COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Also, is it possible to get infected via the eyes when droplets/aerosols get in your eyes?

The exhaled breath is warmer than the surrounding air outside the body, so the very fine droplets go up.
On a related note.... but... but... I thought masks didn't work! [/s]
Don't argue with someone who's been in this career field 19 years and knows an opinion piece even if it's disguised as an objective scientific study. [/s]

This kind of news is hard to swallow.
It kind of left a lump in my throat.
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"Consider the source!" "I will call out/block anyone who is coming at me w/ BS opinion pieces & not real scientific studies, in a rude way. Political beliefs should not cause you to selectively follow science".

What a brain dead moron. Spouting this nonsense whilst promoting some conspiracy website that has articles titled, "BLM mob posed as Trump supporters" & "Obama funded Al Qaeda as Trump's offense begins". Twitter can kick her off the platform next.
"Consider the source!" "I will call out/block anyone who is coming at me w/ BS opinion pieces & not real scientific studies, in a rude way. Political beliefs should not cause you to selectively follow science".

What a brain dead moron. Spouting this nonsense whilst promoting some conspiracy website that has articles titled, "BLM mob posed as Trump supporters" & "Obama funded Al Qaeda as Trump's offense begins". Twitter can kick her off the platform next.

This is her profile picture:

First known case of the Brazilian variant has hit the US, in the state of Minnesota.
A few observations now that I'm a few days after getting my vaccine (Moderna).

- Thursday night after getting my vaccine I had a mild fever (99.8) and my arm hurt.
- Friday my arm had no strength in it (I'm sure they hit the muscle since I got the vaccine in my car) and my joints were sore, no fever.
- Saturday I felt like I got hit by a train, all my joints were sore, I felt stiff, and I was sweaty, no fever.
- Sunday my joints were still sore, but not as bad. No sweating or fevers. I was extremely itchy though.
- Today my joints are feeling normal soreness but I'm still ungodly itchy.

I asked one of the many people I work with and apparently, itchiness is a potential side effect and it should go away soon. It doesn't help that it's super dry either.

I'm worried about my second dose though. Per reports, people who had side effects with dose one can have the same side effects, only worse, with dose two. I'm hopeful that's not the case though, but if it is, it's still got to be better than having COVID.

Weirdly, my mom who reacts to everything was perfectly fine after getting the vaccine, as was my dad. My non-scientific reasoning for this is due to them both already having COVID and thus not having as much of an issue with the vaccine. Most of my co-workers will be getting their vaccines this week so I'll be curious to see what they're reporting.

One thing I haven't seen much of is how the vaccine is working in children. I want to get my son vaccinated, but I don't want to have him get it without at least some data on how kids are reacting to it.
Greta will be paying the Netherlands after seeing the burning bikes. You're in trouble now, Nederlanders.
So our Governor said 50% of health care workers aren't getting the vaccine and 70% of long term care aren't getting vaccinated.
I'm hoping I miss heard that cause he did follow up with being short on vaccines...
Our numbers have dropped in 3 weeks lock down from 13000 cases per day to less than 6000, hospitals are still busy but not overwhelmed. Just about all urgent care personnel has had their first shots, and next week will see the 90000 90+ year old get their first shots.
I hope that we receive enough vaccines in the coming weeks because our infrastructure is ready to get everyone injected as soon as possible.

Down to 4700 new cases. Lockdown is doing what it needs to do.

Curfew started last Saturday, we've had 4 days of intensifying riots because of it, last night it died down a little. One thing was apparent, most of the rioting ****ers were wearing masks so new infections should stay at a minimum
Just get one good one. N95 is "95" for a reason.

Are you able to get N95's now? I've only seen KN95 masks available, which I know aren't the same thing but still nearly the same thing.

My work gave us all cloth masks that you can put a surgical mask inside of, effectively making it two masks. I've been wearing that mostly when I need to go in a business or something and I wear my filtered mask when I'm outside since it's good at filtering pollutants out.
Are you able to get N95's now? I've only seen KN95 masks available, which I know aren't the same thing but still nearly the same thing.

My work gave us all cloth masks that you can put a surgical mask inside of, effectively making it two masks. I've been wearing that mostly when I need to go in a business or something and I wear my filtered mask when I'm outside since it's good at filtering pollutants out.

Yea I just got a KN95 from amazon the other day, relatively quick shipping (Powecom - which seemed to check out as legit). I had been looking for a NIOSH approved KN95, but then I learned that those all have to have around-the-head straps, at which point NIOSH became a bad thing. Those straps have broken on several of my masks, leaving me to either repair them or find another - also they're less convenient.
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I'm wearing a Type IIR medical face mask and a double-layer cloth mask that was supplied by my work.

The Type IIR masks are on sale in almost every supermarket, and a lot of people wear them... but they do not protect the wearer - they only block exhalations of the wearer. As such, to get any level of protection, you need to wear a second mask, but I've been doing that the whole time.

I also have an N95 mask (well, a mask that an N95 filter can be placed in), but I haven't used it. I was waiting for an emergency before I used those, since I only have two refills and they don't last that long, but if I need to go to hospital (and I might shortly, as I need a scan done) then I will be wearing that the whole time.
Yea I just got a KN95 from amazon the other day, relatively quick shipping (Powecom - which seemed to check out as legit). I had been looking for a NIOSH approved KN95, but then I learned that those all have to have around-the-head straps, at which point NIOSH became a bad thing. Those straps have broken on several of my masks, leaving me to either repair them or find another - also they're less convenient.

I'd get KN95 masks but I'm not sold on the Chinese manufacturing process. I admittedly have nothing scientific to go on regarding this, but when many of the doctors and researchers I work with argue against them since apparently, their quality can vary wildly from mask to mask. Some do provide 95% filtration while others supposedly can only provide 50-60%.

I did find a company that makes Made in the USA surgical masks called Armbrust and I bought a box from them. They were more expensive being $30 for a box of 50, but at least I feel better about that and it's what many of the people I work with use. It probably doesn't really make any difference, but if people who've been in the field for 30-40 years are telling me something is good I'll go with it.
I'd get KN95 masks but I'm not sold on the Chinese manufacturing process.

Well I'm sure you know, and you hint above, that it's not one manufacturing process. I tried to do the research and find a mask that had actually been tested and shown to be effective.
So in personal news, I think my parents are out of the woods in terms of COVID recovery. It sounds like it was a long and difficult ordeal, no hospitalization though. I just got word that an elderly friend of ours who has been hospitalized for lung problems in the past has just been hospitalized with covid. I think we might lose her.
Personal news for me: As of 90 minutes ago, I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Procedure went smoothly and I was in and out within 35 minutes. I will report back in the next few days if I grow a third arm or leg.
Personal news for me: As of 90 minutes ago, I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Procedure went smoothly and I was in and out within 35 minutes. I will report back in the next few days if I grow a third arm or leg.

Would you say you feel like more or less of a Lizard Person now?
@Joey D @Touring Mars , what's the up-to-speed on this South African variant? I briefly caught it on CNN as the segment ended, the headline said Dr. Fauci said it didn't look good. Is the vaccine not effective against it or is it far more deadly/contagious than other strains seen?