright painful. And when everyone is doing it (and there is no steward review system) then there will be no IRs filed on it ;) So that's kinda where I'm at. It's all good. I know most of the drivers here are tight and good. Looking forward to it.
A little over the boundary is what I'm talking about, and corner dependant. Blatant and repetitive disregard for track boundaries is another conversation, and I would encourage anyone witnessing as such to please file to make it corrected. You're right, as this is a tight and strong group of racers who know how to keep it in check. Thanks for bringing this up for our newer drivers.
MPC GT7 2023 Spotter guide Event #1-1.png

Driver's Pre-Event Briefing
Event #1
Watkins Glen Int'l
Friday, April 21st, 2023
9pm est

Event #1 will kick the season off at Watkins Glen Int'l. Please see below, and familiarize yourself with the series' procedural details in the first post as all will directly apply for all events:
All Section Tabs can be found in the First Post of this Thread - PLEASE REVIEW
1.3 Race Night Format/Schedule
1.4 Qualifying Procedure
1.5 Party Chat Policy and Rules
2.3 Driver Grid Priority
2.5 Event Scrutineering/Spec Sheet Submission Rules
4.1 Caution/Yellow Flag Procedure and Rules
5.1 Penalty Reporting Process and Policy
5.2 Series OLR and Racecraft Guide

Race Event Settings and Details
Track: Watkins Glen Int'l
Conditions: preset, Afternoon, SO3, Dry, Cloudy, and Pleasant
Race1 Laps: (17 laps/30+min), Fastest First
Race 2 Laps: (17 laps/30+min), Reverse Grid
(Lobby Settings can be found in SECTION 1.3 of First Post in Thread)

Race Night Schedule
9pm est: Race room is opened
9-9:15pm est: Spec Sheet Submission Window
9:15pm est: Qualifying is Started (15 min)
9:30pm est: Race 1 Start
10pm est: Scoring/Break/Manual Rev Grid
10:10pm est: Race 2 Start
10:40pm est: Collect Scores
10:45pm est: Race Night Complete

Track Map and Boundaries
Screenshot_20230415_131141_Samsung Internet.jpg

Track Boundaries:
Keep 2 wheels on or within the white line where curbing is not present, or on the curbs where they are present at all times. The white line and curbing is considered legal track surface. Failure to comply to track boundaries could result in penalties if infractions are witnessed and reported.

Event #1 Confirmed Roster and PP Chart: (as of 1:15pm est 4/15/23)

All drivers are asked to clear their cache before entering room to assist in better room stability:
Go to "Options"/"Network"/then clear Temporary Files (cache)

Race Room will be set as Friends Only. Please be sure to send me a PSN invite to NOVA-0479 if I am not on your friends list.

See most of you next Friday, 4/21 at 9pm est and I'm sure I'll catch some of you for practice throughout the week.

Anyone who has yet to choose a car and/or complete their livery, please submit by Thursday afternoon to be added to the Spotter Guide.

Good luck and see you then.

NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
Harry_Rowley_10 / @Harry Rowley (#10)
TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
Reserve Drivers
R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62)
SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
sterdad / @starfox24 (#24)
saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
Kaeltho / @Kaeltho (#120)
Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
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So far, only Harry and Sand have been in the1:51's, which I saw when practice/racing with them...aero and front-end tuning helped with the Cayman, and it will still wash out if I miss my break point...

At first with the Priano tune for the Cayman, I was in the low 1:54's, made adjustments and got into the 1:53's, a little more tweaking got me into the 1:52's, then the update, had to start all over again with adjustments to the aero...was able to get a 1:52.183 in Ice's lobby last night, so within a few hundredths of by best lap.

Again, adjust aero and then Power Restriction to get to 640.00, I was able to get to 400HP with my latest tune, previous was 391.
My friend , would you be so kind ro share your Tun INg?
I was reading the race night instructions and I had a question. It says after qually starts no changes are to be made and we are not supposed leave track. My question is this, a dust up happens and 2 people spin scrubbing tires pretty bad. Are racers able to sacrifice the time and make a regular pitstop (making no changes and not leaving track) for new tires? Effectively sacrificing 3-4 min of qually time for new tires.
I was reading the race night instructions and I had a question. It says after qually starts no changes are to be made and we are not supposed leave track. My question is this, a dust up happens and 2 people spin scrubbing tires pretty bad. Are racers able to sacrifice the time and make a regular pitstop (making no changes and not leaving track) for new tires? Effectively sacrificing 3-4 min of qually time for new tires.
Yes, you can go into the pits to grab fresh tires, but do not hit Pause and exit the track. From the pits, on a normal track to pit entrance stop, no actual settings can be changed. Therefore, yes, you can grab a fresh set of tires as needed.
I have you marked down and confirmed as attending for this Fridays race. Please complete and submit your livery for approval to be eligible to race this Friday for Event #1. Be sure to screenshot front, rear, driver side, and top angles over the white preview background in the livery editor and feel free to send via psn messenger. My psn id is: NOVA-0479. If not completed and approved by Thursday (tomorrow) 9pm est, your entry will be rejected, and @R1600Turbo (1st Reserve) will bump onto the roster.
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