So me and mum drove to Bristol Airport this morning to get tested, not a very pleasant experience. Only two other cars there getting tested. We had to stay in the car and were given the kits with not very helpful instructions. Had to blow our nose, put gloves on, and then rub the swab on our tonsils for 10-15 seconds without touching you teeth or tongue; easier said than done. I managed about two seconds of it while mum soldiered on to five. Then had to twist it around in your nostril for 10-15 seconds, this was much easier, albeit very irritating. We then put the swab in the vial and sealed it in the bio-hazard bag, only to be told we had to seal it in the plastic bag we given it in first, then seal that in the bio-hazard, despite the instructions saying nothing about the plastic bag. We were also told we could now remove our gloves while we tear the bio-hazard bags open to get at the vials, replace the bar codes and put them in the new bags and return them, which all kinda defeated the purpose of wearing the gloves in the first place. Should get results in a couple of days.