Confederate Flag

  • Thread starter MoparMan69
You should read the writings of Thomas J Woods, Robert P Murphy, Thomas De Lorenzo and importantly Walter E Williams. Why? Not only are these guys economist,but historians who would completely destroy your argument on the subject of slavery and its economic history of the south post, during and after the war among the states.
Is there a summary available for this?
Is there a summary available for this?

I would suggest the books..The Politically Incorrect Guide To Capitalism, Race and Economics, How Capitalism Saved America, From the Pilgrims to the Present, The Politically Correct Guide To American History..what I love about these books..they completely obliterate the mainstream arguments surrounding the war, slavery and its economy.
I would suggest the books..The Politically Incorrect Guide To Capitalism, Race and Economics, How Capitalism Saved America, From the Pilgrims to the Present, The Politically Correct Guide To American History..what I love about these books..they completely obliterate the mainstream arguments surrounding the war, slavery and its economy.

Instead of telling us how certain authors would "destroy" arguments and telling us to go read books, why don't you actually post your opinion and use excepts from those books to support your argument. I don't care to read any of those books because frankly that whole subject isn't interesting enough to me to dedicate that much time to read the material.

The most I got out of your posts was that the Civil War wasn't about slavery, which makes no sense to me. It might have solely been about slavery, but one of the main bullet points of the war was in fact slave ownership.

Will Obama ban this car as well?
Will Obama ban this car as well?

What does Obama have to do with it?

And I'm not sure if you've seen or not but both Democrats and Republicans are calling for the flag to be removed from public building. Even Mitt Romeny agrees it should come down.
What does Obama have to do with it?

And I'm not sure if you've seen or not but both Democrats and Republicans are calling for the flag to be removed from public building. Even Mitt Romeny agrees it should come down.
My link with the flag is that car. General Lee, Dukes of Hazzard.
I have good memories about the series and I guess I'm not the only one.

Obama is hypocrite he won't solve any issue removing a flag. He is only pissing some people off.
Obama is hypocrite he won't solve any issue removing a flag. He is only pissing some people off.

Yes he is but he doesn't have the authority to do these things with flags. He's not a factor in this issue so save your hatred of Obama for another thread.

Time and a place.
Will Obama ban this car as well?
No, because he can't.

Obama, as President, is the executive branch of the US government, not the legislative branch... He doesn't make laws and can't ban things - that's the job of a legislative branch. And if they get it wrong and behave unconstitutionally, they can be smacked down by either the executive branch (the President) or the judicial branch (the Supreme Court) or both.

This is also why this:

The amazon staff are saying the government ordered them to stop selling them also ebay.
is bollocks.
Yes he is but he doesn't have the authority to do these things with flags. He's not a factor in this issue so save your hatred of Obama for another thread.

Time and a place.
Hmm what? Who want to remove this flag? Me or Obama?
There is no flag ban. Private retailers have voluntarily decided to stop selling it. Some people have called for it to be removed from government buildings.

Seriously I don't know how the hell we're expected to discuss this issue when people still think Obama or the Liberal PC mafia have banned the flag.
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Will Obama ban this car as well?

You should read this thread (and the news) but this isn't Obama's choice, it's Warner Bros that said they had "elected to cease the licensing of these product categories".

eBay, Amazon, Walmart and many other big traders have also said that they won't stock merchandise featuring the flag, just as they don't stock merchandise featuring swastikas.
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My link with the flag is that car. General Lee, Dukes of Hazzard.
I have good memories about the series and I guess I'm not the only one.

Obama is hypocrite he won't solve any issue removing a flag. He is only pissing some people off.

I literally still have no idea what you're on about. As other's have said, Obama can't and isn't doing anything other than saying he agrees the flag should be taken off government buildings. Several other politicians, both Democrat and Republican, have called for the flag to come down too. I think anyone who has a general understanding of the US can understand why the flag shouldn't be on a public building, which is why this isn't just a "OBAMA TOOK OUR FLAG!" thing.

Obama has done things that he can be criticized for, maybe you should try to find one of those instead of trying to blame him for something he has zero control over.
I fully understand his first bit. A lot of American cars here have the Confederate, for the redneck stereo type, but most of the people aren't those who want slavery and lynching back.

The Obama bit however. No idea.
I'm sorry, I won't shed a tear that a flag that was used by Strom Thrummond and his pro-segregation Dixiecrats is being removed from government buildings.
Except what is happening in South Carolina is actually a push to change the state flag, not removing the confederate flag from government buildings, because there is actually none there to speak of.

In fact, what is actually happening is lunatics are actually desecrating the history of the South, by defacing monuments (one particular monument in KY had the words "Black Lives Matter" in black spray paint) they feel represent white oppression.
Obama has done things that he can be criticized for, maybe you should try to find one of those instead of trying to blame him for something he has zero control over.

But that would require actually paying attention to things outside of whatever is trending!!!:yuck:

Except what is happening in South Carolina is actually a push to change the state flag, not removing the confederate flag from government buildings, because there is actually none there to speak of.

In fact, what is actually happening is lunatics are actually desecrating the history of the South, by defacing monuments (one particular monument in KY had the words "Black Lives Matter" in black spray paint) they feel represent white oppression.
I don't know how recent this photo is, but the Battle Flag does, or had flown over government buildings in South Carolina.

This monument sits in front of the State Capital building. I know Fort Sumter also hoists the 1st & 2nd Confederate Flags on its island.

Funny enough, you don't see anyone crying outrage against Six Flags as they actively fly a Confederate Flag at their locations here in Texas.
Except what is happening in South Carolina is actually a push to change the state flag, not removing the confederate flag from government buildings, because there is actually none there to speak of.

That's wholly incorrect, I'm afraid.

The rest of your post notes that the flag (and flags) have a genuine history to them but ignores the point that sometimes it's time to move on. Sometimes the people who are living (and those who are yet to be born) are more important than rose-tinted history.
eBay, Amazon, Walmart and many other big traders have also said that they won't stock merchandise featuring the flag, just as they don't stock merchandise featuring swastikas.

Strangely, any one of those retailers will be more than happy to sell me a N-word laden rap CD, should I ever want one.
That's wholly incorrect, I'm afraid.

The rest of your post notes that the flag (and flags) have a genuine history to them but ignores the point that sometimes it's time to move on. Sometimes the people who are living (and those who are yet to be born) are more important than rose-tinted history.
So it is okay for us Americans in the South to ignore a critical conjecture in American history, just because one punk kid shot up a black church?

Here is some facts to wake me up this morning. Earlier in the America thread (this post actually), the media actually published a picture of the shooter, Dylan Roof. I will say again after looking at the picture again, do you actually see any confederate flag patches on his jacket?

The answer is obviously no because his racism is more in lines with colonial Africa rather than our deep south.

So why the push to scrub the confederate flag from our history? Because that flag is more associated with hillbilly culture than it does with any actual racism that may or may not have gone on at the time, and as a result, it also represents guns, something that for decades the left has wanted as an objective goal from anywhere from our President to state representatives from California. Saul Alinsky's calling card of "Never let a crisis go to waste", referring to pushing their political adjenda, is something that is actually working to perfection here as they are stripping the South of our identity.
So it is okay for us Americans in the South to ignore a critical conjecture in American history, just because one punk kid shot up a black church?

Here is some facts to wake me up this morning. Earlier in the America thread (this post actually), the media actually published a picture of the shooter, Dylan Roof. I will say again after looking at the picture again, do you actually see any confederate flag patches on his jacket?

The answer is obviously no because his racism is more in lines with colonial Africa rather than our deep south.

A quick search for "Dylann Roof confederate flag" shows some images of him holding the confederate flag. In fact, here's one of the world's biggest media outlets publishing a picture of him with it:

I'm just wondering - what do you think makes Roof's racism more like that of colonial Africa than the Deep South? Also, what differences do you believe there were between the racism of the European colonists in Africa and southern segregationists and anti-abolitionists? Off the top of my head I can think of King Leopold of Belgium treating the Congo as little more than his own personal slave plantation, and there are gruesome tales about thousands of native Congolese being mutilated for not working hard enough.
Chuck Netzhammer from Louisiana tried to get a cake with an edible Confederate flag and "Heritage Not Hate" printed on it. But his order was rejected. Then, he ordered the ISIS flag on a cake. And it was done! :lol:

Seriously, the Civil War has ended 150 years ago, but ISIS is doing terrorist acts nowadays. Where's the logic? :crazy:
From what I heard, the person who actually made that cake had no idea that was Daesh's flag.
So it is okay for us Americans in the South to ignore a critical conjecture in American history, just because one punk kid shot up a black church?

Many of the same folks trying to make this argument will happily write off the world's entire Muslim population as terrorists.

Not referring to you in particular, as I don't recall ever reading your thoughts on Muslims. But just keep that in mind when suggesting that Southerners are getting treated unfairly here. They've long pointed that gun at others, and suddenly when they're the ones looking down the barrel, they're crying foul.
I'm on the side that it should not be flown on Government buildings. Whether you believe it's a symbol of rebellion, or racism, or whatever, it isn't the United States of America's flag, or the flag of an ally.

However, I do have a confederate flag shirt that I wear all the time with my jeans that accidentally got bleached. :)
IMO Government buildings should only display Old Glory and the state flag. State flags should not contain flags of other countries or confederations (looking at you Hawaii and Mississippi.)

From the New York Post
The white supremacist Ku Klux Klan has received approval from South Carolina officials to hold a pro-Confederate flag rally at the state capitol, a newspaper reported on Monday, less than two weeks after a white man shot dead nine people in a black church.

It makes me wonder what our reaction would be if the shooter had wrapped himself with a USA flag.