Lets be honest here for a moment; You actually think because we've been bombing the hell out of Iraq since 1991 is the only reason why they hate us? Sure, he has a point in saying that our military involvement in the Middle-East has had much to do with where we are today, but thats only scratching at the surface. First and foremost is our outright support of the state of Israel and nearly everything they do, not to mention the fact that we fund their military, and many other anti-Islamic-fundamentalist movements around the world. Furthermore, our involvement in nations like Pakistan and Iran in the past have caused plenty of issues as well...
...But at the core, its a direct contradiction of ideas between Islam and the West, be it America or not. The Islamists believe in peace and prosperity through strict moral code, religious law, and the destruction of common, rational thought as mainstream ideas. Basically what it comes down to then is peace through absolute control, otherwise completely against everything that our country has fought for. Beyond that, their societies hate the fact that we treat women as equals, show them off in public, allow them to look us in the eye, make money, have an eduction, etc. We go on an on about gay rights in the United States, but if the Islamists had it their way, the gays would be wiped-out, thrown in prison, executed, etc. They just aren't as forgiving in that regard.
What it comes down to is that they hate us because of our social freedoms by which they view as immoral and against the very basic beliefs of their faith. The drastic steps backward in the given nations caused by strict Islamic law basically spells the downfall of a given nation's advancement in society... And lets be honest here, the nations that have been able to accelerate the greatest amount of social and economic freedom have been ones that generally accepted Western ideals (ie the UAE, the Saudis to some extent, even Iran to some extent).
...Sure, we can stick our tails between our legs and say "My bad!" and run for the hills hoping that we don't get attacked. Or, we can ease our way out, continue to fight for whats right in the world, and take care of business. At least Guliani identifies that there are different reasons as to why we were attacked, and actually seems to have a kind of commitment to getting rid of the problem. Strong-arm military action may not always be the best course, but as of right now, its one of the best options we have...
I'm sticking with Guliani and McCain on this one, sorry to burst everyone's bubble. The guy is a nutcase that doesn't stand a chance in hell to getting anywhere near the front of the pack. Sure, he may have a few good ideas, but as they say, Hitler did too...