Confederate Flag

  • Thread starter MoparMan69
In England the swastika isn't banned because of it's use with religions, the swastika is banned when displayed in a white circle on a red background.
Sorry gone off topic.

The swastika isn't banned in the UK. But it is severely frowned upon and would probably fall under some kind of public order offence if you sprayed a swastika graffito.

Hindus have tried to oppose wholescale bans on the swastika because it's still an important symbol to them. Of course, it is always important to remember that the swastika is a peace symbol and was adopted by the Nazis as some kind of facade to say "Hey, yeah, we're peaceful chaps" but for many, many, many groups outside of Hindus, the symbol now has irreversible connotations. Reminds me of this somewhat, too.
You probably mean the Union Flag not Union Jack, it is called the Union Jack when displayed from a ship, it's a common mistake, but know what you mean, not having a go at you it's just the whole Union Flag having to be British not English is a bug bear of mine.

The Union Flag isn't British, it's the flag of the United Kingdom, not the same thing. Admittedly Northern Ireland doesn't have its own official national flag but the fact remains.

In England the swastika isn't banned because of it's use with religions, the swastika is banned when displayed in a white circle on a red background.

I'm not sure why you thought it was a religious issue or why you singled England out amongst either the countries of the United Kingdom or the huge list of countries where the Swastika (capital S) is banned?
The Union Flag isn't British, it's the flag of the United Kingdom, not the same thing. Admittedly Northern Ireland doesn't have its own official national flag but the fact remains.

I was trying to point out that the flag became Union Jack when displayed on a ship, although it is common practice to call it Union Jack all the time now.

I'm not sure why you thought it was a religious issue or why you singled England out amongst either the countries of the United Kingdom or the huge list of countries where the Swastika (capital S) is banned?

I wasn't singling out England, I said England as I am English and I didn't want to list other countries where I wasn't 100% sure. I'm sorry if you thought it was a religious issue with me, I was trying (obviously failed ) to say that the Swastika is banned when displayed in a white circle on a red background but as stated by Liquid it is used in religions and so can be displayed but unfortunately now is seen as something more sinister.

I was actually agreeing with you.
A flag is nothing more than a symbol of a nation, and if people don't like it, then they shouldn't say anything about it (just my 2 cents).

And the Confederate States of America is (thankfully) not a nation. It was never recognised as an independent country during its existence by any other independent countries (source), only as a "belligerent" by France and the UK.
Just to clarify @haitch40, I read CA57's use of the word "nation" as the same as "state".
I guess the General Lee could be perceived a bit like this to some

And the Confederate States of America is (thankfully) not a nation. It was never recognised as an independent country during its existence by any other independent countries (source), only as a "belligerent" by France and the UK.
The Vatican did, but otherwise you are right.
City-States have been a going concern since Jericho, 10,000 years ago. Nation-states have been an innovation only of the last very few hundred years.

My city, Seattle, is a booming crossroads trading and business hub, even cultural oasis, guarded and limited in size by natural moats. This place would prosper with or without attachment to state or nation.

With nations falling into failed status, perhaps the time approaches when once again the ideal model of government is the walled and moated city-state?
Let me know in a few years how Seattle is doing with the $15 minimum wage.
The Vatican isn't an independent nation. It is a City-State within the boundaries of Italy's capital of Rome.
The issue with the Vatican lies not in the fact that it wasn't formally recognized as a nation until the 1940's, but with the fact that during the Civil War, the Vatican, as part of the Papal States, was under siege by the Kingdom of Italy. This video will explain it better:

The owner of The General Lee announced he was going to paint over the flag with the rw&b, so there's that.
The issue with the Vatican lies not in the fact that it wasn't formally recognized as a nation until the 1940's, but with the fact that during the Civil War, the Vatican, as part of the Papal States, was under siege by the Kingdom of Italy. This video will explain it better

But it was still a nation state and Pious IX acknowledged both sides of the Civil War. He never gave explicit support to either side and even the Confederacy stopped short of saying they were recognised by the Vatican, if I recall correctly. As you'll know Congress later banned diplomatic ties with the Vatican but only because the Vatican had refused to condemn the Confederacy rather than taking to the diplomatic fence.
But it was still a nation state and Pious IX acknowledged both sides of the Civil War. He never gave explicit support to either side and even the Confederacy stopped short of saying they were recognised by the Vatican, if I recall correctly. As you'll know Congress later banned diplomatic ties with the Vatican but only because the Vatican had refused to condemn the Confederacy rather than taking to the diplomatic fence.
That's true, but the fact that no one supported the Confederacy, even politically, is hogwash. Sure, the Vatican paid for it, however, unlike the Revolutionary war, where Britian did not punish France for supporting the rebels back in 1776, even economically, the fact that the US punished the Vatican by not doing something that would eventually be done by a murderous dictator (recognize them as an actual government) is all the more telling on who the US's, at the time, friends are.

My apologies if that didn't sound coherent. I have to get up early in the morning to celebrate the fourth. I'll explain it when I'm more awake.
The Holy See (as opposed to the Vatican, as during the US Civil War, the Papal States had been absorbed into the then-newly created Kingdom of Italy) never explicitly recognised the Confederacy as an independent country (source).
Will Allo Allo or Hogans Heroes also be cancelled from broadcast, with those terrible friendly acting Nazi's ruining tv for everyone?
Will Allo Allo or Hogans Heroes also be cancelled from broadcast, with those terrible friendly acting Nazi's ruining tv for everyone?

That's my problem with the whole General Lee car thing... it's all about context. I think The Eagle Has Landed is one of the "greatest" (if most terrible) war films ever... would be a shame to see that go down ze pan.
Will Allo Allo or Hogans Heroes also be cancelled from broadcast, with those terrible friendly acting Nazi's ruining tv for everyone?
I don't even think those two shows get any airtime.

Then again.. I didn't think The Dukes of Hazzard was still getting airtime.
I can confirm Hogan's Hero's is on TV. I've never heard of the other show.
The Holy See (as opposed to the Vatican, as during the US Civil War, the Papal States had been absorbed into the then-newly created Kingdom of Italy) never explicitly recognised the Confederacy as an independent country (source).
Mind giving me something that doesn't require a lot of brains to edit out?

Besides, it was pretty much established that the Vatican (I will keep saying that for a reason), didn't really pick sides, but on the other hand, the fact that they were willing to open diplomatic relations with the Confederacy has drawn some ire with the what was then the international community (for lack of a better term), and Washington DC.

Also saying that the Kingdom of Italy completely absorbed the Papal States is complete hogwash. Literally the last hill standing was Vatican, and they waited the Kingdom of Italy out for over 60 years before Mussolini gave The Holy See Vatican hill. The only reason for the 60 year wait was to prevent a religious civil war since they (the Kingdom of Italy) were after the Pope.
'Allo 'Allo! has been shown on BBC2 this year.

& it's on GOLD right now.
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