After ten weeks of lockdown, my Dad and my Auntie have both visited my Mum for the first time this week. Dad came over briefly on Sunday night for a beer in the garden, and my Auntie is here now for a coffee.
Unfortunately, the good old Scottish weather is typically unobliging. May has seen record-breaking sunshine in the UK, but today it is starting to rain... and, as such, my Mum and my Auntie have abandoned their socially-distanced garden chairs and have moved into the conservatory

I just had to remind my Mum not to pass each other their mobile phones, which apparently they have already done a few times

Given how much I have spoken to my Mum about adopting some simple precautions, it is a bit disappointing (but entirely predictable!) to see how little effect my advice has had. I can only assume that this scenario is playing out across the country...
In all seriousness, it goes to show how awkward it is for people (esp. in the UK) to request that people observe hygiene measures. AFAIK, neither my Auntie or my Dad washed their hands or used sanitizer prior to meeting my Mum (who is immune-suppressed), but my Mum also didn't ask them or advise them to do that - not only would it probably not have occurred to her, she would likely consider it rude even if it had occurred to her to ask... and yet these are the exact precautions that people like my Mum should be taking care with.