We aren’t. New knowledge about the effect of these relatively new vaccines keeps surfacing on a regular basis.
For example, very recently it was announced that some countries aren’t satisfyingly protected against the delta variant because they unknowingly didn’t rely on the most effective vaccine currently on the market. So re-vaccination (third injection) programmes of unknown scope are now being considered. It’s arguably a massive inconvenience at most, but it’s not exactly reassuring.
I find that a bit of a weak argument - you're cherry-picking results from the worst vaccine (I presume Sinovac) as if it applies to your situation, or generally. I'm assuming you would get offered one of the most effective, probably Pfizer.
I fully understand why the conventional vaccines are primarily offered to seniors. For the reasons you mention I also understand why the new COVID vaccines are being offered on a broader scale, but I don’t think they should be recommended for all age groups. At least not when good health is evident.
They may be 'conventional' in some sense, but it's still a new tweaked vaccine each year for Flu. They are also typically not very effective, maybe 10% to 50%. I think that if we had a vaccine for Flu that didn't need tweaking every year and was more effective, it would be very reasonable to recommend it to all adult age groups. (Vaccines that target the much less variable parts of the Flu virus are in development, I think).
I don’t trust that the authorities fully know what they are doing with these vaccines, as it’s still early days in a vaccine context. However, they are completely determined in distributing and advertizing them, thus agenda. Every influential institution is increasingly invested in it.
The first part is a fear that we discuss separately (clearly my view is that vaccines are safe enough to use and reduce overall risk even in younger adults... so I would be bothered if the authorities did
not share that view; it's what the facts show).
The second part about agenda is irrelevant unless you are also claiming that their motives are anything other than preventing illness and death.
Which is a key point of mine. The hard to find data should be a lot more accessible. Many people have based their vaccine decision purely on public pressure generated by media streams, which are more likely to be biased than purely objective.
It is mostly reasonably accessible, the harder to find stuff is usually for more specific aspects, when going to a read a paper is the only reliable way to get first-hand info. The media could and should do more to link to papers and other sources of information, but in many cases they don't do a terrible job of that already.
I'd say your definition of biased vs objective is a bit warped, tbh. When the data shows a net benefit for adults in taking the vaccine, I would not call it 'bias' to acknowledge that people's fears are unfounded, and to repeat the recommendation to get vaccinated. Showing unvaccinated people on their death beds is the objective truth of the situation currently, as admission statistics show.
It may drive the push for full vaccination, but it’s not necessarily the right call.
I was trying to emphasize that it's done with good, logical, intentions, not sinister ones.
Something else. The fatal cases among younger people (roughly from age 0 and 39) don’t appear to be particularly exceptional. Pandemics will always increase the numbers so in that regard we can’t even compare it to the fatality rate of a classic season flu. There’s a risk but high enough to warrant mass vaccinations? I don’t believe so, and that’s why these forced (more or less) vaccinations in places of the United States seem uncalled for.
Whoah there, you already defined 'younger people' to be adults, 20 to 39, and we already looked at the stats for those. COVID has, to a very rough aproximation, doubled their risk of death. That is exceptional, no doubt about it.
It is possible to compare CFR, perhaps more relevant to do so per country, and pandemic doesn't cause a problem in doing that (actually makes it easier because we could choose to pick a country with great data collection and stats). The main issue for Flu is getting reasonable estimates of overall case numbers (and estimating the effect of vaccines on the numbers, although that wouldn't be relevant if looking at under 50s).
That we've had to tolerate Flu and its death toll doesn't mean we accept it as inevitable. As I said, a better vaccine against it would hopefully be worth giving to all adults. It's only because the current Flu vaccine might only be 10% to 50% effective that we don't - the balance of risks don't warrant it. One with efficacy of 80% or 90%, that lasted more than one season, would be game-changing.
The balance of risks for COVID and, say, Pfizer are hugely different than those for Flu. All of the factors shift the balance towards vaccination being worth it - and there aren't
any that shift it away.
What will you say in September, when the FDA is expected to give Pfizer full (non-emergency) authorisation?