• Thread starter OmniusGT
Great effort :D and yes a one lap race for photos is a great idea. :) I just thought we should do our bit as it all helps. Really looking forward to this!
My apologies, the leaderboards havnt been appearing on my phone since the N24.
Would you mind if i asked you to put the Standings up on Facebook aswell Omnius? Because for some reason i can only see the standings from before Fridays race :confused:

Did you know Dowlin, if you press your 'menu' button in the app, you should see an option to 'open browser' this will then show the thread as you would see it from a computer and in the format/layout as intended with all the graphics displayed correctly :)
You can get the graphics to update in the app....

Click on the Forums icon, then hit your phone's menu on settings...scroll down the list until you find 'clear image cache'.....Bingo! The graphics will now be updated, problem is, you have to keep doing this everytime you start the app :banghead:

Check out my fluorescent pink 009 NSX for this Fridays Core GT race. This is the first time I have raced away from my traditional blue and yellow theme, so I kept the racing suit in my normal colours. Had to change the wheels aswell as the pink with yellow clashed terribly.

In matte pink :sly:


Fuel, if you still in need of matte pink and anyone else needing matte pink, send me FR. I can make copies and send them your way :)
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I'm loving that you are all getting into the spirit!

I'd encourage everyone to post a photo of their cars pre-race too :D

Many thanks for doing this 👍
I'll try to get mine done tonight,probably be tomorrow though.
I'm going for GT fluorescent 009,matte pink wheels and i'm pretty sure i've got a pink suit and helmet aswell.:):)


Proudly Supporting...


OmniusALX - #74

"Hi Racers! As we all know, October is Breast Cancer Awarness month, and to show our support, this Friday's race will see us all displaying our support on the track, this Friday, is PINK FRIDAY!"

"Many thanks also to Breast Cancer Care UK for the use of the logo for our special event"


Omnius ready for Round 9 👍​


No obligation, but if anyone wishes to donate - Check HERE

Special Race this Friday...


In support of Breast Cancer Awarness this month, this Friday's race will be a (check the link) PINK FRIDAY


Also I will add the link to Who are a UK charity, where I got the 'Pink Friday' from - the original idea came from one of our new racers Fuelmyfire to raise the awarness since it's October :)

I'm sure we have or know someone who has been effected by breast cancer, and in our own way, in our virtual online racing worlds, its actually pretty cool to organise this for a good cause!

No obligation, but if anyone wanted to donate - Check HERE

Who said us gamers were all geeks and no heart!? :lol:

Ade3210 also mentioned us HERE ...I will edit that post to include our Race Highlights 👍

Very nice indeed. 👍
Contributions are made here stateside by my wife and I for Breast Cancer Awareness. ;)

Due to my work schedule, kids High School Football, and other things outside of work, I cannot attend this event .... :indiff:. So good luck to all the entrants. There will be a contribution from me to the winner of this Friday's event.

I will donate the PINK LADY CORVETTE to the winner of this race.


This car is a one off 0/0/0 version. (glitched) It has been RM'd and that's it, no other mods have been done.

I'll check in later to see who wins this SPECIAL EDITION RM'D VETTE.

Good luck to all and have fun racing for a very worthy cause. :cheers:
Many thanks for this Nicksfix 👍 👍

A rather exceptional prize too :D

So racers, this adds that extra edge to Friday's race :sly: ...I'm looking forward to Motegi more than ever 👍

I can't wait to see everyone's NSX in the highlights :)
I would like to thank all the guests who are visiting my thread 👍

Thank you for taking the time to have a look at what we do here :)
Alright here is the machine I'll be driving this Week on Pink Friday!

Looks good doesn't she :P



Everyone's cars are looking really good, I can't wait for the race now 👍

Also Omnius, I'm not sure if its anything wrong with my end but when I clicked on the donations link, it didn't take me anywhere.
EDIT: nevermind its just the link above that doesn't work, the other one on the front page works fine.
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Brilliant Geordie & Dowlin!!!

You're right, this race is looking like it's going to be rather cool, I cannot wait to do the photoshoot :D

It's going to look great when we return to our normal colours for the rest of the season, when we look back across the photos we'll have this splash of pink for Round 9 👍


Proudly Supporting...


OmniusALX - #74

"Hi Racers! As we all know, October is Breast Cancer Awarness month, and to show our support, this Friday's race will see us all displaying our support on the track, this Friday, is PINK FRIDAY!"

"Many thanks also to Breast Cancer Care UK for the use of the logo for our special event"


Omnius ready for Round 9 👍​


No obligation, but if anyone wishes to donate - Check HERE

Hey mate, I´m sorry for missing so many races, but my wheel broke, and I´m coming up with the money to buy a new one, and I could use the controller but I sort of don´t have it xD I´m really sory for that, and as soon as I get the new one, I´ll let you know. Again really, really sorry...
Brilliant Geordie & Dowlin!!!

You're right, this race is looking like it's going to be rather cool, I cannot wait to do the photoshoot :D

It's going to look great when we return to our normal colours for the rest of the season, when we look back across the photos we'll have this splash of pink for Round 9 👍

We wouldn't want bystanders to mistake it for a Christopher Street Day tribute, so be sure to label it accordingly in the highlights ^_^

I was too lazy to repaint my NSX, so i bought a new one and just finished running it in. Passionate Pink on stock white wheels. Picture will come once i find a upload site that actually works on GTP and doesn't require membership...
That didn't make sense Third, "I'm too lazy to paint my NSX so I bought a new one and just finished running it in"

Surely that was the opposite!?!? :crazy:
Hello to all the guests currently viewing my thread! :D

I'm sure we have or know someone who has been effected by breast cancer, and in our own way, in our virtual online racing worlds, its actually pretty cool to organise this for a good cause!

Over the weekend I will have a full selection of photos from Friday's race, please comeback to see how we did 👍
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That didn't make sense Third, "I'm too lazy to paint my NSX so I bought a new one and just finished running it in"

Surely that was the opposite!?!? :crazy:

Well my NSX is stock white, so cant get back to that tone after going pink, plus I can't remember for the life of me what blue I used on the wheels...

And since my B-spec Is still only at 37, I thought my renowned set of undefeated B Spec drivers S.Vettel, M.Weber, M.Schumacher and K.Tsuchiya could take a little trip around Grand Valley to get the milage. Two birds one stone. BTW that B-Spec lineup was a pain in the rear to achieve, I accidentally skipped over a J.Herbert, G.Berger and A.Senna in the process :ouch: