COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
And boom, vaccinated or at least partially vaccinated.
That's your key word there.

A good friend of mine, who's a doctor, came back positive three days ago. He had gotten his first dose on the 12th.

Don't let your guard down.
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Well I definitely can't see this backfiring...

When the other half told me about this yesterday, my first thought was 'this is going to make pox parties' amongst the poorer in society, desperate for as many £500s as they can get - the only problem being this is not a virus you **** about with, and does significantly more harm than chicken pox. All it's going to do is spread it further and further.

Thankfully, it's 'not got in a million miles of the PM', so I hope it gets shut down sooner rather than later.
When the other half told me about this yesterday, my first thought was 'this is going to make pox parties' amongst the poorer in society, desperate for as many £500s as they can get - the only problem being this is not a virus you **** about with, and does significantly more harm than chicken pox. All it's going to do is spread it further and further.

Thankfully, it's 'not got in a million miles of the PM', so I hope it gets shut down sooner rather than later.

There's probably some kind of catch with this that it's offset from your universal credit or something. If everyone who tested positive was paid the government would be churning out c.£15 million a day.
That's your key word there.

A good friend of mine, who's a doctor, came back positive three days ago. He had gotten his first dose on the 12th.

Don't let your guard down.

Absolutely. I won't be relaxing the precautions I've been taking until my family has been vaccinated too. Even then, I still plan on wearing a mask for the foreseeable future. Even when it's not strictly needed, I'll still probably wear it until the pandemic is more or less declared over. I've gotten used to wearing a mask now and while it's not ideal, it's made breathing a helluva lot easier this winter since it does filter out many of the pollutants that plague the Salt Lake Valley.
Absolutely. I won't be relaxing the precautions I've been taking until my family has been vaccinated too. Even then, I still plan on wearing a mask for the foreseeable future. Even when it's not strictly needed, I'll still probably wear it until the pandemic is more or less declared over. I've gotten used to wearing a mask now and while it's not ideal, it's made breathing a helluva lot easier this winter since it does filter out many of the pollutants that plague the Salt Lake Valley.
I want to not have to say this but masks will probably be required in public until 2022 due to people still not thinking there is a pandemic. I do hope that we will not see further mutations that render the vaccine ineffective though (we are almost through 1 full year and mutant strands can easily arise now).
An industrial hygenist lady came into the Twitter thread I was commenting in and declared all mask efficiency studies (except her own forthcoming one presumably) to be "opinion pieces". It didn't take me long to find @Joey D's M. Ito study so I posted it as a reply.

That was three hours ago and still no response...
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Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron received the Covid vaccine on January 6th, 2021 and he sadly passed away today. Now conspiracy theorists are running with the theme that it was the vaccine that killed him. He was 86 years old.

Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron received the Covid vaccine on January 6th, 2021 and he sadly passed away today. Now conspiracy theorists are running with the theme that it was the vaccine that killed him. He was 86 years old.

According to reports, he had a stroke that killed him.
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I've asked her who it should be admissible to and to confirm whether she thinks it's an opinion piece or not.
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I've asked her who it should be admissible to and to confirm whether she thinks it's an opinion piece or not.

Imagine being that stupid. Also, I'm curious what field she's in because looking at her Twitter she's just a professional complainer and has zero scientific experience. Oh and she's a Bears fan in Michigan, that's like a crime in itself.
Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron received the Covid vaccine on January 6th, 2021 and he sadly passed away today. Now conspiracy theorists are running with the theme that it was the vaccine that killed him. He was 86 years old.

Covid deniers the world over say 'a death with Covid is not a Covid death' ad nauseum, and yet immediately blame the vaccine for any people who die after being vaccinated.
Larry King has passed at 87. It's reported he was moved from the ICU to a regular room and was breathing on his own, but took a fatal turn Saturday morning. So far, it doesn't specifically list Covid as a cause of death, but I can't imagine catching it did the man any favors at having an easy recovery. The same article outlines that King was in and out of the hospital in 2019, being told he didn't have much longer to live. Rip.
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Flu trackers are putting cases around basically summer levels for the US, when we should be spiking right now:

Compared to last year, it's like the seasonal spike is just gone. Our efforts to suppress COVID are wildly effective against Flu it would seem... and are holding covid to just wiping out hundreds of thousands of people in this country (424k as of this post, which is almost 7 times the worst estimates of flu mortality for 2019-2020). It's worth noting that we've had half as many cases of COVID-19 as we had cases of flu in 2019-2020. So 7 times as many dead from half as many infections.

FWIW, the first covid death in the US looks like it was Feb. 6th 2020. So I guess that's when our 2020-2021 COVID-19 "season" starts?
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I've asked her who it should be admissible to and to confirm whether she thinks it's an opinion piece or not.

This is someone who Tweets things like "What I cannot stand is how evil the left is. They are the domestic enemies." :lol: I wouldn't even bother responding.
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From the bad news is good news is bad news department:

'Almost non-existent' cold, cough season costs 30 jobs at P.E.I. lozenge plant"


Honestly, it's making me think perhaps we should keep some of these basic practices around. Like washing hands, and wearing masks in crowded places. Seems like there's a lot of benefit. Who knew? Aside from Japan, South Korea, and China I mean...
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Honestly, it's making me think perhaps we should keep some of these basic practices around. Like washing hands, and wearing masks in crowded places. Seems like there's a lot of benefit. Who knew? Aside from Japan, South Korea, and China I mean...

But ... Freedom?! :irked:
From the bad news is good news is bad news department:

'Almost non-existent' cold, cough season costs 30 jobs at P.E.I. lozenge plant"

This kind of news is hard to swallow.

On a related note.... but... but... I thought masks didn't work! [/s]
Reminds me of the old joke where the teacher asks their pupils to think of a sentence containing the word "contagious"...

Sally said "My mummy said that coronavirus is very contagious!"
Johnny said "The more contagious something is, the faster it spreads!"
Billy said "Donald Trump finally realised that masks save lives, but it took the 🤬 ages!"
I want to not have to say this but masks will probably be required in public until 2022 due to people still not thinking there is a pandemic. I do hope that we will not see further mutations that render the vaccine ineffective though (we are almost through 1 full year and mutant strands can easily arise now).
I had the same thought. It will get better but not before the end of 2022.

What is the difference between a variant of the virus and a mutated virus?
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What is the difference between a variant of the virus and a mutated virus?

A mutated virus is by definition a variant. When a variant or mutation confers a different behaviour or clinical effect, then it is called a new strain, but often that distinction is not black and white.
I was talking to a customer today at an establishment in our general area that we do a lot business with and he was telling me what has happened to one of his co-workers parents. I'm assuming both are in their mid 70's or so.

Father was feeling sick and he's one of these guys that just doesn't want to go to a doctor. Started feeling worse and family made him go. He tested positive for Covid. Now this is the part that I might not have straight but they were having trouble getting him a hospital room due to over crowding with Covid patients, he got impatient and they had him sign a release to go home to wait for a room. But a day or two later he started feeling much worse so they had to rush him back to the hospital (about a week ago now) and he's going downhill fast.

His wife also contracted Covid and is in the same hospital. The son had went back to work today just to have some sort of normalcy I guess and got a phone call around 10am today that his mother has also gotten much worse and they don't think she has only has days to live.

So that's both parents in very critical condition in less than two weeks after they were diagnosed.

I told this story about the parents of a business acquaintance back on January 15th. I just got an update from a co-worker of his that both parents passed away last weekend. Mother died midday Friday and his father early Sunday morning. Both parents gone within 48 hours of each other.
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