I was reading up on the migrant caravan headed to the US getting beaten to a pulp on their way, and a thought suddenly came to me.
Every developed country has undocumented migrants, the so-called "illegal aliens". How are the respective governments planning to inoculate them?
Unlike the regular flu jabs, which you can get at a pharmacy or a GP near you for next to nothing, COVID vaccine distribution is being tightly regulated by the governments involved. Your details need to be captured and stored in an easily-accessible database for the health department workers.
I can already tell that pretty much every undocumented migrant would not want to be tracked by the government in fear of getting deported without warning. You could argue that that won't happen, but will it be enough to convince them? Somehow, I doubt it. There's no guarantee that ICE or for that matter, SA Home Affairs, won't suddenly come to a decision to capitalise on this "opportunity" after the pandemic has been reined in to a degree, after all.
That migrant caravan apparently had a dozen-plus people showing the symptoms of COVID19. All it takes is a handful of people not getting vaccinated and contracting the virus - all the hard work potentially coming undone.
I seriously hope that I'm worried about nothing here, but truth be told, I don't have much faith in RSA's government in this matter. They announced earlier that they'd start issuing "COVID vaccine IDs" to those who got jabbed. This is coming from a government that can't even get their electricity supply issue sorted out for the last ten-plus years.
Some studies suggest that there are over a million undocumented workers from Zimbabwe living in South Africa, and that's not counting the folks from Mozambique, Ghana, Malawi and many other African and Subcontinent countries like Bangladesh. They came here hoping to escape from the desperate poverty and even racial persecution, so it'd suck for them to get sent back home from the double whammy of the pandemic and the government acting very sneaky and the like.